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Querying and Managing Databases

Introduction to
Database Management System
At the end of this chapter, you should be
able to:
• Describe database management system.
• Describe the benefits for a DBMS over
traditional methods
• Describe the functional components of a DBMS
• Describe the database design lifecycle
• What is a Database?

– an organized collection of interrelated data, related to one or more organizations’ activities.

• What is a Database Management System?

– A collection of programs that enable users to create, store, modify, and extract information
from a database as per the requirements.
– Popular DBMS include
• Microsoft SQL Server
• Oracle
– In this module we will be learning Microsoft SQL Server
Data vs Information
-facts and figures
Structured data
-entities in a database eg. Cust name, address,cell

-inclusion of objects such as documents, photos, maps emails etc
( extension of the structured)
Then what is information??????
Then what is Metadata??????? Description of end user data eg.
Data name, definitions, length and allowable values
Introduction (cont.…)
• Database Management System (DBMS) are designed to
manage large volumes of data by performing the following:
• add, remove, update records
• retrieve data that match certain criteria
• cross-reference data in different tables
• perform complex aggregate calculation

• main objectives of any DBMS are to:

• provide an efficient and convenient environment that is used to store
data , and retrieve data from a database
• Manage information about users who interact with the DBMS and the
activities that manage these users can perform on the data.
Traditional file processing system
• Data is stored in computer files
• data is strongly tied to a system
• Eg inventory system, Hr System
• Program- data dependence
• Duplication of data
• Limited data sharing
• Length development time
• Excessive program maintenance
Database approach
• Invented to fill the gaps identified in file systems
Data models
• Used to capture nature and relationships
amoung data.
• Various pictorial representations are used to
produce data models that can be understood by
end users, system analysts, and database
Db approach…..
• A data model is made up of entities and relationships
• Entity an entry can be regarded as a noun that
describes a person, a place, an object, an event or a
concept. Eg Customer, order, product

• A relationship is
“.. An association among entities (the participants)..”

Relationships link entities with each other

• Relationship constraints - cardinality
– one to one (1:1)
– one to many (1:m)
– many to many (m:n)

Entities are represented by rectangular shape whilst relationships are represented by

a link (line). Cardinality is also considered on a pictorial representation (Model)
Advantages of Database approach
• Program-data independent
• Improved data consistency
• Improved data sharing
• Improved data accessibility
• Improved data quality
• Reduced program maintenance
• Improved productivity of application
Components of a Database Environment

• Centralized knowledge base for all data definitions. Data relationships, screens and reports format. (metadata)
• Dbms: software for creating maintenance and provision of access to user database
• Database : collection of logically related data.
• Application program: From end applications
• User interface : forms menus etc
• The application programmer
• responsible for developing application programs or user interface

The End User

• individuals or groups of individuals who use the system to get their task done.
• do not need to know about the workings or design of the database.

– The Database Administrator

• individual responsible for database system implementation and maintenance.
• have all the system privileges allowed by the DBMS
Database Development Process (DDLC)/SDLC

• The Life Cycle of a Database is the cycle of development and changes

that a database goes through during the course of its life from initial
planning to final evaluation and maintenance of the finished product

• The DDLC consists of the following six stages

• Preliminary planning
• Feasibility study
• Requirements definition
• Conceptual design
• Implementation
• Database evaluation and maintenance

Preliminary Planning

– first stage in any database development project

– involves establishing the users’ requirements
• includes consultation and agreements among stakeholders

– The information collected on this stage can be used to:

• Determine relationships between applications the organization may already
• find uses for the information already collected by those applications or systems
• find possible future requirements
• Review the financial benefits of a database system.
DDLC STAGES (cont.….)
Feasibility Study

– involves determining technological, operational and

economic feasibility of a database.
– report has to be prepared which justifies the costs
and benefits
DDLC STAGES (cont.….)
Requirements Definition

– most significant stage in implementing a database system

– also known as requirements collection
– Used to find out what is needed e.g. type and size of database
– A database analyst needs to spend a lot of time within the business organization
talking to future end users
• get acquainted with day-to-day process

• results may include:

– the description of the data used or generated
– the details how the data is to be used or generated
– any additional requirements for the new database system
DDLC STAGES (cont.….)
Conceptual Design

– Involves construction of the model of data

– model is based on the requirements specification
– includes the data elements, relationships between
data elements and their constraints.
– independent of a particular database management
DDLC STAGES (cont.….)

– construction of the DBMS system according to a given conceptual

– Considers the environment in which the system will be operating
– involves
• selecting a DBMS based on a defined criterion
• purchasing it
• converting the detailed conceptual model into the implementation model
• Implementing - construction of the DBMS
DDLC STAGES (cont.….)
Database Evaluation and Maintenance

• Involves:
– monitoring
– evaluation of the performance
– maintaining the implemented database system.
– If performance of the system falls below acceptable
level, tuning or reorganization of the database may be
• A DBMS is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access this data.
• most popular Database Management Systems include:
• Microsoft SQL Server
• Oracle
• IBM DB2.

• The users of a DBMS can be classified into three groups :

– the application programmers, the end users and the Database Administrator (DBA).

• A DBMS provides the following benefits:

– reduced redundancy
– data consistency
– Data sharing
– Security restrictions
– Data Integrity
SUMMARY (cont..)
• DBMS architecture is a representation of the way in which the
data in a database is viewed by users
• consists of the external level, conceptual level, and internal level.

• The functional components of a DBMS are:

• Database Manager
• File Manager
• Disk Manager

• The Database development life Cycle (DDLC) is the cycle of

development and changes that a database goes through during
the course of its life
Thank you !

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