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Values and Data Types

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.


 Each statement in java is formed by using different words called “Tokens”.

 Each token is formed by valid characters.
 Hence characters are the fundamental units of JAVA.

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.

Character sets in JAVA

Character Sets

Letters Digits Delimiters Operators

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.

 Letters: A-Z AND a-z
 Digits : 0-9
 Delimiters: these are the special characters .
 Braces- (),[],{}
 Dot- .
 Comma- ,
 Semicolon: ;
 Operators: special symbols used to perform operations .
 Arithmetic operators: +, -, *,/,% etc..
 Logical operators: &&,||,!
 Relational operators: <,>,<=,>= etc..

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.

Encoding of characters

 Characters that we enter are converted to machine language, i.e. it is stored

in binary form.
 It is converted using encoding techniques.
 There are 2 types of encoding techniques, they are
 ASCII-American standard code for information exchange.
 Unicode
 Each character has a code I any encoding technique.

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.


Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.


 Unicode provides a unique number for every character,

no matter what the platform,
no matter what the program,
no matter what the language.
 The code contains hexadecimal digits ranging from 0x0000 to FxFFFF

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.

Escape sequences

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.


 Keywords
 Identifiers
 Literals
 Operators
 Punctuators
 Separators
 Assignment

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.


 Keywords in Java are predefined or reserved words that have special meaning

to the Java compiler.

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.


Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.


Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.


Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.


 An operator in Java is a special symbol that signifies the compiler to perform

some specific mathematical or non-mathematical operations on one or more

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.

Punctuators and separators

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.
Primitive data types
 Declaration vs initialization
 int x;
 x=2;
 Default initialization

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.

Static vs dynamic initialization

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.

Non-primitive data-types

 These are derived by primitive data types.

 They are also called derived types reference types and composite types.
 Here instead of storing data these data types store reference to memory
location, where actually the data is stored.

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.

Type conversion

 Implicit type conversion

 conversion takes place when two data types are automatically converted.
This happens when
 The two data types are compatible.
 When we assign value of a smaller data type to a bigger data type.
 Byte char short int long float double
 Example: int a; long b, c;
 c= a + b;
 Here the answer is automatically converted to long.

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.

Type conversion

 Explicit type conversion

 If we want to assign a value of larger data type to a smaller data type we
perform explicit type casting or narrowing.
 This is useful for incompatible data types where automatic conversion cannot
be done.
 Here, target-type specifies the desired type to convert the specified value to.

Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.


public class MyClass

public static void main(String[] args)
double myDouble = 9.78;
int myInt = (int) myDouble; // Manual casting: double to int

System.out.println(myDouble); // Outputs 9.78

System.out.println(myInt); // Outputs 9
Computer applications-Lorven public school, chanadapura.

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