Drawing Aids

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Drawing with AutoCAD is really just like drawing on a
drawing board. Most new comers to Computer Aided
Design assume that they will need to learn how to draw all
over again. In fact, many of the drawing aids that
AutoCAD provides are analogous to traditional drafting
Ortho is short for orthogonal, Ortho mode is probably the
which means either vertical or simplest of all the drawing aids,
horizontal. Like the other and historically one of the oldest.
options on the status bar, Ortho It is either on or it is off and there
is not really a command, it is a are no special settings to make.
drawing mode which can either Also, it does a very simple job; it
constrains drawn lines to the
be turned on or off. Ortho mode horizontal or the vertical. You
can be toggled on or off in one may not be surprised to learn,
of three ways. therefore, that its use has largely
Command: ORTHO Enter mode been superceded by more recent
[ON/OFF] <OFF>: (type ON or features, particularly 
OFF) Polar Tracking
The drawing grid is a regular pattern
of dots displayed on the screen
which acts as a visual aid, it is the
equivalent of having a sheet of graph
paper behind your drawing on a
drawing board. You can control the
grid spacing, so it can give you a
general idea about the size of drawn
objects. It can also be used to define
the extent of your drawing.
Command: GRID
Specify grid spacing(X) or
[ON/OFF/Snap/Aspect] <10.000>:
(enter grid spacing) or F7
Snap mode takes AutoCAD one step
further than the drawing board. With
Snap mode turned on AutoCAD only
allows you to pick points which lie
on a regular grid. The Snap grid is
completely independent of the
display grid.
Command: SNAP or SN[enter]
Specify snap spacing or
<10.0000>: (enter the required snap
spacing in drawing units) or F9
Among the most important When drawing on paper you must
concepts that newcomers to decide to draw and say, 1:20 or
1:200 depending upon the size of the
AutoCAD need to come to object that you are drawing so that
grips with are those of drawing your scaled drawing will fit on the
scales and drawing units. You drawing sheet, be that A3 or A1. In
cannot start creating sensible AutoCAD you do not need to decide
drawings with AutoCAD until upon a drawing scale until you come
you are familiar with scale, to print the drawing and because the
scaling of your drawing takes place
units and the commands you at the printing stage, you can create
use to control them. drawings at a scale of 1:1.
When you start the Units command,
the first thing you see is the Drawing
Units dialogue box, shown on the
next page at the right. The dialogue
box is divided into four main
sections. The upper two are
"Length", which refers to linear units
and "Angles", referring to angular
units. Settings for linear units and
angular units can be made
independently and in each case, you
can control both the type and
Command: units
The main reason for this You must practice using
flexibility in using the Object Snaps until they
Object Snaps is that they become second nature to
are used very frequently. you. There are thirteen (13)
Experienced AutoCAD Osnaps in all and although
users will always use they are all useful in certain
Object Snaps because they situations you will probably
are the only way to make find yourself using about
sure that the objects they half of them on a regular
are drawing are drawn basis and the other half in
accurately. special circumstances.
Endpoint Osnap
The Endpoint Osnap breaks
to the end points of lines
and arcs and to polyline
vertices. This is one of the
most useful and commonly
used Osnaps.
Command: END Short-cut:
Shift + Right Click
Midpoint Osnap
The Midpoint Osnap
breaks to the mid points of
lines and arcs and to the
mid-point of polyline
Command: MID Short-
cut: Shift + Right Click
The Intersection Osnap snaps to the
physical intersection of any two
drawing objects (i.e. where lines,
arcs or circles etc. cross each other)
and to Polyline vertices. However,
this osnap can also be used to snap to
intersection points which do not
physically exist. This feature is called
the Extended Intersection. To use
the apparent intersection feature,
you must pick two points to indicate
which two objects should be used.
The Extension Osnap enables you to
snap to some point along the imaginary
extension of a line, arc or polyline
segment. To use this osnap, you must
hover the cursor over the end of the
line you want to extend. When the line
end is found, a small cross appears at
the endpoint and a dashed extension
line is displayed from the endpoint to
the cursor, providing the cursor
remains close to the extension.
Command: EXT Short-cut: Shift +
Right Click Extension
The Parallel Osnap is used to draw a
line parallel to any other line in your
drawing. In operation, this osnap is
slightly less intuitive than some of the
others. To draw a parallel line, first
start the Line command, specify the
first point when prompted and then
start the Parallel Osnap. Hover the
cursor over an existing line until you
see the Parallel snap marker.
The Node Osnap snaps to the center of
a Point object. This osnap can be useful
if you have created a number of Points
with the Measure or Divide commands.
You could, for example insert a number
of regularly spaced tree symbols
(blocks) along a line by using the Node
Osnap for the insertion point of each
Command: NODE Short-cut: Shift +
Right Click Node

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