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Hydroponics systems

 Use of solid substrates.

Can be open or closed
- Trench Technique
- Hanging Bag Technique
- Grow bag Technique
- Pot Technique
- Vertical Pot Technique
 Closed Systems
 This system is based on circulation of nutrient solution,
where the solution is pumped through the root system
and the excess collected to be used again
1. Nutrient Film Technique
A true hydroponics system. The root system is exposed to the
nutrient solution. The nutrient solution is in the form of a
thin film moving through the pipes. The seedlings are
put on a stand and surrounded by sponge or rockwool in
openings made in the pipes.
Non-circulating Circulating
hydroponics system hydroponics system

Kealakehe Chapter
 Deep Flow Technique
In this system the nutrient solution is allowed to flow 2-3 cm
below in a PVC pipe of 10 cm diameter. The solution is
passing through perforated plastic cups with the seedlings
grown on growing media. The bottom of the cups touches
the nutrient solution running in the pipe.
The tube length is 5-10 m with a slope of 1/50-1/75. the
nutrient solution is pumped at the rate of 2-3 liters/minute.
Support should be provided to tall plants
 Closed systems (cont)
►The growing medium can be pitmus or rockwool.
A plastic net can be used to prevent the growing medium
from falling into the nutrient solution
► when the nutrient solution is circulated it is saturated with
oxygen. The pipes should have aslope of 1 cm for every
30-40 cm pipe to facilitate the movement of the solution
►Pipes can be painted white to reduce heat
 Open Systems
►The system pumps the nutrient solution through the root system
and the excess solution is discarded.
Several techniques are available:
1. Root dipping technique
in this method the plants are grown in small pots filled with a
growing medium and placed such that 2-3 cm of it are
immersed in the nutrient solution and the rest is in air above
the solution to absorb Oxygen, this method is simple and
 Floating Technique
►This method is similar to the root dipping
technique, except that here shallow containers are
used (10 cm deep). Plants are placed in holes
made in Styrofoam or similar material. The board
is allowed to float on the nutrient solution.
Oxygen is supplied artificially.
 Capillary Action technique
►plants are grown on a mixture of a growing
medium and sand in pots placed on the
nutrient medium. Aeration is very important
in this method.
Good for ornamental and house plants
 Solid Substrates
In this technique solid growing media are used like
Vermiculite, saw dust, sand, rockwool,…etc
However, the substance used should be:
- Inert. Does not react with the nutrient elements and have
neutral PH.
- With good porosity to allow drainage and aeration
- Free from toxic materials, pests and diseases
Specifications of solid substrates

- Easy to use
- Cheap
- Allow several uses and easy to dispose off
- Should be sterilized before use
Trench Technique
 In this technique plants are grown in a narrow
trench made in the soil or a brick or cement made
 The trench should be made with a 1cm slope for
every 50-75 cm towards the center of the house
where the nutrient tank is located.
 The trench should be 15 m long. A wide trench
will allow planting 2 rows of plants
 Depth of trench depends on plant type, 30 cm
Trench cont

 The trench lined with a water proof

substance like poly ethylene to separate the
plants from the bottom of trench.
 The nutrient solution is supplied to the
plants by a submersible pump in a drip
irrigation system,Excess solution is returned
back to the tank by a drainage pipe.
Hanging Bags

 By using poly ethylene bags (white color

 Bags are filled with a suitable growth medium
and hanged vertically
 Seedlings are placed in holes made at the sides of
 Nutrient solution is added at the top of bag
 Excess solution is collected at the bottom and
Planting in Bags

 Bags of of 1-1.5 m are filled with growth medium and

placed flat on the ground leaving alleys
Nutrient Solutions

 These are solutions containing all the nutrient elements necessary for
plant growth and are used for irrigation of hydroponics
► There is no ideal solution for all crops.
►The water used for making the nutrient solution should be free from
salts as much as possible (EC< 0.6 ds/m) and Na concentration <

Crop/Ec (ds/m) 1.4 2.4 3.4 4.4

Onions 77 39 39 28
Beans 88 55 22 16
Peas 77 53 - -
Radish 91 68 54 38
Nutrient Solutions
Essential elements
Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen
■ They form the skeleton of organic mater
(carbohydrates, proteins…etc).
Plants get C from CO2 in the atmosphere. CO2 in
the atmosphere is 0.03%
■ Plants get H2 from irrigation water and O2 from
Photosynthesis: 6CO2 + 6H2O in the presence of
light and chlorophyll will yield carbohydrates
(C6H12O6) + 6O2
The Essential Elements

Criteria for essentiality

1. Omission of the element must result in
abnormal growth, failure to complete its life
cycle or premature death
2. The element must be specific and not
replaceable by another
3. The element must exert its effect directly and
not by some indirect effect
Limiting Concentrations for some Nutrient elements in Some Nutrient
Solutions (ppm)
Element Deficient Adequate Toxic Common range
in NS
As Nitrate 0.14 to10 3 to 70 20 to 200 49 to 210

As 0.007 to 5 0.03 to 25 0.4 to 100 0 to 154

K 0.4 to 6 10 to 39 - 59 to 300
0.04 to 4 1.1 to 5
Ca 0.02 to 22 0.24 to 40 - 80 to 200

Mg 0.05 to 6 o.2 to 2.6 - 24 to 60

P 0.003 to 4 0.007 2.6 0.03 4 15 to 192

S - 1.3 - 48 to 224
Micro elements
Deficient Adequate Toxic range in
Mn 0.55 to 71 0.55 to 2.3 16.5 to 3.85 110 to 550

Zn 0.65 to 3 3.25 to 16 195 to 390 0 to 550

Cu 0.653 1.26 - 0 to 10
Essential elements

■ Nitrogen
Concentration in plants 2 to 5 % of dry weight.
- Proteins
- Chlorophyll
- Hormones
N deficiency
Yellowing of the middle of the leaf in monocots
Yellowing of whole leaf in dicots
Reduced growth
Lower leaves first (mobile element)

 N excess
 As bad as N deficiency
- Dark green color
- Fast rate of growth
- Few flowers and fruits
- Greater sensitivity to changing environmental changes
- Reduced fruit quality
- Forms of Utilization
- NO3- and NH4+
- NO3 is better absorbed in acid media
- NH4 is better absorbed in alkaline media
- Equal uptake at PH 6.8
- Toxicity (with heavy use of NH4+ fertilizers)
► N can be lost from the soil by deep percolation
(NO3-) and denitrification
►NH4 is adsorbed by clay, transformed to NO3 by
micro organisms and lost
Concentration in NS

 In most NS range is 100 to 200 ppm

 if using both NO3 and NH4 the ratio of NO3 to
NH4 should be about 3 to 4
 Start with a low level and increase the
concentration as the plant grows
 Good management of N is essential in soilless
growing systems.

N fixation
● Rhizobia spp (root bacteria) fix atmospheric N in Legumes.
● In the field, legumes should be inoculated by the proper
strain of Rhizobia
● Some bacteria can mineralize organic N, like Azotobacter,
Important Sources
 Ca(NO3).4H2O; KNO3; HNO3 For NO3-N
 NHNO3 For both sources
 (NH4)2SO4; NH4H2PO4 for NH4-N
 Urea is not recommended as N source in
hydroponic formulations as its hydrolysis
produces NH4

Content in plants 0.2 to 0.5% of dry matter.
- Nucleic acids (ATP. ADP, RNA) (Energy transfer)
- Enzymes
- Lipids
P deficiency (on older leaves)
- Dark purple color on leaves in monocots
- Dark red color on the veins in dicots
- Slow growth
- Few flowers and fruits

Excess P
Mostly indirect effect
Fe, Mn and Zn deficiency
Early maturity

H2PO4- (dihydrogen phosphate, (PH 5.5-6.5)
HPO4 (monohydrogen phosphate)
PO4--- (phosphate)
► Most element absorbed by plants (luxury
Plants contain 1.25 to 3.0 K (dry wt bases). Some plants
contain more e.g. bananas. Fruiting plants like tomato
cucumber and pepper require more K other crops
Uptake high during vegetative stage and decline at
fruiting stage
- Nucleic acids synthesis
- Enzyme activation
- Cell division
- Water uptake
- Stomatal function
● Reduced turgor (wilt easy)
● Yellowing of leaf margins (old leaves, mobile
● Leaf scorch (burning)
● Uneven maturity
● Slow growth
Balance among cations

 A critical balance exists among K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+

 When K is high in comparison with Ca or Mg, Mg
deficiency will occur Ca deficiency may also
occur in some cases
 Concentration in NS is around 200ppm

- Content in plants 0.5 to 3.0% (DWB)
- Cell wall
Deficiency appear on young leaves first.
- Yellow green color, brown or black leaf tip
- Poor leaf expansion, brown roots
- Blossom end rot
● Most available in soils (PH>7)

 In NS concentration is about 200ppm.

 Major source: Calcium Nitrate
 Calcium sulfate (poor solubility)
 Calcium chloride (excess chloride is toxic)

Leaves contain 0.2 to 0.5% DWB

- Chlorophyll formation
- Catalyst in enzymes function
Results mostly from imbalance between K, Ca, Mg and NH4
-Interveinal chlorosis on old leaves (mobile)
-Yellow spots
- Susceptibility to fungal diseases
 Most hydroponics solutions contain about 50 ppm
 Sources
 Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4.7H2O)
 Natural water contain a lot of Mg (quantity
contributed by water should be determined)
In leaves 0.15 to 0.5% DWB
Constituent of some amino acids (cystien, cystine,
methionine, thiamine (Vit B1)
Similar to N deficiency
Yellowing of new leaves
 In hydroponics solutions concentration should be
about 50 ppm.
 Sources
 K2SO4, MgSO4.7H2O, (NH4)2SO4 …etc
 Plants can tolerate excess S
Micro nutrients
 Zn
 Fe
 Cu
 Mn
 Mo
 Cl
Calculation of Concentrations

 Example 1: Calculate the amount of Ca and N in

100 Kg of Ca(NO3)2
 Solution:
 Atom #of atoms At Mass %
 Ca 1 40 (40) 24
 N 2 14 (28) 17
 O 6 16 (96) 58
►MW = 164
 Therefore, In 100 kg of Ca(NO3)2 there is:
 17 kg N
 24 kg Ca
 Example 2
 Calculate the amount of N in 100 kg of NH4NO3
 Solution:
 Calculate MW
Calculations (cont)
 N: 14x 2 = 28
 H: 1 x 4 = 4
 O: 16 x 3= 48
 MW = 80
 N = 28/80 x100 = 35%
►In 100 kg of NH4NO3 there are 35 kg N.
Calculations (cont)
 Example 3
 (NH4)2HPO4
 MW = 28 + 9 + 31+ 64 = 132
 N: 28/132 x 100 = 21%
 P: 31/132 x 100 = 23%
 In all calculations we assume pure grade (Reagent
grade). However, in commercial fertilizers there
are usually impurities and additives.
Calculations (cont)
correction for impurities;
 If we have 10% impurities then multiply quantity
by 110/100
 Example4: If Ca(NO3)2 in the 1st example has 10%
impurities then the quantities will be as follows: 17
x 110/100 = 18.7 kg
 And N will be: 24 x 110/100 = 26.4 kg
Calculations (cont)

 Example 5
 Calculate the amount of Ca(NO3)2 to be added to a
nutrient solution to get 200ppm of Ca, if the
fertilizer used is 90% pure?
 (i.e. we want 200 ppm Ca in every liter of water)
 1. In every 164 mg Ca(NO3)2 there are 40 mg Ca
(164 is the MW of Ca(NO3)2)
 MW of Ca(NO3)2 = 40+2x14+6x16 = 164
 2. In X mg Ca(NO3)2 we have:
164 X 200/40 = 820 Ca(NO3)2
►If we dissolve 820 mg Ca(NO3)2 in one liter of
water we get 200 ppm Ca.
Solution (cont)

To correct for impurities:

820 X 110/100 = 902 mg
 At the same time, some N is added. This should
be calculated as follows:
 In 164 mg Ca(NO3)2 There are 28 mg N
 Therefore, in 820 mg Ca(NO3)2 there are x mg N:
820 X 28/164 = 140 mg N

 Calculate the amount of fertilizer source needed

to give a solution containing:
1. 100 ppm K using KNO3
2. 150 ppm S using MgSO4.7H2O
3. 200 ppm P using Ca3(PO4)2
4. 2 ppm B using H3BO4
Molecular wts:
K (39), P(31), O (16), N (14), Ca (40), H (1),
Mg (24), S (32), B (10).
Exercise (cont)

 Calculate concentrations of N, Mg, Ca in ppm in

the above sources.
 Repeat the exercise assuming 5% impurities in the
source fertilizer.
Preparation of NS
 The use of a particular NS should be based on 3
1. Hydroponics growing technique
2. Frequency and rate of NS dozing of plant roots
3. Crop nutrient element requirements

 The making of NS requires considerable quantities

of water
 Most waters contain substances and elements that
affect (positively or negatively) plant growth.
Sizable quantities of Na, HCO-3, Ca and Mg can
be present in under ground water
 Therefore a complete analysis of water to be used
is essential
Maximum mineral concentrations for irrigation water used
for hydroponics

Element/ion Maximum concentration (ppm)

Cl 50 to 100
Na 30 to 50
CO3 4.0
B 0.7
Fe 1.0
Mn 1.0
Zn 1.0
Water quality guidelines for irrigation water for NS

Characteristic No problem Increasing Severe

EC < 0.75 0.75 to 3.0 > 3.0

TDS (mg/L) < 480 480 to 1920 1920

Na, SAR <3 3 to 9 9

Cl < 70 70 to 1920 345

B 1.0 1.0 to 2.0 2 to 10

NH4,, NO3, mg/L <5 5 to 30 30

HCO3 < 40 40 to 520 > 520

Water (cont)

 Any suspended material should be removed by

filtering through sand bed
 Sometimes, surface or pond water contain disease
organisms or algae which can produce problems
 Filtering and other treatments are required
in such cases.
 The PH of NS
 Depends on the content of the NS
 Temperature
 Concentration of CO2
The Ph of Ns affects uptake of nutrient elements
Continuously monitor PH. Add acid or alkali
depending on situation
Effect of root medium PH on nutrient
Water quality (cont)
►Organic substances such as pesticides
and herbicides are very dangerous and can
affect plant growth if present in the NS
even in very low concentrations!!
►Pathogens may inter the system
Water from surface wells or from surface
water should be analyzed for those before
NS (cont.)
 Nutrient elements concentrations will change over
extended period of time (more than 7days?)

 Take samples, analyze and replace spent

Useful conversions
 1.0 pound (lb) = 454 grams (g)
 2.2 pounds = 1 kilogram (kg)
 1.0 gallon (gal) = 3.78 liters (L)
 1.0 liter = 1000 milliliters (mL)
 1.0 gram = 1000 milligrams (mg)
 1.0 milligram/liter = 1 part per million (ppm)

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