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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y.

ECE 581 Fall 2009

Oversampling ADC

Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

Nyquist-Rate ADC
• The “black box” version of the quantization process
• Digitizes the input signal up to the Nyquist frequency (fs/2)
• Minimum sampling frequency (fs) for a given input bandwidth
• Each sample is digitized to the maximum resolution of the converter


Analog input Digital output

Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

Anti-Aliasing Filter (AAF)

PSD • Input signal must be
band-limited prior to
fm=fs/2 • Nyquist sampling places
stringent requirement on
the roll-off characteristic
of AAF
• Often some oversampling
fm fs is employed to relax the
AAF design (better phase
PSD DF AAF response too)
• Decimation filter (digital)
can be linear-phase
fm Mfs

Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

Oversampling ADC
• Sample rate is well beyond the signal bandwidth
• Coarse quantization is combined with feedback to provide an accurate
estimate of the input signal on an “average” sense
• Quantization error in the coarse digital output can be removed by the
digital decimation filter
• The resolution/accuracy of oversampling converters is achieved in a
sequence of samples (“average” sense) rather than a single sample; the
usual concept of DNL and INL of Nyquist converters are not applicable


A/D d1 OSR

Analog input Digital output Decimation filter

Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

Relaxed AAF Requirement

• Nyquist-rate converters
• Oversampling converters
OSR = fs/2fm
|X(jf)| |X(jf)|

f f
fm=fs/2 2fs 3fs fm fs/2
|X(jf)| |X(jf)|

f f
2fs 3fs fs/2

Sub-sampling Band-pass oversampling

Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

Oversampling ADC
• Predictive type
– Delta modulation
• Noise-shaping type
– Sigma-delta modulation
– Multi-level (quantization) sigma-delta modulation
– Multi-stage (cascaded) sigma-delta modulation (MASH)

Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

Nyquist Oversampled

bn bn

b1 b1
Decimation filter
fs Mfs

Δ /12 OSR = M

f f
-fs/2 fs/2 -Mfs/2 -fs/2 fs/2 Mfs/2

Sample rate Noise power Power

Nyquist fs Δ2/12 P
Oversampled M*fs (Δ2/12)/M M*P
Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

Noise Shaping

Vi H(f) A/D
-Mfs/2 -fs/2 fs/2 Mfs/2

Push noise out of signal band

― H(f) 1 2
― H-1(f) 1 Vi H(f)
fs/2 Mfs/2
e e
Large gain @ LF, low gain @ HF
→ Integrator? 1 2

Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

Sigma-Delta (ΣΔ) Modulator


Δ First-order
ΣΔ modulator
Vi ∫ A/D Do


• Noise shaping obtained with an integrator

• Output subtracted from input to avoid integrator saturation
Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

Linearized Discrete-Time Model


X(z) H(z) Y(z) z 1

H(z) 
1 z 1

Signal Transfer Function :

Y z 
Y  z   H z    X z   Y  z    E z  STF   z 1  Delay
X z 
H z  1
 Y z   X z    E z 
1 H z  1 H z  Noise Transfer Function :
Y z 
 Y  z   z 1  X z   1 z 1   E z  NTF   1 z 1  HP
E z 

Caveat: E(z) may be correlated with X(z) – not “white”!

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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

First-Order Noise Shaping

  f 
 2sin π  fm
Δ2 1
N 
  fs  
e   NTF df
12 fs 2
Δ2 1 m   f 

    2sin π  df
12 fs 2 0   fs  
f 2
fm fs/2 Δ 2
 f
    2π  df
12 fs 2 0  fs 
In - band quantization noise :
Δ π 2 2 Δ 2  2fm  π 2
    
N 2
e  12  fs  3
12 3M3

Doubling OSR (M) increases SQNR by 9 dB (1.5 bit/oct)

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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

SC Implementation

Ф1 CS Ф2
Ф2 Ф1

+VR 1-b

• SC integrator
• 1-bit ADC → simple, ZX detector
• 1-bit feedback DAC → simple, inherently linear

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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

Second-Order ΣΔ Modulator

Vi z-1 z-1 A/D Do


Signal Transfer Function :

In - band quantization noise :
STF  z 2
2 4
Noise Transfer Function : Δ π
N2e  

NTF  1 z 1  2
12 5M5
Doubling OSR (M) increases SQNR by 15 dB (2.5 bit/oct)
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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

2nd-Order ΣΔ Modulator (1-Bit Quantizer)

Vi α z-1 β z-1 Do

α 1 2
β 1 D/A

Y z   2
α  z  1 E z 
X z   2
2 jy
z  α 1 z  α 1

(2) (2)
• Simple, stable, highly-linear x
0 1
• Insensitive to component mismatch
• Less correlation b/t E(z) and X(z)

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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

Generalization (Lth-Order Noise Shaping)

Modulator transfer function :

 2L  1  M2L1

Y  z   z  n X z   1  z  E z 
1 L
π 2L

In - band quantization noise :

Δ2 π 2L
N 

12  2L  1  M2L 1

• Doubling OSR (M) increases SQNR by (6L+3) dB, or (L+0.5) bit

• Potential instability for 3rd- and higher-order single-loop ΣΔ modulators

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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

ΣΔ vs. Nyquist ADC’s

ΣΔ ADC output (1-bit) Nyquist ADC output



• ΣΔ ADC behaves quite differently from Nyquist converters

• Digital codes only display an “average” impression of the input
• INL, DNL, monotonicity, missing code, etc. do not directly apply in ΣΔ
converters → use SNR, SNDR, SFDR instead

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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009


Vi = 0 ...

Vi = 0.001 ...

• The output spectrum corresponding to Vi = 0 results in a tone at fs/2, and

will get eliminated by the decimation filter
• The 2nd output not only has a tone at fs/2, but also a low-frequency tone –
fs/2000 – that cannot be eliminated by the decimation filter

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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

• Origin – the quantization error spectrum of the low-resolution ADC
(1-bit in the previous example) in a ΣΔ modulator is NOT white, but
correlated with the input signal, especially for idle (DC) inputs.
(R. Gray, “Spectral analysis of sigma-delta quantization noise”)
• Approaches to “whitening” the error spectrum
– Dither – high-frequency noise added in the loop to randomize the
quantization error. Drawback is that large dither consumes the input
dynamic range.
– Multi-level quantization. Needs linear multi-level DAC.
– High-order single-loop ΣΔ modulator. Potentially unstable.
– Cascaded (MASH) ΣΔ modulator. Sensitive to mismatch.

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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

Cascaded (MASH) ΣΔ Modulator


X(z) H(z) Y(z)



• Idea: to further quantize E(z) and later subtract out in digital domain
• The 2nd quantizer can be a ΣΔ modulator as well

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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

2-1 Cascaded Modulator

-1 -1
X(z) z z z-1 Y(z)


E1(z) Y2(z)
z (1-z-1)2


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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

2-1 Cascaded Modulator

 
Y1  z   z 2 X z   1 z 1 E1 z    z 1

 
Y2  z   z 1E1  z   1 z 1 E 2  z    1 z 1   2

Y  z   Y1  z   Y2  z 
   
 z 3 X z   z 1 1 z 1 E1  z   z 1 1 z 1 E1  z   1 z 1 E 2  z 
2 2
  3

 z 3 X z   1 z 1 E 2  z  3

• E1(z) completely cancelled assuming perfect matching between the

modulator NTF (analog domain) and the DNTF (digital domain)
• A 3rd-order noise shaping on E2(z) obtained
• No potential instability problem

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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

Integrator Noise
N1 INT1 N2 INT2 E1

X(z) H(z) H(z) Y1(z)


N3 INT3 E2

H(z) Y2(z)
INT1 dominates
the overall noise
Delay ignored D/A Performance!

    2
  2
Y  X  N1  1 z 1 N2  1 z 1 N3  δ 1 z 1 E1  1 z 1 E 2   3

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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

1. B. E. Boser and B. A. Wooley, JSSC, pp. 1298-1308, issue 6, 1988.
2. B. H. Leung et al., JSSC, pp. 1351-1357, issue 6, 1988.
3. T. C. Leslie and B. Singh, ISCAS, 1990, pp. 372-375.
4. B. P. Brandt and B. A. Wooley, JSSC, pp. 1746-1756, issue 12, 1991.
5. F. Chen and B. H. Leung, JSSC, pp. 453-460, issue 4, 1995.
6. R. T. Baird and T. S. Fiez, TCAS2, pp. 753-762, issue 12, 1995.
7. T. L. Brooks et al., JSSC, pp. 1896-1906, issue 12, 1997.
8. A. K. Ong and B. A. Wooley, JSSC, pp. 1920-1934, issue 12, 1997.
9. S. A. Jantzi, K. W. Martin, and A.S. Sedra, JSSC, pp. 1935-1950, issue 12, 1997.
10. A. Yasuda, H. Tanimoto, and T. Iida, JSSC, pp. 1879-1886, issue 12, 1998.
11. A. R. Feldman, B. E. Boser, and P. R. Gray, JSSC, pp. 1462-1469, issue 10, 1998.
12. H. Tao and J. M. Khoury, JSSC, pp. 1741-1752, issue 12, 1999.
13. E. J. van der Zwan et al., JSSC, pp. 1810-1819, issue 12, 2000.
14. I. Fujimori et al., JSSC, pp. 1820-1828, issue 12, 2000.
15. Y. Geerts, M.S.J. Steyaert, W. Sansen, JSSC, pp. 1829-1840, issue 12, 2000.

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Advanced Analog IC Design Oversampling ADC Professor Y. Chiu
ECE 581 Fall 2009

16. T. Burger and Q. Huang, JSSC, pp. 1868-1878, issue 12, 2001.
17. K. Vleugels, S. Rabii, and B. A. Wooley, JSSC, pp. 1887-1899, issue 12, 2001.
18. S. K. Gupta and V. Fong, JSSC, pp. 1653-1661, issue 12, 2002.
19. R. Schreier et al., JSSC, pp. 1636-1644, issue 12, 2002.
20. J. Silva et al., CICC, 2002, pp. 183-190.
21. Y.-I. Park et al., CICC, 2003, pp. 115-118.
22. L. J. Breems et al., JSSC, pp. 2152-2160, issue 12, 2004.
23. R. Jiang and T. S. Fiez, JSSC, pp. 63-74, issue 12, 2004.
24. P. Balmelli and Q. Huang, JSSC, pp. 2161-2169, issue 12, 2004.
25. K. Y. Nam et al., CICC, 2004, pp. 515-518.
26. X. Wang et al., CICC, 2004, pp. 523-526.
27. A. Bosi et al., ISSCC, 2005, pp. 174-175.
28. N. Yaghini and D. Johns, ISSCC, 2005, pp. 502-503.
29. G. Mitteregger et al., JSSC, pp. 2641-2649, issue 12, 2006.
30. R. Schreier et al., JSSC, pp. 2632-2640, issue 12, 2006.

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