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Workplace E

Role of Man of Work Eth
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a ad Inculcating
Prep o C. Gu ong Ethics
Jeric liza J. Ic ales Jr. Traits of an
e x
Rub rdo G. O Ways in Pro
Ethical Lead
Edg moting Wor
k Ethics
Work Ethics

What is Work Ethics?

-A standard of conduct and values for job
-Is a belief that hard work and diligence have a
moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value
to strengthen character and individual abilities.
Importance of Work Ethics

• Workplace ethics ensures POSITIVE ambience at

the workplace.
• Workplace ethics leads to happy and satisfied
employees who enjoy coming to work rather than
treating it as a mere source of burden. Employees
also develop a feeling of loyalty and attachment
towards the organization.
Role of Management in Inculcating
Workplace Ethics

Management plays an essential role in

inculcating workplace ethics in employees.
Bosses need to set an example for their
subordinates. You need to come on time if you
expect your team members to reach office on

Management needs to act as a source of inspiration

for the employees. It is generally observed that team
managers, leaders influence their team members to
a large extent. Superiors strictly need to adhere to
the rules and regulations of the organization for
their employees to follow the same. Remember, you
have no rights to scold your subordinates if you
yourself are at fault. 
Constant communication between the management
and employees is of utmost importance in inculcating
workplace ethics. Management ought to be
transparent with its employees. Let them have a say in
company’s decisions. Let them decide what is right
and what is wrong for them. Sit with them, discuss,
brainstorm ideas and listen to what they have to say.
Never ignore their opinions. Let them come out with
their grievances.
Some organizations do not easily release their
employees. Remember, you cannot stop an
individual from changing his job if he/she has
already decided to move on. Try to convince
him once and if he/she is still not willing to
continue, let him go. Employees depend on fake
relieving letters, experience certificates when
they do not get it from their previous
organization on time.
10 Ethical Leadership Characteristics
10 Ethical Leadership Characte

1. Justice
An ethical leader is always fair and just. They have no favorites, and treat
everyone equally. Under an ethical leader, no employee has any reason to
fear biased treatment on the basis of gender, ethnicity, nationality, or any
other factor.
2. Respect others
One of the most important traits of ethical leadership is the respect that is
given to followers. An ethical leader shows respect all members of the team
by listening to them attentively, valuing their contributions, being
compassionate, and being generous while considering opposing viewpoints.
3. Honesty
It goes without saying that anyone who is ethical will also be honest and
loyal. Honesty is particularly important to be an effective ethical leader,
because followers trust honest and dependable leaders. Ethical leaders
convey facts transparently, no matter how unpopular they may be.
4. Humane
Being humane is one of the most revealing traits of a leader who is ethical
and moral. Ethical leaders place importance in being kind, and act in a
manner that is always beneficial to the team.
5. Focus on teambuilding
Ethical leaders foster a sense of community and team spirit within the
organization. When an ethical leader strives to achieve goals, it is not just
personal goals that they’re concerned about. They make genuine efforts to
achieve goals that benefit the entire organization – not just themselves.
6. Value driven decision-making
In ethical leadership, all decisions are first checked to ensure that they are
in accordance with the overall organizational values. Only those decisions
that meet this criterion are implemented.
7. Encourages initiative
Under an ethical leader, employees thrive and flourish. Employees are
rewarded for coming up with innovative ideas, and are encouraged to do
what it takes to improve the way things are done. Employees are praised
for taking the first step rather than waiting for somebody else to do it for
8. Leadership by example
Ethical leadership is not just about talking the talk, this type of leader
also walks the walk. The high expectations that an ethical leader has of
employees are also applicable on the individual level. Leaders expect
others to do the right thing by leading from example.
9. Values awareness
An ethical leader will regularly discuss the high values and
expectations that they place on themselves, other employees, and the
organization. By regularly communicating and discussing values, they
ensure that there is consistent understanding across the organization.
10. No tolerance for ethical violations
An ethical leader expects employees to do the right thing at all times,
not just when it is convenient for them. Don’t expect a leader of such
high values to overlook or tolerate ethical violations.
Ways in Promoting Work Ethics
1. The best way to promote workplace ethics is to be very specific and
careful while recruiting potential employees who would be
representing the top levels especially the human resource
2. Human resource professionals ought to communicate the
organization policies and code of conduct clearly to the employees
the very first day.
3. Listen to what your employees have to say. Let them come out with
their problems

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