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Dafftar Singkatan

No SINGKATAN Makna/ Kepanjangan

1 C/T/L Cervical/Thoracal/Lumbal

2 C3 Complement 3

3 C4 Complement 4

4 Ca Carcinoma/cancer

5 CaCO3 Calcium Carbonate

6 Ca (OH)2 Calcium Hydroxide

7 CAE Canalis Acusticus Externus

8 CAF Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, 5-Fu

9 CAG Corangiografi

10 CAH Congenital Adrenal Hiperplasia/ Chronic Active Hepatitis

11 CAM Cell Adhesion Molecules

No SINGKATAN Makna/ Kepanjangan

12 Caps Capsule (s)

13 CAMP Cyclic Adenosine Monophoshate

14 C-ANCA Cytoplasmic -Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody

15 CAP Community Acquired Pneumonia (J18.9)

16 CAPD Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialisis

17 CATHLAB Catheterization Laboratory

18 CBC Complete Blood Count

19 CBD Common Bile Duct

20 CC Coracoclavicular

21 CCB Calsium Channel Blocker

No SINGKATAN Makna/ Kepanjangan

23 CCT Creatinine Clearance Test

24 CD Cluster Of Differentiation

25 CDL Catheter Dialysis Temporer

26 CDR Cup Disc Ratio

27 Cr Creatinine

28 CFU Colony Forming Units

29 CHD Congenital Heart Disease

30 CEA Carcino-Embryonic Antigen

31 CHF Congestive Heart Failure

32 CKB Cedera Kepala Berat

33 CKD Chronic Kidney Disease

No SINGKATAN Makna/ Kepanjangan

34 CKD on HD Chronic Kidney Disease On Hemodialysis

35 CKR Cedera Kepala Ringan

36 CKS Cedera Kepala Sedang

37 CLP Cleft Up And Palate

38 CLL Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

39 cm Sentimeter

40 CML Chronic Myeloblastik Leukemia

41 CMV Cytomegalovirus

42 CNI Calcineurin Inhibator

43 CNS Central Nervous System

44 COD Cause Of Death

No SINGKATAN Makna/ Kepanjangan

45 COX Cyclooxygenase

46 CP Cerebral Palsy

47 CPA Cyclophosphamide

48 CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

49 CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

50 COX Cyclooxygenase

51 CT Computed Tomography

52 CT Scan Computed Tomography Scan

53 CTA Computer Tomography Angiography

54 cth Sendok Teh

55 CTM Chlorpheniramine Maleat

No SINGKATAN Makna/ Kepanjangan

56 CTR Container Thorax Ratio

57 CVA Costovertebral Angle

58 CVC Central Venous Catheter

59 CVD Cerebro Vascular Disease

60 CVI Chronic Venous Insufficiency

61 CVP Central Venous Pressure

62 CXR Chest X- Ray

63 D/ Diagnosis

64 D40 Dextrose 40%

65 D5 Dextrose 5%

66 DEM Doll'S Eye Movement

No SINGKATAN Makna/ Kepanjangan

67 Demam H-4 Demam Hari Ke-4

68 Diet RG Diet Rendah Garam

69 Diet RK Diet Rendah kalori

70 Diet Rkol Diet Rendah Kolesterol

71 Diet RL Diet Rendah Lemak

72 Diet RP Diet Rendah Protein

73 Diff count Differential Counting

74 DJJ Denyut Jantung Janin

75 DKA Diabetic Ketoasidosis

76 DJJ Denyut Jantung Janin

77 DKA Diabetic Ketoasidosis

No SINGKATAN Makna/ Kepanjangan

78 DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid

79 DNAR Do Not Attempt Resuscitation

80 DNR Do Not Resuscitate

81 DOA Death On Arrival

82 Dobu Dobutamin

83 DOC Drug Of Choice

84 DOLV Double Outlet Left Ventricule

85 Dopa Dopamine

86 DORV Double Outlet Right Ventricule

87 DOTS Directly Observed Treatment Strategy

88 DPJP Dokter Penanggung Jawab Pelayanan Pasien

No SINGKATAN Makna/ Kepanjangan
DPL Darah Perifer Lengkap

DPT Difteria, Pertusis, Tetanus

Dr./dr. Dokter

DS Down Syndrom

DSD Disorder Of Sex Development

DSS Dengue Shock Syndrome

DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis

Dx Dextra


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