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Moon landing

A moon landing is the arrival

of a spacecraft on the surface
of the moon this includes
both manned and robotic
missions.the first human-
made object to touch the
moon was the sovient
Unions Luna .
Who has walked on the moon?
• Neil Armstronfand Edwin “ Buzz”
Aldrin were the first of 12 human
being who walked on the
Moon.Four of America
moonwalkers are still alive Aldrin(
Apollo 11) David Scott (Apollo 15)
Charles Duke (Apollo 16) and
Harrison Schmitt(Apollo 17)
8 Little know facts About the
Moon Landing
• 1.Moon dirt smells
• -Moon soil is extremely clingy and
hard to brush off,so when Armstrong
and aldrin returned to the lunar
moedule and repressurized it,lunar
dirt that had clung to the mrns suits
entered the cabin and began to emit
an odor
• 2.JFK was more focused on beating
the Soviets than in space.
• -set sail on this new sea because
there is new knowledge to be
gained,and new rights to be
won,and they must be won and
used for the progress of all people.
• 3.the Sovients covered up their
efforts to get moon first
• -it turns out that the United States
wasn’t alone in wanting to
demonstrate it’s dominace by
landing humans on the moon.the
Soviet Union was also gunning to
accomplish the feat.
• 4.Astronauts trained for microgravity
by walking “Sideway”
• -how do you prepare to send
someone to plce no one has ever
gone before? For NASA in the 1960’
• The answer is create simulations that
mimicked aspects of what asronauts
could expect to encounter.
• 5.Civil Rights activists got a front-row
seat to the Apollon 11 launch.
• -Not everyone was gung-ho about the
U.S effort to land people on the
moon.a few days before the
scheduled lauch of apollo 11 a group
of activists ,led by civil rights .leader
Ralph Abernathy ,arrived outside the
gates of the Kennedy Space Center.
• 6.Buzz Aldrin took holy
communication on the moon
• -so aldrin used some of the time
doing something unexpected
something no man had ever
attempted before.
• 7. Scientist were lives for the about
space germs infecting earth.
• -since human had never been to
the moon before,NASA scientist
couldn’t be sure that some deadly
space-borne plague hadn’t hitched
a ride on the astronauts.
• 8.President Nixon was anxious the
mission could fail
• -that the nerve-racking honor fell
to president richard nixon who
had been elacted in 1968.

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