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Contemporary technology

1. E-commerce
• E-commerce stands for electronics commerce the
deals with the buying and selling of goods and
services, or the transmitting of funds or data, the
• Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as
mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, Internet
marketing, online transaction processing, electronic
data interchange (EDI) etc.
• E-commerce is conducted using a variety of
applications, such as email, fax, online catalogs and
shopping carts, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), File
Transfer Protocol, and Web services.
Types of e-commerce
• Business-to-consumer(B2C)
• Business-to-business (B2B)
• Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)
• Consumer-to-business (C2B)

• In business-to-consumer, organization sells the

product or services directly to the consumers.
• Usually, B2C E-commerce web shops have an open
access for any visitor, meaning that there is no need
for a person to login in order to make any product
related inquiry.
Business-to-business (B2B)

• In a Business-to-Business E-commerce environment,

companies sell their online goods to other companies
without being engaged in sales to consumers.
• In most B2B E-commerce environments entering the
web shop will require a log in.
• B2B web shop usually contains customer-specific
pricing, customer-specific assortments and customer-
specific discounts
Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)

• In a Consumer-to-Consumer E-commerce
environment consumers sell their online
goods to other consumers.
• A well-known example is eBay, etc.
Consumer-to-business (C2B)
• In a Consumer-to-Business E-commerce environment,
consumers usually post their products or services online on
which companies can post their bids.
• A consumer reviews the bids and selects the company that
meets his price expectations
Advantages of e-commerce
• It makes buying/selling process faster and
possible 24/7.
• Customer does not need to stand on queue
and they can easily compare the price of
• It reduces the operation costs and provide
better quality of services.
• It doesn’t require physical company setup.
Disadvantages of e-commerce
• One also needs Internet connectivity to participate in
ecommerce and Internet access device such as a
computer or a smartphone.
• Lack of touch or feel of products during online
• There is no guarantee of product quality.
• It delays the delivery of goods.
• Any one, good or bad, can easily start a business. It
may not be genuine which may eat customer’s
• It could lead to credit card fraud and identity theft .
2. E-Learning
• e-learning stands for electronics learning. It is teaching
learning methodology using electronic media.
• It is a new concept of delivering digital contents in learner
oriented environment using information and communication
technology. (ICT)
• e-learning includes independent, facilitated, or collaborative
approached to learning.
• In e-learning environment, the learner interact with the
learning materials, the instructor , and others from various
locations at various times using electronics media.
Benefits of e-learning
• Courses are accessible on your schedule
• Online learning does not require physical attendance
• Learning is self-paced (not too slow, not too fast)
• You're unbound by time - courses are available 24/7
• You're unbound by place - study at home, work, or on the
• Read materials online or download them for reading later
3. E-medicine
• E-medicine is online clinical medical knowledge base that
provides medical services whenever and wherever required
using information and communication technology.
• It is effective approach for treating patients living in distant or
rural remote places.
• Using ICT such as voice chat, video chat ,the patients consult
the doctor or using email they send their medical test reports
or problems . Accordingly, the doctor investigate and
recommend required medicine.
• Also they can post their experience and issues in the online
discussion forum.
4. E-governance
• Electronics governance or e-governance is the application of ICT
for delivering government services, exchange of information
transactions and services between government-to-citizens,
government-to-business or government-to-government and
interaction within entire government framework. Through e-
governance, government services will be made available to
citizens in a convenient, efficient and transparent manner and
improves interaction between government and citizens.
• The object of E-Governance is to provide a SMART Government.
The Acronym SMART refers to Simple, Moral, Accountable,
Responsive, and Transparent Governance.
S - The use of ICT brings simplicity in governance through electronic
documentation, online submission, online service delivery, etc.
M - It brings Morality to governance as immoralities like bribing, red-
tapism, etc. are eliminated.
A - It makes the Government accountable as all the data and
information of Government is available online for consideration of every
citizen, the NGOs and the media.
R - Due to reduced paperwork and increased communication speeds
and decreased communication time, the Government agencies become
R - Technology can help convert an irresponsible Government
Responsible. Increased access to information makes more informed
citizens. And these empowered citizens make a responsible
T - With increased morality, online availability of information and
reduced red-tapism the process of governance becomes transparent
leaving no room for the Government to conceal any information from
the citizens.
Objective of e-governance/why e-
• To build informed society.
• To increase government and citizen interaction.
• To encourage citizen participation.
• To bring transparency in the governing process.
• To make government accountable.
• To reduce the cost of governance.
• To reduce the reaction time of the government.
Component of e-governance
• Government-to-Government (G2G)
• Government-to-Citizens (G2C)
• Government-to-Business (G2B)
• Citizen-to-Government (C2G)
Advantages of e-governance
1. Speed – Technology makes communication speedier.
Internet, Phones, Cell Phones have reduced the time
taken in normal communication.

2. Cost Reduction – Most of the Government expenditure

is appropriated towards the cost of stationary. Paper-
based communication needs lots of stationary, printers,
computers, etc. which calls for continuous heavy
expenditure. Internet and Phones makes communication
cheaper saving valuable money for the Government.
3. Transparency – Use of ICT makes governing profess transparent.
All the information of the Government would be made available
on the internet. The citizens can see the information whenever
they want to see. But this is only possible when every piece of
information of the Government is uploaded on the internet and
is available for the public to peruse. Current governing process
leaves many ways to conceal the information from all the
people. ICT helps make the information available online
eliminating all the possibilities of concealing of information.

4. Accountability – Once the governing process is made

transparent the Government is automatically made accountable.
Accountability is answerability of the Government to the people.
It is the answerability for the deeds of the Government. An
accountable Government is a responsible Government.
Challenges of Implementation of e-
Governance in Nepal
• Information Transparency
• Legal Issues
• Resources Availability
• Infrastructures including connectivity in rural areas
• Capacity and awareness
• Political will and government action
• Assessment of local needs and customizing e-
governance solutions to meet these needs
• Content (local content based on local language)
5. Virtual Reality
• An artificial environment created with computer hardware and
software and presented to the user in such a way that it appears
and feels like a real environment.
• To "enter" a virtual reality, a user wears special gloves, earphones,
and goggles, all of which receive their input from the computer
system. In this way, at least three of the five senses are controlled
by the computer.
• In addition to feeding sensory input to the user, the devices also
monitor the user's actions. The goggles, for example, track how
the eyes move and respond accordingly by sending new video
• It is a new computational paradigm that redefines the interface
between human and computer
• It allows the user to travel and navigate, and
let the user manipulate object and experience
the consequences.
• In the VR world, the user believe that what
they are doing is real, even though it is an
artificially simulated environment.
6. Robotics
• A robot is a programmable mechanical device that can
perform tasks and interact with its environment, without
the aid of human interaction. Robotics is the science and
technology behind the design, manufacturing and
application of robots.
• It is one of the branch of artificial intelligent.
• Robots are now widely used in factories to perform high-
precision jobs such as welding and riveting. They are also
used in special situations that would be dangerous for
humans -- for example, in cleaning toxic wastes or
defusing bombs.
• The term robotics was introduced by writer Isaac Asimov.
In his science fiction book I, Robot, published in 1950, he
presented three laws of robotics:
1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through
inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings
except where such orders would conflict with the First
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such
protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
• Essential characteristics of Robot:
1. Sensing
2. Movement
3. Energy
4. Intelligence

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