Views in SQL: No Limitation On Querying A View

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Views in SQL

• View or Virtual Tables in SQL: A view in SQL is a

single table that is derived from other tables
(could be base table or previously defined views)
o    A view does not necessarily exist in physical form
– virtual table
o    Base tables — tuples are actually stored in the
    Restricts possible update operations on views
No limitation on querying a view
Views in SQL
• Consider two relations: students (sid, name, login,
age, gpa), enrolled (cid, grade, sid) .
• Suppose that we are often interested in finding
names and login of students who got a grade B in
some course with the cid of the course
Create View B-students (name, login, course)
As Select, s.sid,
From Students s, Enrolled e
Where s.sid = e.sid And e.grade =’B’ 
Views in SQL
• Conceptually whenever B-students is used in a
query, the view definition is first evaluated to
obtain the corresponding instance of B-students,
and then the rest of the query is evaluated
treating B-students like any other relation
referred to in the query. 
• Update on view
– View mechanism is to tailor how users see the data
– SQL-92 allows update to be specified only on views that
are defined on a single base table using just selection and
projection, with no use of aggregation operation —
updateable views
Views in SQL
• Why need to restrict view updates 
– SQL-92 view updates are most stringent than
– Student (sid, name, login, age, gpa)
– Club (cname, jyear, mname)
– A tuple in club denotes that the student called
mname has been a member of the club cname
since the date jyear.
Views in SQL
• Why need to restrict view updates 
– Suppose we are often interested in finding the name and
login of students with a gpa greater than 3 who belong to
at least one club along with the club name and the date
they joined the club.

Create View ActiveStudents (name, login, club,

since) As
Select, s.login,, cjyear
From Students s, Clubs c
Where = c.mname And s.gpa >3
Views in SQL
Querying views
• If the view did not include a key for the underlying
table, several rows in the table could correspond to a
single row in the view (in the following example, mname
is used instead of sid)
• Now we would like to delete the row (Smith, smith@ee
, Hiking, 1997) from ActiveStudents 
– We must change either
• Students or
• Clubs
• (or both)
– in such a way that evaluating the view definition on the
modified instance does not produce the row (Smith,
smith@ee, Hiking, 1997).
Querying views
• Two ways
– Either
• deleting row (53688, Smith, smith@ee, 18, 3.2) from
Students or
• deleting (Hiking, 1997, Smith) from Clubs.
– Neither is satisfactory.
– Removing from Students also delete tuple <Smith, Smith@
ee, Rowing, 1998> from the view ActiveStudents. Removing
the clubs row also has the effect of deleting the row
<Smith, smith@math, Hiking, 1997> from ActiveStudents.
• Only reasonable solution is to disallow such updates
on views.
Querying views
•  View Implementation:
– Efficiently implement a view
– Two main approaches:
– Query modification: Modify view query into a query on
the underlying base tables. 
• Inefficient for views defined via complex queries
– We need answer very fast /interactive response time
– Consider the total number of students for each club
and the query is:
Select Club, count(*) Form ActiveStudents
Group by Club 
Querying views
Select R.Club, count(*)
From (Select as Name, s.login as Login,
as Club, cjyear as Year
From Students s, Clubs c
Where = c.mname And s.gpa >3) as R
Group by
– View materialization:
• At first, we evaluate the view definition and store the
result (i.e., physically create a temporary view table when
the view is first queried).
– When a query is now posed on the view, the (unmodified) query
is executed on the pre-computed result
Querying views
• Advantage: Much faster than query modifications
– Complex view needs not be evaluated when the query is
• Disadvantage: Maintain the consistency of the pre-
computed view whenever the underlying tables are
– Incremental update has been developed where it is
determined what new tuples must be inserted, deleted
or modified in a materialized view table when a change
is applied to one of the defining base tables
Changing the database
• How do we initialize the database? How do
we update and modify the database state?
• SQL supports an update language for
insertions, deletions and modifications of
– INSERT INTO R(A1,…,An) VALUES (V1,…,Vn);
– DELETE FROM R WHERE <condition>;
– UPDATE R SET <new-value assignments> WHERE
Tuple insertion
• Recall our rock climbing database, with the
following instance of Routes:
RId RName Grade Rating Height
1 Last Tango II 12 100
2 Garden Path I 2 60
3 The Sluice I 8 60
4 Picnic III 3 400

• To insert a new tuple into Routes:

INSERT INTO Routes(RId, Rname, Grade, Rating, Height)
VALUES (5, “Desperation”, III,12,600);
Tuple insertion, cont.
• Alternatively, we could omit the attributes
since the order given matches the DDL for
VALUES (5, “Desperation”, III,12,600);

RId RName Grade Rating Height

1 Last Tango II 12 100
2 Garden Path I 2 60
3 The Sluice I 8 60
4 Picnic III 3 400
5 Desperation III 12 600
Set insertion
• Suppose we had the following relation and
wanted to add all the routes with rating > 8:
Route Rating FeetHigh
SlimyClimb 9 200
The Sluice 8 60
INSERT INTO HardClimbs(Route,Rating,FeetHigh)
SELECT DISTINCT Rname, Grade, Rating, Height
FROM Routes WHERE rating>8;
Route Rating FeetHigh
SlimyClimb 9 200
The Sluice 8 60
Last Tango 12 100
• Deletion is set-oriented: the only way to
delete a single tuple is to specify its key.
• Suppose we wanted to get rid of all tuples
in HardClimbs that are in Routes:
WHERE Route in (SELECT Name FROM Routes)

Route Rating FeetHigh
SlimyClimb 9 200
Modifying tuples
• Non-key values of a relation can be changed using
• Suppose we want to increase the age of all
experienced climbers by 1:

UPDATE Climbers
SET Age = Age+1
WHERE Skill = “EXP”;
• NOTE: SQL uses an “old-value” semantics. New values
are calculated using the old state, not a partially
modified state.
Old-value semantics
• “Give a $1000 raise to every employee who earns
less than their manager.”
Emp Manager Salary
1 3 20,000
2 3 21,500
3  21,000
• Old-value semantics: employees 1 and 3 are given
a raise.
• Otherwise: employee 2 will get a raise if they are
considered after employee 3 receives a raise!
Schema modification
• Requirements change over time, so it is
useful to be able to add/delete columns,
drop tables and drop views:
– DROP TABLE Climbers;
– DROP VIEW ExpClimbers;
– ALTER TABLE Climbs ADD Weather
– ALTER TABLE Routes DROP Grade;
• Views are useful for frequently executed
queries and as a layer to shield applications
from changes in the schema.
• SQL has an update language that allows set-
oriented updates. Updates (insertions,
deletions and modifications) change the
database state.

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