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Febrile Convulsion

Prof. Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam
Head of the Department of Pediatrics
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Febrile Seizure
 Seizures precipitated by fever not due to an
intracranial infection or other definable CNS cause
occurring in a genetically predisposed child.
 Most common seizure disorder in childhood.
 Incidence: 3-4% of all children.
1. Age & sex: 6months-5 yrs, peak 14-18 months,
males affected more.
2. Family history: Positive family history, autosomal
dominant sometimes.
Febrile Seizure, criteria (contd.)
3. Seizure:
Onset in 24 hrs.
Type - Generalized tonic-clonic.
Duration <15 min.
Usually 1 seizure attack in each episode.
No residual weakness, only brief postictal
4. Infection: 90% cases due to viral infection.
5. EEG: Usually normal.
Atypical Febrile Seizure, criteria

1. Duration> 15 min.
2. Repeated convulsion same day.
3. Focal Seizure or focal findings in post
ictal phase.
1. LP indicated only if meningitis suspected.
2. Blood for TC, DC.
3. EEG, in Atypical febrile seizure.
Febrile Seizure

1. Control convulsion by P/R Diazepam.
2. Control of fever, by antipyretic & tepid sponging.
3. Explanation & reassurance of parents.

1. Oral Diazepam 1mg/kg/day for 2-3 days started
from onset of fever.
2. Anti pyretic.
3. Anticonvulsant prophylaxis not indicated.
Unprovoked seizure (Epilepsy)

Seizure: Paroxysmal disturbance of brain

function that may manifested as impairment
or loss of consciousness, abnormal motor
activity, behavioral abnormalities, sensory
disturbance or autonomic dysfunction.
Epilepsy: Recurrent seizure unrelated to fever
or to an acute cerebral insult.
Incidence: 0.5-1% of population, 60% occur
in childhood
Epileptic Seizure: Classification
1. Partial Seizure
a) Simple partial (Consciousness retained)
 Motor
 Sensory
 Autonomic
 Psychic
b) Complex partial (Consciousness impaired)
 Simple partial, followed by impaired consciousness
 Consciousness impaired at onset
c) Partial seizures with secondary generalization
Epileptic Seizure: Classification
2. Generalized Seizure
a) Absences
 Typical
 Atypical
b) Generalized tonic-clonic
c) Tonic
d) Clonic
e) Myoclonic
f) Atonic
g) Infantile spasm

3. Unclassified Seizures
Syndromic classification of seizure

 Infantile spasm
 Benign myoclonic epilepsy of infancy
 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
 Febrile convulsion
 Landau Kleffner syndrome
 Juvanile myoclonic epilepsy (Janz syndrome)
 Progressive myoclonic epilepsy
 Precise mechanism unknown.
 Deviation of normal balance between
excitation & inhibition of cerebral neuron
cause epilepsy.
 Initiated by group of neurons capable of
generating a significant burst discharge &
GABA ergic inhibitory system.
 Transmission depends on glutamenargic
synapse (Excitatory).
 Area of neural death produce hyperexcitable
synapse that cause seizure.
Partial Seizure: C/Fs

Simple Partial Seizure:

• Consciousness intact.
• Aura may be present.
• Asynchronous tonic/ clonic movement
of face, neck or extremity.
• Automatisms do not occur.
• Duration 10-20 sec.
Partial Seizure: C/Fs

 Complex Partial Seizure:

• Aura usually present.
• Altered Consciousness.
• Automatism present
• Turning of head, dystonic posture,
tonic & clonic movement of
extremity & eye blinking.
• Duration 1-2 min.
Partial Seizure: C/Fs
Absence Seizure:
• Typical (Simple)-Cessation of motor
activity or speech.
-No aura, no postictal phase
-duration<30 sec.
• Atypical (Complex)- Myoclonic
movement of face finger & extremity.
- loss of body tone
Generalized Seizures
 Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure:-
• Aura present
• Tonic phase- Skeletal muscles undergo sustained spasm
- Eyes roll back
- Biting of tongue
- Apnea with cyanosis
• Clonic phase-Rhythmic clonic contraction with relaxation
of all muscles.
- Loss of sphincter control
• Post ictal phase- Semi-comatose / in deep sleep for 30
min-2 hrs.
• O/E hyperactive reflexes, plantar is extensor.
Generalized Seizures
 Infantile spasm
• Age 4-8 months, brief symmetrical contraction of neck,
trunk, extremities.
• 3 types- Flexor, Extensor, Mixed.
• Classified into two groups - 1. Cryptogenic
2. Symptomatic

 Myoclonic Epilepsies of childhood:

• Benign Myoclonus of infancy.
• Typical Myoclonic Epilepsy of early childhood.
• Complex Myoclonic Epilepsy.
• Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy.
• Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy.
Epileptic Seizure: Investigations

 Investigations for Initial afebrile seizure:

– Fasting blood sugar
– S. Calcium
– S. Magnesium
– S. Electrolytes
– EEG ? CT Scan ? MRI?
 Recurrent Attack:
– EEG (Routine, Video, EEG with activation
process ).
Normal EEG does not exclude epilepsy.

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