CP-Arrays C++

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Programming Fundamentals


Objective: To become familiar with Arrays
 An array is a collection of multiple variable of the same data
 An array is a group of variables (called elements) that are all of the same data
 The variables in an array are called the elements or items or
data items of array.
 An array can be int or float or they can be user-defined types
like structures or objects.
 Arrays are like structures in that they both group a number
of data items(variables, members, elements ) into a larger

 Butwhile a structure groups data items of different data

types, an array groups data items of the same data type.

 More importantly, the data items in a structure are accessed

by name, while in an array elements are accessed by an
index number.

Accessing array elements

Initializing arrays
Defining arrays in C++
An array definition specifies its data type, followed by the variable name
and a square bracket.
size of array

int marks [ 4 ]; // array ‘marks’ of 4 ints

data type name Brackets delimit array size

(Square bracket signals, that variable marks is an array of type int)

Representation of an array in memory

int marks [ 4 ]; Memory

Each element in an array is assigned an marks [ 0 ]

index number.
marks [ 1 ]
Element 1 is assigned index 0.
Element 2 is assigned index 1. marks [ 2 ]
….. marks [ 3 ]
Element 4 is assigned index 3.

The last element is at index 3.

Representation of an array in memory
int marks [ 4 ]; Memory

Accessing array elements marks [ 0 ]

Each element in an array is assigned
an index number.
marks [ 1 ]

Element 1 is assigned index 0.

Element 2 is assigned index 1.
marks [ 2 ]
Element 4 is assigned index 3.
marks [ 3 ]
The number of elements in an array
is called its length
Array Initialization
int marks [ 4 ];
Each element in array an array is assigned an index number.
marks [ 0 ] = 60;
marks [ 1 ] = 70;

marks [ 3 ] = 80;
Array Initialization
Each element in array an array is assigned an index number.

int marks [ 4 ] = { 50, 60, 70 ,80 };

 Traversing: accessing or processing each element of an array.
 Insertion: Adding a new element to the array.

 Deletion: Removing an element from the array.

 Searching: Finding an element in an array or its location.

 Sorting: Arranging the elements in some type of order.

Two-dimensional Arrays areoften used to represent tables of
values consisting of information in rows and columns.
Defining two- dimensional array

int arr [2][3]; // 2 by 3 array

First specify the rows and second specify the columns.

To access or identify a particular element in two-

dimensional we specify two indices.
Array creation and initialization
int arr [ 2 ][ 3 ] = { {1,2,3},{4,5,6} };
Array creation and initialization
int arr [ 3 ][ 2 ] = { {1,2},{3,4}, {5,6} };
Tasks for Lab # 8
Task # 1: Write a C++ program that creates and initializes an array of type integer as :
int array[]={5,10,15,20,25}; and computes the SUM of the elements in an array.

Task #2 Consider the array in Taskno.2 . Write a C++ program that print the all elements of the array in
reverse order, As 25,20, …5.

Task #3 : Write a C++ program that prints the second last element in the array created in Task no. 2.
And also displays the sum and product of last two elements of the array.

Task #4 : Write a C++ program that finds the smallest element in the array and also its index.

Task #5 : Write a C++ program that finds the largest element in the array and also its index.

Task #6 : Write a C++ program that passes an array (of your choice) as an argument to a function.

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