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• Return Ch. 9 & 10 Unit Test

• Discuss video pp. 111 - 112
• Tomorrow – Health Class – Mrs. Kaibourne
• Monday – No School
• Homework for Tuesday
 Read 11.1
 Review Questions 1 - 3
 Plug and Chug 1
 Think and Explain 1
• Give an example of an object that:
 moves without rotating
 rotates without moving
 moves and rotates
• Every time you open a door, turn on/off a water faucet, or
use a wrench you exert a “turning force”.
• A torque is produced when a turning force is applied with
• The longer the “lever arm” used to apply a force the
greater the torque.
• Torques produce rotational acceleration while forces
produce linear acceleration.
  F x lever arm

Lever Arm

• Read 11.2
• Review Question 4 - 6
• Plug and Chug 2
• Think and Explain 3
• Think and Solve 1-2
Calculating Torque
• Only the component of the force perpendicular (F)
to the lever arm contributes to the torque and
produces rotation.
• Lever Arm is the distance from the turning axis of
the rotation to the point of application of the
“turning” force.
• Torque is the product of the F and the lever arm.
• Torque tends to produce rotational acceleration
• Torque is measured in Newton-meters.
• Review Questions 1. Compare the effects of a force and a
torque on an object.
• Force changes object’s velocity; torque changes its rotation.
• 2.What is the lever arm of a force?
• Distance from fulcrum to perpendicular component of force.
• 3. In what direction should a force be applied to produce
maximum torque?
• Perpendicular to lever arm.
• Plug and Chug 1a. Calculate the torque produced by a 50N
perpendicular force at the end of a 0.2 m long wrench.
• Torque = Fd=50N (0.2m) = 10Nm
• 1b. Calculate the torque produced by the same force when a
pipe extends the length of the wrench to 0.5m.
• Torque = 50N (0.5m) = 25Nm
•Think and Explain 1. Which is better for prying open a stuck
cover from a can of paint – a screwdriver with a thick handle
or one with a long handle? Which is better for stubborn
•Long; thick; more leverage in each case.
Balanced Torques
• More than one torque can act on an object at the
same time.
• What are some examples of this?
• Can you describe a situation when more than one
torque acts on an object but there is no change in its
rotational state?
• Balance is achieved if the torques producing
clockwise rotation are balanced by the torques
producing counterclockwise rotation.
  0
F1d1   F2 d 2  for 2 torques
• For translational equilibrium the net force on an object
must be zero.
• For rotational equilibrium the net torque on an object must
be zero.

• For an object to be in complete equilibrium both the net

force and the net torque acting upon the object must be
equal to zero.

F  0   0
• Practice Pages 34 b-c
• Problems pp. 34 d-e
Andrew, whose weight is 430N, sits 1.8 m from the center of a
seesaw. Steve, whose weight is 520N, wants to balance
Andrew. How far from the center of the seesaw should Steve

  0
 andrew equal but opposite to  steve
430 N (1.8m)  520 N (d )
430 N
d (1.8m)
520 N
d  1.49m
2.Two baskets of fruit hang from strings going around pulleys
of different radii as shown below. The system is in
rotational equilibrium. What is the weight of basket A?
0.045m 0.01m

A 2.3N
  0
WA (0.045m)  2.3 N (0.01m)
WA  2.3 N
WA  0.51N
• Review Question 4. How do clockwise and counter-
clockwise torques compare in a balanced system.
• Equal
• 5.In terms of gravity, support base, and torque, why can’t
you stand with your heels and back to a wall and bend over
to touch your toes without falling over?
• CG protrudes beyond base, producing torque.
• 6.Where must a football be kicked so that it won’t topple
end over end as it sails through the air?
• At a point aimed at its CG.
• Think and Explain 3.If you know your own weight and
have a seesaw available, how can you determine the
approximate weight of a friend?
• Balanced seesaw; Wfriend = (dyou / dfriend) x Wyou
Plug and Chug 2a. Calculate the individual torques produced
by the weights of the girl and boy on the seesaw. What is the
net torque?
  Fd
 girl  300 N (3m)  900 N  m
 boy  600 N (1.5m)  900 N  m
  0

b. Determine the distance a 600 N boy should sit from the

c). Calculate the distance a 300N girl should sit when the boy
weighs 400N.

  0
F1d1   F2 d 2
300 Nd1  400 N (1.5m)
 400 N (1.5m)
d1 
300 N
d1  2m
•Think and Solve 1. What is the mass of the rock shown in the
•Think and Solve 2. What is the mass of the meter stick shown
in the figure?
More Than Two Balanced Torques
• To fully solve the see saw problem we have to take into
consideration the torque produced by the CG of the see
saw if it is not over the fulcrum.
• In addition there might be more than 2 people on the see
• In general:   0
F1d1  F2 d 2  F3 d 3  F4 d 4  0
 for couterclockwise torque
- for clockwise torque
• Balancing Tournament Simulation (pp. 106 a-b)
• Today
 Midterm Review I and II due
 Rotational Inertia
• Homework for Tuesday – see p. 118
• Monday – no class – ELA Field Test
• Tuesday – Angular Momentum and Law of
Conservation of Angular Momentum
• Wednesday class – Review and Ch 11 Unit Test
• Wednesday enrichment – Midterm Review I and II
Rotational Inertia

• Newton’s 1st Law explained the relationship

between the fundamental property of matter we call
inertia and the state of linear motion of an object.
• There is a similar law governing the motion of
rotating objects.
• Objects that are non-rotating will tend to remain
non-rotating, while rotating objects tend to keep
rotating at a constant rate, unless a net torque acts
upon the object to change its rotational state of
Rotational Inertia (con’t)
• The resistance of an object to changes in its
rotational motion is called rotational inertia.
• Like inertia in linear motion, rotational inertia
depends upon mass.
• But rotational inertia also depends upon the
distribution of the mass within an object.
• The greater the distance between the bulk of the
mass of an object and the axis about which rotation
takes place, the greater the rotational inertia.
Examples of Rotational Inertia
• You choke up on a bat to reduce the rotational
inertia to increase the bat speed more quickly.
• You bend your legs while running to reduce their
rotational inertia.
• A tightrope walker uses a long pole to increase
rotational inertia.
• Other
• The formulae for the rotational inertia for various
shapes and axes are provided in Figure 11.14,
page 157.
• Review Questions 7. What is the law of inertia for rotation?
• Non-rotating objects tend to stay non-rotating and rotating objects
tend to stay rotating.
• 8. On what two quantities does rotational inertia depend?
• Mass and radial distribution of mass from axis.
• 9. What is the effect of adding a weight to the end of a baseball bat
used for practice swings?
• Adds to rotational inertia, then regular batting seems easier.
• 10. Why is it easier to swing your legs back and forth when they are
• Less rotational inertia.
•11. Which will have the greater acceleration rolling down an
incline – a large ball or a small ball?
•Objects of the shape but different sizes accelerate equally
when rolled down an incline.
•12.Which will have the greater acceleration rolling down an
incline – a hoop or a solid disk.
•Solid disk; less rotational inertia per unit mass.
•13.How can a person vary his or her rotational inertia?
•Vary body configuration.
•Think and Explain 6.Which will have the greater acceleration
rolling down an incline – a bowling ball or a volleyball.
•Bowling ball; less rotational inertia per unit mass
•7.The most popular gyroscope is a Frisbee flying disk. What
is one function, besides being a place for gripping and
catching, of its somewhat thicker curved rim?
•Increases rotational inertia for stability.
•8. Consider two rotating bicycle wheels, one filled with air
and the other filled with water. Which would be more difficult
to stop rotating? Explain.
•One filled with water has greater rotational inertia.
•Think and Solve 4. A pair of identical 1000 kg space pods in
outer space are connected by a 900 m cable. They rotate about
a common point. Calculate a). the rotational inertia of each
pod about the axis of rotation and b) what is the rotational
inertia of the two-pod system about its midpoint.
a ). I  mr 2

I  1000kg (450m) 2

I  2 x108 kg  m 2
b). I  4 x108 kg  m 2
Angular Momentum

• All moving objects have an “inertia of motion” or linear

• Linear Momentum (p) = mv
• Similarly we refer to the “inertia of rotation” of a rotating
object as angular momentum.
• The angular momentum of a rotating object is calculated in
a similar manner to that of the linear momentum.
• Angular momentum is the product of an objects rotational
inertia and its rotational velocity.
• Angular Momentum = I
• units = kgm2/s
Vector Nature of Torque and Angular Momentum

• Torque can cause an object to rotate clockwise or

• Torque is a vector quantity which lies along the
axis of rotation.
• Angular momentum is also a vector quantity that
lies along the axis of rotation.
Torque and Angular Momentum

• An object or system of objects will maintain its

angular momentum unless acted upon by an
unbalanced external torque.
• It is easier to balance on a moving bicycle than on a
stationary one.
 The spinning wheels have angular momentum,
directed along their axis of rotation.
 A greater torque is required to change the
direction of the angular momentum vector and
we are more stable.
The Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
• If no unbalanced external torque is imposed upon a
rotating system, the angular momentum of that system is
constant or conserved.

I 00  I f  f
• This law governs the motion of
 skaters
 gymnasts
 shape of spiral galaxies
 other
• Review Questions 14. Distinguish between rotational
velocity and rotational speed.
• Rotational velocity has magnitude and direction.
• 15.Distinguish between linear momentum and angular
• mv; I
• 16. What motion does the torque produces by Earth’s
gravity impart to a vertically spinning bicycle wheel
supported at only one end of its axle?
• Precessional motion.
• 17. What does it mean to say that angular momentum is
• Does not change from before to after an event 18. When is
angular momentum conserved?
• In the absence of a net external torque.
•19.If a skater is spinning pulls her arms in so as to reduce her
rotational inertia to half, how much will her rate of spin
•20.What happens to a gymnast’s angular momentum when he
changes his body configuration during a somersault? What
happens to his rotational speed?
•No change in angular momentum; change in angular speed.
•Think and Explain 9. Why and how do you throw a football so
that it spins along its long axis when traveling through the air?
•Angular momentum around long axis maintains stability.
•10. You sit in the middle of a large, freely rotating turntable at
an amusement park. If you crawled toward the outer rim,
would the rotation speed increase, decrease, or remain the
same? What law supports your answer?
•Decrease; Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
•Think and Solve 3. If a trapeze artist rotates twice each
second while sailing through the air, and contracts to reduce
her rotational inertia to one-third, how many rotations per
second will result?
•6 rotations/sec
•5.The two-pod system in the question above rotates 1.2 RPM
to provide artificial gravity for its occupants. If one of the
pods pulls in 100 m of cable, what will be the system’s new
rotational rate? I I 
0 0 f f

I 00 4502
 2
(1.2 RPM )  1.52 RPM
If 400

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