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• What is academic English?
• Academic English is…
• …often considered relatively formal complex English that conveys ideas in a
precise and objective manner. It is generally acknowledged to include the
essential skills of literary analysis, the observance of reference systems, the
synthesis of associated scholars and the ability of critical evaluation
Main features of academic English
• is usually formal in tone and impersonal in style
• avoids contractions or shortened forms of verbs, such as won't, doesn't or it's
• avoids using a linking word such as 'and' or 'but' at the beginning of a sentence
• avoids personal pronouns such as I, me, you, your
• may use the passive form of verbs
• avoids verbs that are composed of multiple words, such as 'give up', 'put up with'
• tends to employ a cautious way of explaining findings, using expressions such as
'may', 'it is possible that...', 'could'
• may use specialised vocabulary.
Academic English: Writing
• The important elements in writing:

• their vocabulary and expressions

• Fluency in grammar
• spelling
• the types of text used (for instance essays, reports, research articles or
• Structure and organization of the text
Academic English: Reading
• The important elements in reading:

• vocabulary and the style

• expressions
• Main point or idea in the text
• key information relevant to your task or assignment
How well do you
know the English language?
• 1. Am, is, was, were, are, are called modal verbs. T or F?

• Answer: F,

• they are called linking verbs

• 2. Which of the following words has the right spelling?

• A. absence, abscence, absence

• Answer: #1

• B. occassion, occasion, ocassion

• Answer: #2

• .
• embarrass, embarass, embarrass
• Answer #1
3. seen, eaten, given, drunk, flown, are called _______ _________
1. Late in class
2nd offense: 2 points deduction to the next quiz
3rd offense : 3 points deduction to the next quiz
4th offense: 5 points deduction to monthly test

2. No home work
3. 1st offense: do your homework while the class is on-going
4. 2nd offense: do your homework while the class is on-going./and to be given an additional
5. 3rd offense: 5 points deduction to final test/or activity

3. caught doing homework from another subject

1st offense: - 3 points deduction from written works/or performance task or activity
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• 2nd offense~onwards: automatic zero to the next activity/or task
• Late submission of written works
• 1st offense: 2 points deduction to the written work
• 2nd offense: 3 points deduction to the written work
• 3rd offense ~ onwards: 6 points deduction and additional written work
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