Patterns of Development

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Patterns of Development
An Overview
Purpose of Patterns

Inorder to write about a subject, you

need to decide how you want to write
about it
Writing with patterns allows you to
limit and narrow your approach to a
+ Patterns of Development
 Narration

 Description

 Definition

 Process Analysis

 Division and Classification

 Problem-Solution

 Persuasion

 Comparison and Contrast

 Exemplification

 Cause and Effect

* = patterns we will be studying

 Relating of events in a climatic sequence
 Describes what, when and where something
 This requires chronological ordering.

 “I was seven years old when I first became aware of

the terrible power of guilt.”

By: Maya Angelou

 A word picture; capturing with words the essence
and flavor of a scene, person, or thing
 “Never before had Pedro experienced such a depth of
despair and such a sense of isolation.”

“I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

By: Maya Angelou
 Defining an abstract or disputed word, term, or phrase
 Includes definition of the term, the class to which it
belongs and he details that differentiate it from other
members of its class.

 “Guilt
is the remorse that comes from an awareness of having
done something wrong.”

 Illustrate = give examples of what you are trying to

 Uses specific illustrations to clarify a general
 It uses Transitional Words and Phrases.

 “Seneca once said ‘Every guilty person is his own

hangman.’ The truth of this observation can be illustrated
by the lives of countless villains.”
Comparison and Contrast

Examines how given subjects

are either similar or different.
Comparison and Contrast

 Compare = point out

how two things are
 Contrast = stress how
two things are dissimilar
 “Althoughthe two words
may seem to share some
connotations, guilt is not
a synonym for blame.”
Causal Analysis/Cause or effect
 Explanations that show
a connection between a
situation and its cause
or effect
 Answers “why did this
happen?” or “what will
this do?”
 “Guilt is caused by the
failure of the will.”
Process Analysis

 Gives instructions on how to do something

 Presented by a series of steps in a strict chronological

 “Do you know the most effective way to handle a friend turned
a debtor? Make the person feel guilty.”
Division and Classification
 To discover the
nature of a subject
by a study of its
parts and their
relationships to the
larger whole
 “The Bible identifies
three kinds of guilt:
guilt of the
unpardonable sin,
redeemable guilt, and
guilt of innocence.”
 It has two parts:
*The Problem
* The Solution
 Presentsthe readers with a problem (a cause) and
some facts or reasons why it is a problem.
 The closing statement underscores the connection
between the problem and the solution.

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