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Lecture 10 - Flexure

February 6, 2002
CVEN 444
Lecture Goals
• Basic Concepts
• Doubly Reinforced Beams
• T Beams
Doubly Reinforced Beams
Four Possible Modes of Failure
• Under reinforced Failure
– ( Case 1 ) Compression and tension steel yields
– ( Case 2 ) Only tension steel yields
• Over reinforced Failure
– ( Case 3 ) Only compression steel yields
– ( Case 4 ) No yielding Concrete crushes
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced
Rectangular Sections

Case 1
Assume As yields fs = fy

Cc  0.85 f c ba
T  As f y
Cs  As  f y  0.85 f c
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced
Rectangular Sections
Case 1 (cont.)
Using equilibrium and find a
As f y  As  f y  0.85 f c
T  Cc  Cs  a 
0.85 f cb
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced
Rectangular Sections
Case 1 (cont.)
Check assumption

 c  d 
 s    cu
 c 
d c
s    cu
 c 
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced
Rectangular Sections

Case 1 (cont.)
 s   y  ; s   y
 a
M n  Cc  d    Cs  d  d 
 2
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced
Rectangular Sections
Case 2
Assume A’s has not yielded
Cc  0.85 f c ba  0.85 f c b1c
T  As f y
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced
Rectangular Sections
Case 2 (cont..)
Using similar triangles

 c  d 
 s    cu
 
 c 
Cs  As  f s  0.85 f c ; where, f s  Es s
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced
Rectangular Sections
Case 2 (cont.)

T  Cc  Cs

*Solve for NA, depth c (quadratic equation in terms of NA depth c)

Analysis of Doubly Reinforced
Rectangular Sections

Case 2 (cont.)
Check Assumptions
 s   y s   y

Calculate: a  1c
 a
M n  Cc  d    Cs  d  d 
 2
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced
Rectangular Sections
Alternative Solution for Mn
Trial & Error solution for c
– try c =(1/3)*d
– calculate ’s,f’s,C’s, T
– Check
• T< Cc +C’s (decrease c)
• T> Cc + C’s (increase c)
– Iterate until T =Cc + C’s
– Calculate Mn
Limitations on Reinforcement Ratio for
Doubly Reinforced beams
(1) Upper limit on 
 f s(bal)
 
 max  0.75  bal    
 f 
 y 
0.85 f c1  87,000 
 bal 
fy  87,000  f 
 y 

 
  Stress in As for balanced condition
f s(bal)
Limitations on Reinforcement Ratio for
Doubly Reinforced beams

(2) Lower limit on  (ACI 10.5)

same as for single reinforce beams.

3 f c 200
 min  
fy fy
Example: Doubly Reinforced Section
f’c= 4000 psi fy = 60 ksi
A’s = 4 #5 As = 4 #7
d’= 2.5 in. d = 15.5 in
h=18 in. b =12 in.
Calculate Mn and maximum As(allow) for the
section for the given compression steel.
Example: Doubly Reinforced Section

Calculate the
maximum As of
the beam.

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