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Compressible Fluid Flow

Lecture Notes Fluid Mechanics--ME 326

Compressibility Regimes
Key Terms
• Enthalpy
• Steady flow • Entropy

• Unsteady flow
• Constant pressure process
• Constant volume process
• Viscid flow • Isothermal Process
• In-viscid flow
• Adiabatic Process
• Compressible flow
• Reversible Process
• Incompressible flow
• Irreversible Process

• Laminar flow • Isentropic Process

• Turbulent flow (Adiabatic+Reversible)
Governing Equations for Compressible Flow

• Continuity
• Momentum
• Energy
• Equation of State
Perfect Gas
Isentropic Process

• Adiabatic Process: No heat is added or removed from system

– Q= 0
Note: Temperature can still change because of changing density
• Reversible Process: No friction (or other dissipative effects)
• Isentropic Process: (1) Adiabatic + (2) Reversible
– Provides important relationships among thermodynamic variables
at two different points along a streamline
Isentropic Process
From Ist and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, the entropy change is given by:

For perfect gas dh=Cp dT

Entropy change between point 1 and 2 is given by integration as:

For an isentropic process : s2  S1  0

Speed of sound

Continuity equation

Momentum equation
Speed of Sound
Adiabatic and Isentropic Steady Flow
Adiabatic and Isentropic Steady Flow

=Stagnation Enthalpy
=Stagnation Temperature

=Max Vel. @ Absolute Zero

Mach Number Relations

Adiabatic Flow

Isentropic Flow
Mach Number Relations for Air
Critical Values at Sonic Point (Ma = 1)

(At sonic point Ma=1.0)

Isentropic Flow with Area Change
Isentropic Flow with Area Change

Differential form of Continuity Equation

Differential form of Momentum Equation

Isentropic Flow with Area Change

• If Flow is Subsonic (M < 1)

– For V to increase (dV positive) area must decrease (dA negative)
– Note that this is consistent with Euler’s equation for dV and dp

• If Flow is Supersonic (M > 1)

– For V to increase (dV positive) area must increase (dA positive)

• If Flow is Sonic (M = 1)
– M = 1 occurs at a minimum area of cross-section
– Minimum area is called a throat (dA/A = 0)
Isentropic Flow with Area Change
Isentropic Flow with Area Change

Nozzle dv < 0
dv > 0 dp > 0
dp < 0
Isentropic Flow with Area Change
Continuity Equation
Isentropic Flow with Area Change

For air, K=1.4 and the area ratio becomes:

For Air

For given stagnation conditions, maximum flow passes thru the duct when the throat is
at sonic speed (M=1)
Approx Formulae for Mach
Vs Area Ratios
Supersonic Flow
• What can happen in supersonic flows?

• Supersonic flows (M > 1) are qualitatively and quantitatively different from

subsonic flows (M < 1)
How And Why Does A Shock Wave Form?
How And Why Does A Shock Wave Form?
• “a” is ‘speed of sound in the medium ’
and Mach number “M=V/a” as ratio of
flow speed to speed of sound

• If M < 1 information available throughout

flow field

• If M > 1 information confined to some

region of flow field Zone of silence

Zone of Action
Normal Shock Wave
Normal Shocks

• Control Volume
Normal Shocks Relations

Rankine Hugoniot Relation

Normal Shocks Relations
Normal Shocks Relations
Normal Shocks Relations ( Contd.)
Variation of Properties across Normal Shock Wave
Variation of Properties Across Normal Shock Wave

Across A Normal Shock Wave

 Downstream flow will be subsonic
 Flow is adiabatic but not isentropic
 Large and discontinuous rise in static pressure
 Static temperature increases moderately
 Stagnation temperature remains constant(adiabatic)
 Stagnation pressure and stagnation density decrease (in the same
 Throat area A* increases slowly at first and then rapidly
 Entropy increases (Weak shocks are nearly isentropic)
Oblique Shock Wave
Oblique Shocks
• Oblique Shock: Control Volume

M1 , M2t
, M2n

Oblique Shock Analysis
Relations for Oblique Shock Wave
Shock Stand Off
Oblique Shocks

• Oblique Shock: Deflection Angle

Oblique Shock Wave – Graphical

Locus of Ɵmax
Locus of Sonic Points

Week Shock Strong Shock

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