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The Impact of Geomagnetically

Induced Current on Single-Phase

Saturable Transformer

A.A Zawawi, N.F Ab Aziz, M.Z.A Ab Kadir, H. Hashim and

M. Izadi

Institute of Power Engineering (IPE), Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Jalan IKRAM-UNITEN,

43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia.

• Introduction
• GIC Phenomenon
• Model of Saturable Transformer
• Numerical Simulations and Results
• Conclusion
• References

• Geomagnetic disturbance (GMDs) and its impact

• Geomagnetic induced currents (GICs) and its impact

Introduction (cont.)

Figure 1: GIC flows in a power system network [1]

GIC Phenomenon
• Previous research works
Table 1:
The Halloween Solar
The Carrington Event The Quebec Blackout
The Solar Storm 1921 [5]-[6] Storm
1859 [2]-[4] 1989 [7]-[9]
2003 [10]-[11]
• Largest recorded • Blown out fuses and • The transformers were • Leaving about 50,000
geomagnetic injured electrical driven into the customers in the dark
disturbance. apparatus. saturation region. for 1 hour.

• Telegraph operations in • Telegraph • Caused the blackout of • High value of

North America has been communications was 745 kv transmission transformer GIC neutral
disrupted. disrupted in cities. system. current of 330 A was
observed during this
• Some cable and • Massive reactive power event leading to its
telegraph lined did not shortage. failure.

Table 1: Previous research work on impact of GIC

Model of Saturable Transformer


Figure 2: Single-phase transformer model : (a) two-winding transformer, (b) equivalent circuit [12]
Model of Saturable Transformer (cont.)

The existence of GIC is related to the Faraday’s Law of induction

• The entry point of GICs

• During the disturbance

• Half cycle saturation

Numerical Simulations and Results
• Network modelling to simulate GIC phenomenon

- Single Phase Transformer

- System voltage 500/230 kV
- Pi model transmission line
- Load resistor

- Two AC current source
Numerical Simulations and Results (cont.)

Figure 3: Simulation circuit for single-phase saturable transformer

Numerical Simulations and Results (cont.)
• Two different operating conditions:
- Steady state condition and operation condition with GIC.
- When the system is operating with GIC:
 0 A,
 100 A
 200 A.
• Previous studies
• The behaviour of the single-phase transformer is represented by:
- Hysteresis curve,
- Magnetizing current
- Flux
Numerical Simulations and Results (cont.)
• Hysteresis curve

Figure 4: Hysteresis curve with Figure 5: Hysteresis curve with Figure 6: Hysteresis curve with
no injection of GIC 100 A injection of GIC 200 A injection of GIC
Numerical Simulations and Results (cont.)
• Flux waveform

Figure 7: Flux waveform with no

injection of GIC.

Figure 8: Flux waveform with 100 A

injection of GIC.

Figure 9: Flux waveform with 200 A

injection of GIC.
Numerical Simulations and Results (cont.)
• Magnetizing current

Figure 10: Magnetizing current with no

injection of GIC.

Figure 11: Magnetizing current with 100 A

injection of GIC.

Figure 12: Magnetizing current with 200 A

injection of GIC.
• Geomagnetic phenomenon is a potential disturbance to a power
transformer; it is proven using the results obtained from simulation of GICs
to a single-phase transformer modeled in MATLAB SIMULINK.

• At operation with GIC, magnitude of flux and magnetizing current are

increased within time and distort the core of hysteresis curve.

• Based on simulation results, GICs being generated by GMD can:

- Saturate a single-phase power transformer,
- Transformer heating and
- Creating large amount of harmonics.

• It has been proven that GICs give credible threat to power system network;
thus, technological system needs to be investigated intensively and should
be extended to a wider region.
[1] IEEE Power and Energy Society, “IEEE guide for establishing power transformer capability while under
geomagnetic disturbance” (IEEE,2015)

[2] J. Koen and C. T. Gaunt, “Geomagnetically induced current at mid-latitude” (Proceedings International
Union of Radio Science, 2002).

[3] C. T. Gaunt and G. Coetzee, “Transformer failures in regions incorrectly considered to have low GIC-risk”
(IEEE Lausanne POWERTECH, 2007), pp. 807–812.

[4] R. Ghoddousi-Fard and F. Lahaye, “High latitude ionospheric disturbances: Characterization and effects on
GNSS precise point positioning” (International Association of Institutes of Navigation World Congress
Prague, 2015), pp. 1-6.

[5] B. Kasztenny, D. Taylor, and N. Fischer, “Impact of Geomagnetically Induced Currents on Power
Transformers and Power System”(13th International Conference on Developments in Power System
Protection,2016), pp. 218–222.

[6] H. Kirkham et al., “Geomagnetic Storms and Long- Term Impacts on Power Systems” (Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory Richland, 2011).
References (cont.)
[7] A. W. P. Thomson et al., Advances in Space Research 45.9, 1182-1190 (2010).

[8] A. Pulkkinen, E. Bernabeu, J. Eichner, C. Beggan, and A. W. P. Thomson, “Generation of 100 year
geomagnetically induced current scenarios”( The Catholic University of America,2012).

[9] North American Electric Reliability, “Effects of Geomagnetic Disturbances on the Bulk Power System”(2012).

[10] J. Marusek, “Solar storm threat analysis” (Impact,2007), pp. 1–29.

[11] E. W. Cliver and L. Svalgaard, Solar Physic, vol. 224, 407–422 (2005).

[12] Rui Fan, Y. Liu, and A. Umana, “The Impact of Solar Storms on Protective Relays for Saturable Core
Transformer” (IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2017), pp.1-5.

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