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3VR / VMS Vision

A solution that elegantly scales from small to enterprise

• Today – the 3VR analytics engine is tied to other functions in a single service
• The system quickly bottlenecks when customers want to scale up their analytics capabilities
• The vision is to separate these services out so they can scale independently, depending if
the customer wants:
• More analytics capability
Need a graphic that demonstrates separating out different
• More transcoding and user client sessions functions so they can scale independently. Free to use your own
• idea, but was thinking of a graphic with a tree that has grown too
More database redundancy
big for its pot, and taking seedlings and planting them in different
• More storage efficiency and failover spots so they can grow as big as they want, with a seedling in the
foreground and the shape of a large full-grown tree in the
background for each seedling to show they can grow as big as
they need.
But you can do whatever you want that demonstrates this concept.
The text above is not representative of the final slide, it’s just there
to guide you as to graphics creation

1 © 2019 Identiv, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Identiv Confidential.

3VR / VMS Vision
A solution that is intuitive to use, easy to install, available to use anywhere
you are, and which is cyber secure
• The vision is to:
• Make Identiv solutions extremely easy to install, particularly for technicians from the IT World who aren’t
familiar with physical security
• A web/app-based platform that provides an equally robust and gorgeous experience on PC or Smart Device
• Utilizes the latest cyber secure engineering to protect our customers data and identities

Need a graphic that demonstrates making the complex simple, particularly installation, and which is available on a
variety of devices, and which is cyber secure and fends off malicious attacks and viruses

You can do whatever you want that you feel demonstrates this concept.
The text above is not representative of the final slide, it’s just there to guide you as to graphics creation

2 © 2019 Identiv, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Identiv Confidential.

3VR / VMS Vision
A solution that is equally home on-premises, the cloud, or a hybrid of both
• Today – 3VR works on premises, on 3VR appliances, COTS HW or VMware
• Current trends are to shift storage, analytics and management to the cloud
• The vision is to:
• Invest in 3VR code to improve robustness in any operating environment (cloud, on-prem, VM data center)
• Establish cloud services that can manage multiple 3VR systems that may be geographically disperse
• Make certain aspects of the 3VR solution, such as analytics, available as a cloud service
• Ultimately, be able to offer an entire 3VR solution that is cloud based with a web client

Need a graphic that demonstrates taking a deployment that is 100% on-premises, and then show it being managed
by cloud services. Then, in another evolution, some of the functions of that system are in the cloud. Then,
ultimately, the entire system is cloud-based.

You can do whatever you want that you feel demonstrates this concept.
The text above is not representative of the final slide, it’s just there to guide you as to graphics creation

3 © 2019 Identiv, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Identiv Confidential.

3VR / VMS Vision
A solution closely tied to Identiv’s full portfolio, including cross-integration,
UI commonality, and system management
• Today – Identiv platforms all have different clients, with different interface stylings, with
different workflows – it doesn’t look like it comes from the same company
• Many features are not integrated between the platforms
• The vision
• Create user interfaces that look and feel the same, have similar workflows, and look to all be from Identiv
• Utilize similar database and code technologies across the product platforms to increase development speed
• Integrate features that create an integrated solution

Need a graphic that demonstrates isolated systems with different client types evolving into similar interfaces with
more cross platform connectivity You can do whatever you want that you feel demonstrates this concept, but try
and utilize screen shots from existing 3VR, Velocity and Viscount products as the “now’ state.

The text above is not representative of the final slide, it’s just there to guide you as to graphics creation

4 © 2019 Identiv, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Identiv Confidential.

3VR / VMS Vision
A predictive analytics solution using video and any other data sources
• Today – 3VR performs searches based on supported analytics including faces,
demographics, motion, heat mapping and queue analysis.
• Alerts and searches are all after the incident occurs
• The vision is to:
• Expand the types of data 3VR can analyze
• Connect to other analytics engines to bring their metadata into 3VR’s analytics engine
• Create models based on previous incidents that look at widly varying data sources to look for patterns
• Use these models to ‘predict’ that a type of incident may be imminent

Need a graphic that demonstrates taking a bunch of data sources, some that are in 3VR, some that come from
outside sources, including the Cloud, and creating patterns or models from that data, to give a prediction that a
specific event type is about to occur.
You can do whatever you want that you feel demonstrates this concept. But one might be predicting a robbery
seconds or minutes before it occurs. Even more dramatic would be predicting a terrorist event before it occurs.
The text above is not representative of the final slide, it’s just there to guide you as to graphics creation

5 © 2019 Identiv, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Identiv Confidential.

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