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Virtual Job Shadow

Krati Dixit
1. A Software Developer in Amazon: I chose this career as I myself want to be a
software developer as I love programming and developing new stuff.
2. Software Engineer in Twitter: I chose this career as becoming a Software Engineer
requires the same degrees as required by a Software Developer so this career could
be my backup plan.
3. Entrepreneur: I chose this career as I am interested in entrepreneurship and I
clearly have a business mind and I also have few ideas in my head which are related
to Business Technology.
Software Developer in Amazon
The Job shadow was with Mr. Smok in London at the Amazon corporate.I experienced
that the work was really interesting. They got a lot of time for coding. They had meetings
everyday.The office was really amazing, there were games and bean bags in the office and
people seemed really friendly. I would love to be a software developer in Amazon as they
can code a lot and I love coding. They also had to fill in a survey everyday which is pretty
cool. They have to handle clients and customers on a daily purpose and rectify the defects
in their pears coding or their interns coding. I noticed that their were not many employees
in the morning so I can interpret that for software developers the timing is flexible and
they do not need to come in early morning. I would like to know get to know about the
salary. My next step would be to become a software developer in such a good company.
Software Engineer In Twitter
The Job shadow was with Josh who works for twitter. He really didn’t mention the place
but the office was really amazing. The work was really much similar to a software
developer. A software engineer too has to to code a lot. I noticed that software engineers
attend more meetings. The office had a buffet every morning and afternoon. They also had
a smoothie break which was pretty cool. Josh came in the office really early and left early
too. After that Josh met his friends and family. I noticed they had a really nice apartment
so I expect that his pay is good. I found it interesting that you can work anywhere and its
not required for yoy to work at your table. I really wanted to know how long are the
meetings.Well my dad is a software engineer so I would really like to take a tour at his
office and get to know more.
The Job shadow was with Chris Wentz the CEO and co-founder of Everykey.I experienced
that entrepreneurs do not have a typical day like software developers or engineers, they
can work on whatever the current needs are of the company.I found it really interesting as
this was just an idea in an entrepreneur class and they were able to make it so big. I
noticed that the office was pretty small but they have all the facilities like they have a
whiteboard so that people can share their own ideas or what features they can add to
Everykey.The risk associated to entrepreneur is that their idea can go out of business I was
interested to found out even after ups and downs Chris didn’t give up and now the
company is succeeding.I would like to know the pay. Well I would research more about
small start ups or businesses on the net.
How these careers potentially fit into my life ?
Well I really think that life of a Software Developer in Amazon was pretty amazing it
could totally fit into my life as I love coding and they code a lot. Also they had flexible
hours and stable salary. The life of Software Engineer is pretty amazing too this career is
pretty similar to a software developer and it could totally fit into my life. The life of an
entrepreneur is really cool as you can get to be the boss and the timings are more flexible
but the pay is not stable. There are many risks associated to an entrepreneur. But if the
idea is amazing the business can make billions.

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