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Fragility of Marriage


• Definition
– A special contract of permanent union between a
man and a woman entered into in accordance
with law for the establishment of conjugal and
family life
– May also be called matrimony
• Husband
– Earn or provide of marriage emphasizes mutual
living for the family
• Wife
– Takes care of the domestic task
• Today the modern concept affection,
companionship and individual growth
• 1987 Philippine Constitution
– Provides strong support for family values
– Pro-family
– Pro-life
• Article 2 Section 12
– The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and
shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic
autonomous social institution.
• To the Filipino, one's family is the source of personal
identity, the source of emotional and material
support, and the person's main commitment and
responsibility. This sense of family results in a feeling
of belonging or rootedness and in a basic sense of
security. (Licuanan, 1986)
Fragility of Marriage
• Unfortunately, many social situations are
beginning to destroy or deform the family
• Today, often there is little preparation for
marriage, and couples are rushing into
marriage without really knowing each other’s
values that would firmly preserve their
marriage through periods of hardship and
• Sometimes, separation results in the break-up
of families.
Fragility of Marriage
A. Shift of Patter
– Places a heavier burden on today’s family
• Family
– Intimacy
– Companionship
– Expression of emotional needs
Fragility of Marriage
B. Weakening of social pressure to keep
husband and wife together
– Eroticism
– Drug trafficking
– So called modern
ideas from supposedly
developed countries
• The commitment, to carry any meaning at all, has to
be willingly entered into and willingly maintained. It
is lost when spouses stay together because they are
left with no other choice. It is similarly lost when
spouses live separately with their own respectively
illegitimate families. Without the requisite
commitment, there is no point in maintaining the
marriage. The marriage would be nothing but a
farce, a charade and a mockery of that social
institution which we hold most dear. (Gloria, 2007)
Positive Negative
• Improvement in: • More sedentary lifestyle
– Economic well-being (2 • Weight increase for both
men and women (reduction
– Mental health
of physical activity)
– Physical health
• Reduced:
– Use of some high-cost health
– Heavy drinking
• Increase likelihood of having
health insurance coverage

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