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By : Dr. Yeni Dhamayanti, drh., MKes

The fibularis (peroneus)

The fibularis tertius is a superficial, fusiform

muscle. It is tendinous at both its origin and
insertion. Its fibers coursing parallel to the long
axis of the leg.

The deep face of this muscle is somewhat concave

and the underlying extensor digitorum longus is
intimately adherent to this surface.
The fibularis (peroneus) tertius

Relations :
 Superficially; fascia and skin.

 Superficially and caudally; the

fibularis longus.
 Deeply; the extensor digitorum longus.

 Cranially and deeply; the tibialis

The fibularis (peroneus) longus

 The fibularis longus is a long, triangle-shaped muscle

situated in the most superficial position of the lateral

surface of the leg.

 Superficially; the skin .

 Deeply; the tibialis cranialis.

 Cranially ; the fibularis tertius and extensor digitorum


 Caudally; the extensor digitorum lateralis and flexor

digitorum profundus.
The tibialis cranialis

 The tibialis cranialis is the deepest of the

extensor group.
 It is a thin muscle lying on the craniolateral side
of the tibia lateral to the cranial border of the
 Superficially; the extensor digitorum longus,
fibularis longus and the skin.
 Deeply; the tibia, tendon of the fibularis tertius
and the cranial tibial vessels.
 Caudally; the extensor digitorum lateralis and
flexor digiti I longus.
The extensor digitorum longus

 The extensor digitorum longus is a

complex extensor of the digits. It is a
thin, fusiform muscle lying on the
craniolateral surface of the leg and
almost covered by the fibularis tertius
to which it is closely adherent.
 It lies between the tibialis cranialis and
extensor digitorum lateralis and
consists of two bellies – medial and
The extensor digitorum longus

 The medial belly (extensor digiti III) passes

through the extensor groove of the tibia, and its
tendon of insertion courses under the proximal
extensor retinaculum of the tarsus. Here it lies
between the tendons of the tibialis cranialis and
the lateral belly of this muscle.
 The tendon of the lateral belly is long, thin and
round. It is the most lateral of the tendons
passing under the proximal extensor
retinaculum at the tarsus.
The extensor digitorum longus

 Superficially and medially; the fibularis

 Deeply; the tibialis cranialis and

extensor digitorum brevis.

 Laterally; the fibularis longus.
The extensor digitorum lateralis

 The extensor digitorum lateralis lies on the lateral

surface of the leg, between the remainder of the

extensor group and the flexor of the limb.

 Superficially; the fascia and the skin.

 Deeply; the tibia and vestigial head of the fibula.

 Cranially; the fibularis longus, tibialis cranialis and

extensor digitorum longus.

 Caudally; the flexor digiti I longus.

The extensor digitorum brevis

 The extensor digitorum brevis is a very small

muscle located on the dorsal surface of the
 This is thin, inconspicuous muscle composed
of tendinous as well as fleshy tissue.
 Superficially; the tendon of the extensor
digitorum longus.
 Deeply; the trochlea of the talus and the large
metatarsal bone.
The gastrocnemius

 The gastrocnemius is a large, fleshy muscle

composed of a medial and lateral head of nearly
equal size. Together they form the major fleshy
portion of the caudal aspect of the leg.
 The axial surface of the two heads is fused,
except near the origin. The popliteal artery and
vein and the tibial nerve pass between the non-
fused portion.
 The abaxial edges are thin and flat.
 The deep surface of this muscle are grooved in a
concave manner to accommodate the flexor
digitorum superficialis.
The soleus

 The soleus is thin, ribbon-like slip along the cranial

edge of the flexor digiti I longus.
 It extends from the head of the fibula and inserts on
the deep surface of the tendon of the lateral head of
the gastrocnemius near its proximal part.
 The latter, along with the tendons of the flexor
digitorum superficialis, gluteobiceps, and
semitendinosus, comprise the common calcaneal
tendon, which is frequently designated as the
hamstring tendon.
 However, the tendons of the triceps surrae, i.e. the
gastrocnemius and soleus, are disignated the
calcaneal tendon or Achille’s tendon.
The flexor digitorum superficialis

 The flexor digitorum superficialis is a well

developed, fleshy, fusiform muscle throughout its
proximal two thirds.
 It is embedded in the deep surface of the
 At the distal one third the muscle tapers to a
strong, round tendon.
 The tendon at first lies cranial to that of the
gastrocnemius, but it emerges to lie superficially at
the calcaneal tuber.
The flexor digitorum profundus

 The flexor digitorum profundus is a complex

muscle composed of three heads and lying on the

caudolateral surface of the tibia.

1. The medial head (flexor digitorum longus)

2. Superficial head (tibialis caudalis)

3. Deep head (flexor digiti I longus)

The flexor digitorum profundus

 Media head (flexor digitorum longus) – from

its fleshy origin on the lateral surface of the
tibia, this muscle courses obliquely across the
 At the distal on third, the muscle tapers to a
thin, flat tendon which courses over the medial
surface of the hock in a canal in the medial
collateral ligament.
The flexor digitorum profundus

 Superficial head (tibialis caudalis) – this is a

thin, flat muscle, partially adherent to the
underlying flexor digiti I longus near its origin.
The muscle becomes tendinous at the proximal
and distal one half.
 The thin tendon joins the larger tendon of the
flexor digiti I longus at the tarsus.
The flexor digitorum profundus

 Deep head (flexor digiti I longus) – this is the largest and has

a most extensive origin from the tibia. Both the cranial and
caudal surface of this muscle are concave to accommodate the
cranially lying tibialis caudalis and the caudally lying tibia.
 The combined tendon of insertion passes on the plantar surface

of the metatarsus and bifurcates just proximal to the proximal

 The deep tendons lie in tubular structures (manica flexoria)

composed primarily of the tendon of the flexor digitorum

superficialis with the interosseus.
The popliteus

 The popliteus is the fleshy, triangular muscle

coursing across the distal portion of the caudal
aspect of the stifle joint.
 It courses in a medial and distal direction, to insert
on the tibia. Its proximal edge lies in a transverse
fashion across the obliquely at an angle of 45
 Tendinous tissue is dispersed throughout the fleshy
Diagrammatic representation of the arteries
of the right hindlimb - medial view
Diagrammatic representation of the venous
drainage of the right hindlimb - medial view



Manica flexoria
Struktur membulat yg terletak di plantar metatarsal
Terdiri dari
1. Tendo m. Fl dig sup
2. Tendo m. Fl dig prof
3. M. interoseus

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