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Muhammad Shaheryar
Today’s Lecture
• What we studied in Last lecture
• Fragmentation
• Predicates
• Minterm Predicates
• Affinity Matrix in DDS
Vertical Fragmentation
• Each site must not necessarily need all of the attributes.

• One of the best use of vertical fragmentation is to divide it into


• It is a subset of relation created by subset of columns.

Attribute Usage Value
More Queries
Attribute Usage Matrix
Access Frequency Matrix
Attribute Access Matrix and Attribute Frequency Matrix
Affinity Matrix
Attribute Affinity Matrix
What’s New
Introduction to NoSQL Databases
Limitations of Relational Databases
• Consistency and integrity

• JSON Format

• Advantages of NoSQL
• High scalability
• High availability
• What’s Missing in NoSql

• When to use it
• MongoDB is an open source, document oriented database that stores
data in form of documents (key and value pairs).
Mapping RDB to Mongo DB
Table vs Collection

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