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Grammar review

The passive with say, know, believe, etc.

The passive with say, know, It + be + past participle (believe, think, claim, expect,
believe, etc. -1 (impersonal know, report, say) + that

Use: What people in general say, “Dolphins can communicate” something

think, believe about something people say
in the present It + is+ past participle + that
It is said that dolphins can communicate.

Use: What people in general say, “The Earth is flat” it was thought
think, believe about something. It + was + past participle + that
in the past.  
It was thought that The Earth was flat.
The passive with say, know, Subject+ be + past participle (believe, think, claim,
believe, etc. -2 (impersonal expect, know, report, say) + to + infinitive/ have + past
passive) participle.

Use: What people in general say, subject + is/are+ past participle + to + infinitive
think, believe about something
in the present They say that dolphins are able to communicate

Dolphins are said to be able to communicate

Use: What people in general say, subject + was/were + past participle + to + have + past
think, believe about something. participle.
in the past. They believed that The Earth was flat.

The Earth was believed to have been flat.

• It + is/was+ past participle + that…

• subject + is/are+ past participle + to + infinitive

• subject + was/were + past participle + to + have + past participle.

It + is/was+ past participle + that…

subject + is/are+ past participle + to + have + past participle.

subject + was/were + past participle + to + have + past participle.

subject + is/are+ past participle + to + inf. + past participle.

subject + was/were + past participle + to + inf. + past participle.

subject + is/are+ past participle + to + have + past participle.

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