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Chapter -1

Introduction to object oriented

Computer applications - Lorven public school, Chandapura
What is POP?

 POP is procedure oriented programming.

 In procedural programming, program is divided into small parts called functions.
 Procedural programming follows top down approach.
 Procedural programming does not have any proper way for hiding data so it is less secure.
 In procedural programming, function is more important than data.
 Examples: C, FORTRAN, Pascal, Basic etc.

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Function 1 DATA f4


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Computer applications - Lorven public school, Chandapura
What is OOP?
 OOP is Object oriented programming.
 Its  a programming approach based on objects and classes.
 A class is an entity that determines how an object will behave and what the object will
contain. In other words, it is a blueprint or a set of instruction to build a specific type of
 Objects contain data in the form of attributes and code in the form of methods.
 In object oriented programming, data is more important than function.
 Examples: C++, Java, Python, C# etc.

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classes and objects.
Class Object

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Computer applications - Lorven public school, Chandapura
Differences between POP and OOP


Gives importance to Procedure Gives importance to Data

Programs are divided into functions Programs are divided into objects

Follows top-down approach Follows bottom-up approach

Data is insecure Data is secured

Example: FORTRAN, C Example: C++,JAVA

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Object-Oriented Concepts
 Objects: It is considered as a variable of type class and an instance of a is a real word
entity. which exists. That we can see.

 Example: car, tree, mobile

 Class: it is a blueprint of an object. It is a set of objects of similar type. A is the data type for
objects. It shows wat object has and how it behaves. It is called an object factory.
 Example: animal class. If animal is a class then dog, cat, cow etc.. Can be the objects of it.

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 Abstraction is nothing but a method of hiding background details and representing

essential features.
 It is an act of presenting only essential features.
 Example: coffee machine. We only dispensing buttons of coffee machine but we do not is
how coffee is prepared inside. All the process is hidden.
 ATM machine:
 Reading card details
 Verifying PIN
 Checking the account balance.
 Counting the cash

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 The encapsulation is a method of packing the data and functions into a single unit.
 data can only be accessed by methods thus making the private fields and their
implementation hidden for outside classes. That’s why encapsulation is known as data

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Example of encapsulation

 Coffee machine
 When we press button , machine grinds coffee beans into powder, heats some water and
pours it into coffee powder and then coffee decoction is ready to which it adds milk.
 But all these steps are encapsulated together to make coffee when a sing button is pressed.
 Here, coffee beans, water, milk are data that we don’t see directly.

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 Inheritance is a technique of acquiring features of objects from one class to the other class
objects. In other words, it helps in deriving a new class from the existing one.
 Example : animal class. It can have variable called colour and method called sound().
 If there is another class called Bird, even it may need to have same method because even
birds have sound.
 So bird class can use method of animal class by inheritance.
 The class that gets inherited is called base class, super class or parent class.
 The class that inherits base class is known as derived class, sub class or child class.

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 Inheritance is transitive.
 It means that all the attributes and behaviours of base class can be passed down from
parent class to child class.

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 Polymorphism means taking many forms. Poly= many and morph=form

 It is the ability of a function to take multipole forms.
 Polymorphism provides a method of creating multiple forms of a function by using a
single function name.
 It is a mechanism by you can send same message to different objects and each object can
respond in a different way based on its class

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Computer applications - Lorven public school, Chandapura
Quick Revision
 Classes
 Objects
 Principles of oops
 Abstraction
 Encapsulation
 Inheritance
 Polymorphism

Computer applications - Lorven public school, Chandapura

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