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Climate Change

Abubakar Sohail
Things that will be discussed today:

• Climate vs Weather

• Climate Change

• Causes of Climate Change

• Impacts of Climate Change

• Conclusion
Climate vs Weather
Climate Weather

Climate refers to long term Weather refers to the

regional or global average of atmospheric conditions of a
temperature. certain place for a short
period of time.
Climate Change

Climate change is the long-term change in the average

weather patterns that are responsible for Earth’s local,
regional and global climates.
Causes of Climate Change
Natural Causes

•Natural Internal Causes

•Natural External Causes

Human Activities:

•Emission of greenhouse gases

•High Concentration of carbon dioxide and carbonmonoxy in atmosphere due to burning of fossil

Impacts of Climate Change
• Melting of ice in glaciers, specially in north and south poles.

• Rising of sea levels.

• Extreme weather conditions.

• Precipitation(rain and snowfall)has increased, yet some regions of the world face
severe droughts which results in wildfires, lost crops and drinking water shortage.

• Rising temperatures are affecting wildlife.

Is it too late to prevent Climate Change?

It is a difficult task to do so, but not impossible. If we cut down the

emissions of greenhouse gases, CFCs etc. , we can save our planet from
devastation. Obviously it will take a long period of time life several
decades or even a century, but it’s totally worth it.

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