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• Timing is crucial in the process of decision-making. Mere

taking decisions is not only the problem, the proper time
to take the decisions is also an issue.

• The usefulness of the decisions will be lost if they are not

taken at the appropriate time.

• For example: there is a possibility that the competitors

will seize the market share if decisions regarding
introduction of a new product are not taken by the
concerned firm at the proper time. Hence, it can be said
that ting has a crucial role to play in decision-making.

AUTOCRATIC: You make the decision on your own without input

from your team.

CONSULTATIVE: You ask your team for information that would be

helpful and for their opinions, either individually or as a group, but
you make the final decision.

TEAM: You pull your team together to discuss the situation and
decide as a team. You facilitate their reaching consensus, where
everyone agrees to support the decision. As a member of the group,
you must be willing to support the decision as well.

DELEGATING: You are not part of the decision-making process.

You might ask to be informed of the decision (or not), but you will not
change the decision.

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