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OMDREB Leadership

Development Committee
Meet and Greet
February 12, 2009
Why People Volunteer

 Satisfaction from

 To share a skill
 To gain
leadership skills
 To demonstrate commitment to
a cause/belief
 To get to know a community
 To keep busy
Why People Volunteer

 To donate their professional

 To become an “insider”
 Because they were asked
 To be challenged
 To be an agent of change
 To learn something new
Why People Volunteer

 To feel proud
 To assure progress
 To do something different from
their job
 To be part of a team
 For fun!
 To make new friends
Why People Volunteer

 To have an impact
 Because of pressure from a
 Recognition, status
 As therapy
 To act out a fantasy
 Guilt
What Do Volunteers Want?

To Be Welcomed

 Introductions, made comfortable

at first meeting
What Do Volunteers Want

To Be Prepared For Them

 A job description
 An agenda
 Something to do
What Do Volunteers Want

Good Training

 Mentor
 Group involvement
What Do Volunteers Want?

To Do Interesting Work

 Meaningful tasks
 Additional leadership
opportunities for those willing to
assume extra responsibility
What Do Volunteers Want?

Know Upfront Time Commitment

 Number and length of meetings

 Ongoing or short term tasks?

What Do Volunteers Want?

To Be Appreciated

 Thank you, thank you, thank

What Do Volunteers Want?

To Be Communicated With

 Respond to concerns
 Clear direction from Chair
 Follow up and follow through
 Progress of tasks or
What Do Volunteers Want?

To know they are helping make

the world a better place

To be socially connected

To learn something new

Expectations of Volunteers

 Reliable and Dependable

 Understand Board Mission,
Vision & Value Statements
 Work with Board Strategic
 Act Respectfully & Ethically
 Understand Importance of
Expectations of Volunteers

 Ability to work as a team

 Understanding of commitment
 Help uphold Board standards
and promote a positive
public image
Welcome Volunteers 2009

 Ask Questions
 Meet your Board of Directors &
Committee Chairs
 Seek committees and task
forces of interest
 Sign up
 Enjoy
Thank You


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