1st ISC Presentation

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1st Meeting of the

International Steering Committee (ISC) of International Solar Alliance (ISA)

Agenda Item no 4 : Presentation by Mr Tarun Kapoor, Joint Secretary,

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

1 December 2015
Presentation Structure

• ISA objectives

• ISA proposed Framework Agreement (Statute)

• ISA proposed Host Country Agreement

• Proposed Activities

• Proposal for formation of Committees

• India’s offer to host Secretariat

The suggestions/proposals contained in the presentation
are only placed before the International Steering
Committee for discussion/consideration in meetings/at
individual member level

Proposed Objective

A collaborative platform for increased deployment of solar energy

technologies to enhance energy security & sustainable development; improve
access to energy, livelihoods in rural and remote areas, and standard of living.

A collaborative platform for cooperation among solar resource rich countries

where global community including bilateral and multilateral organizations,
corporates, industry, and stakeholders can make a positive contribution to the
common goals of increasing utilizing of solar energy in meeting energy needs
of ISA member countries in a safe, convenient, affordable, equitable and
sustainable manner.

ISA Proposed Framework Agreement (Statute)

 The governance structure could be - an Assembly, a Council and a

 The Assembly will provide guidance, direction and advice to the Secretariat
for undertaking the activities.

 ISA’s detailed statute will be developed in consultation with member


 A draft Framework Agreement has been circulated as an Agenda Item.


ISA Proposed Host Country Agreement

Draft Host Country Agreement UAE circulated

Proposed Activities

 Electronic Consultation on Framework and Host Country Agreement.

 Meeting of International Steering Committee in Abu Dhabi, UAE in January


 Consultation with Resident Diplomatic Missions of ISA countries in New


Proposal for formation of Committees

 1. Programme Strategic Committee

The Committee will identify area where ISA can play a role in implementation
programmes and projects. Some of the suggested areas are :-
– Work with ISA member countries to strive for universal access to solar lighting;
– E-Portal to offer 24/7 real time suggestions for solar projects;
– Development of standards, specifications and test protocols for solar energy
systems in ISA member countries;
– Facilitate preparation of plans for solar energy development and deployment;
– Encourage industry cooperation among ISA member countries;
– Forge cooperative linkages on development of Centre of Excellence for R&D in ISA
member countries; and
– Designing training programs for students/engineers/ policy makers, etc. and
organizing workshops, focused meetings and conferences.

Programme Strategic Committee – Suggested Road map of activities

Sl no Programme Targets

1 Training programme for Surya Mitras @ 5 trainees per 30,000

2 Entrepreneur ship for unemployed engineers 10000

3 Global Investors Meet in member countries to promote solar 1 meet per continent /region
4 Solar pumps for farmers 50000

5 Solar Parks 2 Parks per continent/region

6 Canal Top Solar Parks 2 Parks per continent/region

7 Solar Manufacturing Zones 10

8 Solar applications to enhance income level of the poor Depending upon country’s requirements

9 Solar Applications to improve community living Depending upon country’s requirements

10 Solar army of retired experts On voluntary basis

2. Administration and Finance Committee

– Institutional set up for ISA

– Develop a road map for making ISA self-reliant by developing a corpus of

around US $ 500 million.

– Develop a Strategy for voluntary contribution from the bilateral and

multilateral organizations will augment the corpus.

– Membership fee.

India has offered to host the Secretariat

 India will host the multi-country initiative :-

‒ provide 2 hectare of land for establishing Secretariat at

the premises of the National Institute of Solar Energy
(NISE), Gurgaon; and

‒ contribute approximately US $ 30 million for creating a

seed fund, building infrastructure for the Secretariat .

NISE Building in Google Map
NISE-Entrance Gate
NISE-Main Building
NISE Guest House
List of 121 countries

S. No Countries S. No Countries S. No Countries

1 Algeria 42 France 83 Papua New Guinea
2 Antigua and Barbuda 43 Gabon 84 Paraguay
3 Angola 44 The Gambia 85 Peru
4 Argentina 45 Ghana 86 Philippines
5 Australia 46 Grenada 87 Rwanda
6 Bahamas 47 Guatemala 88 St. Lucia
7 Bangladesh 48 Guinea 89 Saint Kitts and Nevis
8 Barbados 49 Guinea-Bissau 90 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
9 Belize 50 Guyana 91 Samoa
10 Benin 51 Haiti 92 Sao Tome and Principe
11 Bolivia 52 Honduras 93 Saudi Arabia
12 Botswana 53 India 94 Senegal
13 Brazil 54 Indonesia 95 Seychelles
14 Brunei Darussalam 55 Jamaica 96 Sierra Leone
15 Burkina Faso 56 Japan 97 Singapore
16 Burundi 57 Kenya 98 Solomon Islands
17 Cambodia 58 Kiribati 99 Somalia
18 Cameroon 59 Laos 100 South Africa
19 Cape Verde 60 Liberia 101 South Sudan
20 Central African Republic 61 Libya 102 Sri Lanka
21 Chad 62 Madagascar 103 Sudan
22 Chile 63 Malawi 104 Suriname
23 China 64 Malaysia
24 Colombia 65 Maldives 105 Tanzania
25 Comoros 66 Mali 106 Thailand
26 Congo – Democratic Republic of 67 Marshall Islands 107 Timor-Leste
27 Congo - Republic of 68 Mauritania 108 Togo
28 New Zealand 69 Mauritius 109 Tonga
29 Costa Rica 70 Mexico 110 Trinidad and Tobago
30 Cote d'ivoire 71 Micronesia 111 Tuvalu
31 Cuba 72 Mozambique 112 Uganda
32 Djibouti 73 Myanmar 113 United Arab Emirates
33 Dominica 74 Namibia 114 United Kingdom
34 Dominican Republic 75 Nauru 115 United States of America
35 Ecuador 76 The Netherlands 116 Vanuatu
36 Egypt 77 Nicaragua 117 Venezuela
37 El Salvador 78 Niger 118 Vietnam
38 Equitorial Guinea 79 Nigeria 119 Yemen
39 Eritrea 80 Oman 120 Zambia 17
40 Ethiopia 81 Palau 121 Zimbabwe
41 Fiji 82 Panama
Tropic of

Tropic of

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