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Linking the SDG to Vision

Linking the SDG to Vision
Mugabe Robert
SDG goals
• Introduction
• A set of 17 goals for the world’s future, through
2030 agreed by 193 countries.
➤ Negotiated over a two-year period at the United
➤ Agreed to by nearly all the world’s nations, on 25
Sept 2015
What is new and different
about the 17 SDGs?
• First, and most important, these Goals apply
to every nation … and every sector. Cities,
businesses, schools, organizations, all are
challenged to act. This is called Universality
• Second, it is recognized that the Goals are all
inter-connected, in a system. We cannot aim
to achieve just one Goal. We must achieve
them all. This is called Integration

Introduction cont’d
• And finally, it is widely recognized that
achieving these Goals involves making very
big, fundamental changes in how we live on
Earth. This is called Transformation

SDG goals
1. End poverty in in all its forms everywhere by
2030. It is known that more than 800 million
people around the world still live on less than
$1.25 a day
2. End hunger, achieve food security
and improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture. 1 out of every 9 people
on earth who go to bed hungry every night

• 3. ensure healthy lives and promote well-
being for all at all ages. Our health affects
everything from how much we enjoy life to
what work we can perform.
• 4. ensure inclusive and equitable quality
education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all. Poverty, armed conflict
and other emergencies keep many, many kids
around the world out of school
5. Achieve gender equality and empower all
women and girls
6. ensure availability and sustainable
management of water and sanitation for all
7. ensure access to affordable, reliable,
sustainable and modern energy for all

8. promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable
economic growth, full and productive employment and
decent work for all
9. build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and
sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
10. reduce inequality within and among countries. This
can be done can by adopting policies that create
opportunity for everyone, regardless of who they are
or where they come from.

11. make cities and human settlements
inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. To
make cities sustainable for all, we can create
good, affordable public housing. We can
upgrade slum settlements
12. ensure sustainable consumption and
production patterns.

• We can have a world where everybody gets
what they need to survive and thrive.
• And we can consume in a way that preserves
our natural resources so that our children can
enjoy them, and their children and their
children after that.

13. take urgent action to combat climate change
and its impacts
14. conserve and sustainably use the oceans,
seas and marine resources for sustainable

15. protect, restore and promote sustainable
use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
manage forests, combat desertification, and
halt and reverse land degradation and halt
biodiversity loss by 2020.

16. promote peaceful and inclusive societies for
sustainable development, provide access to
justice for all and build effective, accountable
and inclusive institutions at all levels
17. strengthen the means of implementation
and revitalize the global partnership for
sustainable development

SD and Uganda’s Vision 2040

• Sustainable development requires planning for
today and tomorrow
• Ensuring that tomorrows generation can also
meet their needs, not compromised by today
• For the last 30 years, Uganda’s planning
frameworks have focused on short to medium
term horizons. There has been low incentives
for longterm planning
• Vision 2040 is a step in that direction
• In 2007, government approved a
comprehensive National Development Planning
Framework(CNDPF) which provides for the
development of a 30 year Vision to be
implemented through:
– Three 10-year plans;
– Six 5-year National Development Plans (NDPs);
– Sector Investment Plans (SIPs);
– Local Government Development Plans (LGDPs),
– Annual work plans and Budgets.

• National Vision Statement, “A Transformed
Ugandan Society from a Peasant to a
Modern and Prosperous Country within 30

• Transforming Uganda from predominantly low
income country within 30 years with a per
capita income of USD 9,500
• Will become a first world country in 2060
• It sets out the goals and targets to be
achieved to realise this desired socioeconomic

Opportunities presented
• Demographic dividend/Human Resource
– More working population
• Oil and Gas discovery
• Tourism
• Industrialisation
• Water resources
• Location (EAC and Equator)
• Minerals
• ICT run economy 20
• Transport infrastructure and services
• Urban Development (Integrated physical
planning and investment)- regional cities
• Land (disputes, access issues resolved)
• Peace, Security and Defence (Professional
army + reserve force)
• Science, Technology, Engi-neering and
Key core projects identified
• Hi-tech ICT city and associated ICT
• Large irrigation schemes in different parts of
the country;
• Phosphate industry in Tororo;
• Iron ore industry in Muko, Kabale;
• Five regional cities ( Gulu, Mbale, Kampala,
Mbarara, and Arua) and five strategic cities
( Hoima, Nakasongola, Fortportal, Moroto, and
• Four international airports;
• A standard gauge railway network with high
speed trains;
• Oil Refinery and associated pipeline
• Multi-lane paved national road net work
linking major towns, cities and other strategic

• Globally competitive skills development
• Nuclear power and hydro power plants
(Ayago, Isimba, Karuma, and Murchison Bay);
• Science and Technology parks in each regional
• International and national referral hospitals in
each regional cities

Key contributing sectors to GDP


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