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Marketing Aspect

Submitted by:
Steffane P. Mata
MBA-1 Entrepreneurship
May 02, 2020
2.1 The Target Market:
Determining and
Understanding it.

2.2 Potential Market

Demand and How to
Estimate it.
Suggested Inclusions:
1. How to group (or segment) the market.
The Target Market 2. How to identify which segment to
focus on (target).
There are five skills 3.How to be more familiar with your
you need to acquire target.
that will help you
understand the 4. Know who else are making similar
market: products or offering similar services
5. How to estimate the size of the target
market that will buy your product or use
your service.

1. Segmenting the Market
Market segmentation refers to the process of The chart below is an example of Philippine Market
dividing prospective buyers into groups that Segment according to age group.
have common needs and will respond
similarly to a marketing action.
A market can be grouped according to these
variables: geographic (region of the world or
country, size of country, climate),
demographic (population - age, gender,
sexual orientation, income, occupation, 20%

education, etc.), psychographic (personality,

lifestyle, values, attitudes), or behavioral
Infants Below 2 yrs old Teenagers 13-19 yrs old Children 2-12 yrs old
(product, benefit sought, rate of usage, brand
Adults 20 yrs old and above
loyalty, readiness-to-buy stage.
2. Targeting
•To target is to select from The table below shows an example of a food and beverage
company that has targeted particular segments and served
among the big group of almost all segments.
possible buyers or users,
a specific group or type Segment Targeted Marketing
of buyers to cater to. Breakfast Table Eight O’clock, Magnolia Fresh Milk, San Mig
Coffee, Purefoods Bacon
•The discipline in
Night on the Pale Pilsen, San Mig Light, Ginebra Gin, Red
marketing is to target one Town Horse Beer, Coke, Matador, Crispy Pata
segment at a time.
Kiddie Party Tender Juicy Hotdog, Chicken Nuggets, Fun
Chum Juice, Chicken Popcorn, Jellyace, Magnolia
Ice Cream

3. Understanding Your Target
•The usual practice of some businesses in Here is a list of some of the commonly used
studying their target market is to use what tools for gathering information and getting
is popularly called market research. insights about the target market:
•Market research is the process of collecting • Surveys
and analyzing information as to how the • Focus group discussions (FGDs)
goods or services move from the producer
to the consumer. • Observing in context (shadowing, expert
walkthroughs, day-in-the-life survey, draw the
•Gathering Insights. One way to be familiar experience, fly on the wall)
with a target market is by getting to know
them up close, knowing where they go, • Emphatic tools (mock journey, empathy
what they do, and what things they buy and tools, body storming)
services they avail. • Prototyping.
4. Analyzing the Competition
Competitor analysis is, first, Competitor analysis is,
knowing what your secondly, understanding
competitor’s marketing is. This why the target market is
includes: the competitor’s buying or will buy from
products or services, how the competitor.
much they cost, how they are
distributed, and how they are
made known to the target

Estimating Potential •A very simple way of estimating demand is by using the
national census.
Market Demand Example:
Estimation is an educated guess. The best Let us assume that you want to produce garments for
way to be very certain and confident women. The national census indicates that there are 10
about estimates for potential market million women in the country. Assuming that these women
demand is to look for facts about the will buy two blouses in one year, the market demand for
industry where the entrepreneur intends blouses would be 20 million blouses. The blouse that you
to enter. want to produce is made of very high quality and would be
•Estimating potential market demand is a quite expensive; only the economically well-off can afford it.
marketing skill that has an impact on The census says that there are 1 million women in the
projecting sales, sales growth, and capital, country who belong to the A socio-economic bracket. So,
machine, and manpower requirements. given that the women buy two blouses a year, the total
demand for high quality blouses would be two million pieces.
•The estimated potential market demand Taking into consideration that there are 19 competitors who
is the numerical representation of how can offer the same blouse of similar quality, two million
well the entrepreneur understands the blouses divided by 20 firms (19 competitors + you) would
target market. result in a potential demand for your high quality blouses at
100,000 pieces a year.


 In this chapter, you learned that central to marketing is the target market, and the foremost
competency that a beginning entrepreneur like you should develop as a marketer is the ability to
understand that target market.

 To do this, it is important for you to have the following skills: grouping similar people together to form
market segments; analyzing and deciding which of the segments you will target or sell to; and
gathering insights into that target market using surveys, FGDs, contextual observations, empathic
tools, and prototyping.

 Acquiring such additional skills as knowing your competitor’s marketing and estimating the demand
for your product or service will enable you to understand your target market better. The latter skills
are especially useful in business planning especially in forecasting your sales, sales growth, and
deciding the investment, manpower, and machine requirements of your new enterprise.

• Rasos, Marco. “Marketing Goods and Services,”, Introduction to
Entrepreneurship. Quezon City: SERDEF Inc., 2006. Ziglar, Zig.
Selling 101. USA: Thomas Nelson Inc, 2003.

• E-book: Your Guide to Starting a Small Business Enterprise

~End of My Report~

Stay at Home and
Be Safe.
May 02, 2020

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