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Chapter 7: Data Processing

Lesson Plan
1. Editing of filled in questionnaire;
2. Coding
3. Data entry and its cleaning
4. Generation of tables and calculation of
required parameters
1. Editing
Last stage of a research process. It is the oral
and/or written presentation of major findings,
and recommendations for courses of action to
management or other audience. It can be:
• written
• oral
Generally research findings are required to be
presented in seminars or workshops, from
where comments are obtained. Comments are
also obtained from Clients. After their
incorporation, Reports are finalized.
2. Report: Written
Reports vary from area to area. However there
are some common format. Generally there are
3 parts:
• Prefatory part
• Main Body, and
• Appended part.
Prefatory Part
• Title page (sometimes preceded by title fly page)
• Letter of transmittal
• Letter of authorization, if needed
• Table of contents (ToC)
• Summary or Executive summary:
 Objectives
 Methodology
 Results or Major findings in summarized form
 Conclusions and recommendations
Main Body
• Background
• Problem statement
• Objectives
• Research design (methods to be used)
• Target population and its geographical distribution
• Sample design and its procedure
• Sample size and its allocation
• Instruments to be used and their finalization
• Enumerators: their recruitment, training and
• Implementation and limitations
Findings to be presented in a number of Chapters
Chapter: Conclusions & Recommendations

Appended Parts
• ToR
• Data collection formats
• Detailed calculations
• General (big) tables
• Bibliography
• Other support materials, if any.
Statistical tables
• Table number
• Table title
• Column caption
• Body of tables
• Footnote
• source
• Figure number
• Title
• Explanatory legends
• Source and foot notes.

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