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Malaysian Studies

MPW 2133
The Fight For Independence
Chapter 3 (week 3)


MPU Department
SEGi University

Last Updated:June 13, 2020 © SEGi education group 1

Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter, students will be able to:

1. Discuss the rise of nationalism amongst all races in the country
2. Describe the process that Malaya underwent before achieving

Last Updated:June 13, 2020 © SEGi education group 2

Learning Outcome

By the end of this chapter, students will be able to:

1. Understand the rise of nationalism amongst all races in the country
2. Understand the people were ready to make compromises and sacrifices
for the sake of achieving independence and unity

Last Updated:June 13, 2020 © SEGi education group 3

Body Contents

• Introduction
• The Rise of Nationalism by Race
• The Formation of The Malayan Union and The Reaction of The Local
• Appearance of Main Political Parties After The Second World War
• Independence Negotiations
• Conclusion

Last Updated:June 13, 2020 © SEGi education group 4

Answer all the following questions:
1. List TWO publications that contributed by Kaum Muda
2. State TWO reasons the Malays opposed the Malayan Union
-The abolishment of the Sultan sovereignty
-The granting of citizenship according to the Jus Soli principle

Last Updated:June 13, 2020 © SEGi education group 5

Answer all the following questions:
1. List TWO proposals for the draft of a new constitution created by
-Bahasa Melayu be made the official language
-The national flag to contain the national colours of the malays
2. State TWO objective of UMNO party
-To oppose the Malayan Union
-To unite the Malays and defend their rights

Last Updated:June 13, 2020 © SEGi education group 6

Mardiana Nordin and Hasnah Hussiin, Malaysian Studies, Shah Alam: Oxford
Fajar Sdn. Bhd.
Zainal Abidin Abdul Wahid (1991), Sejarah Malaysia, Bangi: Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia

Last Updated:June 13, 2020 © SEGi education group 7

Key terms
Key Terms:
Social Contract The unity among the citizens of Malaya that convinced
the British to grant independence

Malayan Union To combine all scattered administration into one ruling

Reid Commission To draw up a constitution for independence Malaya

Jus Soli Based on the place of birth

Last Updated:June 13, 2020 © SEGi education group 8

Last Updated:June 13, 2020 © SEGi education group 9

 Rise in Nationalism influenced by religious,

social, economic and political factors.

 Intensified - British introduced Malayan Union.

 Formation of political parties after Second World War (UMNO , MCA,


 Became more dynamic when Alliance Party is formed.

 A multiracial concerted effort independence.

Malay Nationalism
Chinese Nationalism
Indian Nationalism
Malay Nationalism

Religious Stage (1906-1926)
Social & Economic Stage (1926-1938)
Political Stage (1936 onwards)

Influenced & Led by 3 main groups :

Islamic education
Malay education
English education
Religious Stage

Influenced by the Islamic Reformation Movement in Middle East

(Turkey & Egypt)
-end of 19thcentury.

Started by Sheikh
Muhammad Abduh
(1849-1905) &
(supporters) in Cairo.
Championed the concept of Pan-Islam
- freeing Islam from ancient belief.

Was also known as

“Renewal of Islam” OR “Wahabi Movement”

Influenced the Malay students in Cairo.

Led By :

Published magazines :
– Al-Imam, Al-Ikhwan & Saudara
 Conveyed the objectives of their struggle
 Argued for renewal
 criticized weakness of the government
Kaum Muda encouraged establish associations
 Religious education (the Malays to leave practice which are
conflict to Islamic teachings)
 The freedom of women
 Modernization (the thinking of the Malays)
• Kaum Muda met opposition from the
Kaum Tua (Old Ones) – elite Malay traditionalists & ulama.
- more conservative & had difficulty accepting the proposed changes.
• After 1920s, Malay nationalists movement started changing.
• Kaum Muda brought more benefits.
 Raised national awareness
 Helped overcome the shortcomings.
Socio-economic Stage

The fight for independence was more secular.

Socio-economic status of the Malays. (more emphasis)
Concept of Pan-Islam was brought out less & less.
The Malays realized they were left behind :
Economic development
Was started by a small number of elite Malays :
English education
Malay education
Especially from Maktab Penguruan Sultan Idris – 1922 ( Tanjung
Malim, Perak.
• Kesatuan Melayu Singapura (Singapore Malays Union) - Mohamad
Eunos bin Abdullah (1926)
• Role :
 Make sure Malays were not excluded from the benefits of the
modernization programme. (government)
 Build awareness in Malays of the importance of higher education.
 Fight for the importance of Malays in politics & represent them
when dealing with government.
 Develop Malays socioeconomic position.
Persaudaraan Sahabat Pena – 7 April 1934 .

Motto : ‘Hidup Bahasa, Hiduplah Bangsa’

- build awareness in Malays of
Bahasa Melayu.

1935, was known as Persaudaraan Sahabat Pena Malaya’

- champion the restoration.
- published monthly magazines for members.
Political Stage

 Struggles :
 pressure from other races
 the power of transfer issue. (1920s)
 Political parties were formed.
 Concept of Tanah Melayu untuk Orang Melayu
 Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM) /Young Malays Union) in 1938.
founded by Ibrahim Haji Yaacob.
 Fought for independence & unification with Indonesia to form
‘Melayu Raya’.
 Was not well received - too radical & difficult for the
Malays to accept.
Chinese Nationalism

 Existed for a long time.

 More focused on the politics of China.(homeland)

 Origin of political awareness can be traced back

- China-Japan War (1894-1895)
- China was defeated by Japan.
 Renewal Movement in China – was known as
‘100 Day Renewal Plan’ – Kang Yu Wei (1898)
 Intended to bring about
modernization in China.
 Spread throughout the
Chinese communities
(especially-Perak & Selangor)
 Also influenced the Chinese
in the Malay Peninsula to
become nationalist.
 Was initiated by Dr. Sun Yat Sen
(opposed the cruelty of Manchu government)

 Supported this movement

because themselves were
from China & migrated to
escape the
Manchu government.

 The Kuomintang Party

–major influence.
 In China, fought for the unification & the strengthening of the country
(industry & modernization)

 In 1913, many branches –give assistance to the main party in China.

 Very active – 1920s -1930s

 British government was form KMT – spread propaganda
anti-British, anti capitalism & anti imperialist.

 Founded the Malayan Communist Party (MCP)

 1937-1938, MCP started a series of strikes – led to the arrest & deportation
of several of its leader.

 Declined & weakened its influence in the Malay Peninsula.

Indian Nationalism

 After Second World War, the indians focus on local politics.

 anti-colonial strongly influenced activities among the Punjabi.
 Influenced by the ‘Ghadr’ Movement
(Chasing away British from India)
 Publications were distributed & influenced the local Indians.
 Parties :
 - Taiping Indian Parties - April 1906
 - Selangor Indian Association - 1923
• Were responsible for improving the
socio-economic status.
- Building schools, health centres & starting
Hindi language classes.

• The Central Indian Association of Malaya(CIAM) - founded in October

• First president – Subbiah Naidu Veerasamy.
• Alliance of 12 other Indian associations &
4 Indian Chambers of Commerce.
• CIAM fought for progress & political rights.
• Was also influenced by the
National Movement in India,
led by Mahatma Gandhi.

• Gandhi led the Indian National

& conceived the philosophy of
‘Satyagraha’- non violent
resistance against the British.

• The success in obtaining independence gave hope to the entire Indian

community in Malaya.
Introduction to the

Malayan Union

 British returned after Japanese surrendered & left Malaya. – September

1945 administered by British Military Administration (BMA)
 Introduces new administrative system
– Malayan Union.
 Approved by the British Parliament on 10 October1945.
 12 October 1945, Sir Harold MacMichael was appointed –British
representative & assigned to procure signature of consent from 9 Malay
 Officially approved in January 1946.
• Reasons of Malayan Union :
1) unify the different administrative systems &
to improve the efficiency overall.
Separate systems (FMS, SS, & UFMS) that needed huge
administrative costs & not uniform.
Benefit the British politically, economically, & socially.
Ensure British control over the Malay Peninsula economy. (rich with
tin & rubber) important source of income.
2) British has an anti-Malay sentiment.
 Malays co-operated with the Japanese during the Japanese
 The formation of Malayan Union could control & restrict the power of
the Malay people.
3) An attempt by the British.
 Local ruled , but adhered to the British political system.
4) As a step to unite the politics in Malaya.
 Integrate the Chinese, Indians & Malays.
 leads to the immigrants shifting their loyalties to Malay Peninsula &
their economic health to remain in Malaya.
• Main Condition :
 All Malay States, Melaka & Pahang unified under the British Governor
& assisted by the Federal Legislative Council.
 Singapore removed from the Federation & made a Crown Colony.
(under separate British Governor)
 The sovereignty of the Malay Sultans abolished.
A mere figurehead
-matters relating to Islam & Malay custom.
 Citizenship – jus soli principle.
 Every state – State Commissioner leads the administration & assisted
by the State Council which mainly includes local Malay Leaders.
Opposition Towards the Malayan Union

• Reasons (MALAYS) :

i) Abolishment of the Sultan’s Sovereignty.

ii) Citizenship according to the jus soli principle.
 Lose their economic & political status.
 Threaten Malay rights.
iii) Was formed without the knowledge from the Malays.
 Planned in London
 Sultans only given 1 day to read & accept without discussion with
their state leaders.
• iv) Harold MacMichael
used force and intimidation.

Sultans were not given enough

time to consider & discuss.
• Publications -Majlis & Utusan Melayu.
• Dato’ Onn Jaafar, president of the Johore Malay Association held a
conference with 41 Malay Association at the Sultan Sulaiman Club, Kuala
Lumpur from 1 March - 4 March 1946.
• Result, the Congress agreed to boycott
-urging Malay Sultans not to attend.
• Governor of Malayan Union
– Sir Edward Gent.
• Demonstrations in main towns of Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru & Alor
• United Malays National Organization (UMNO) officially formed on 11
May 1946 – Dato’ Onn Jaafar as President.
• Women were also involved.
 Zaharah Abdullah – Johore
 Halimahton Abdul Majid – Negeri Sembilan
 Saleha Ali – Selangor
• Other races also opposed.
Did not offer them any
– Singapore not included.
• 1 April 1946, Malayan Union
were formed.
Sir Edward Gent
as first Governor.
• Local community (Malays) boycotted – mourned for 7 days –
wearing white band on their songkok.
• Sir Edward Dent forced to negotiate.
• Malayan Union was abolished & replaces by Federation States of
The Federated States of Malaya

• A committee was formed to draft a new constitution for Malaya.

 4 representative - Malay Sultans
 2 representative - UMNO
 6 British officer
• Was chaired by the former Head Secretary of Malayan Union.
• Published in December 1946.
• Non-Malay community expressed
their disapproval & formed the
All-Malaya Council of Joint Action
(AMCJA) in December 1946,
led by Tan Cheng Lock.
• AMCJA combined with MDU, MIC,
Liga Belia Demokrasi Baru Tanah Melayu
( New Democratic Youth League of Malaya)
& few workers’ unions.
• AMCJA made 6 new proposals :
i) Singapore be united with Malaya.
ii) The formation of a central legislature
–members elected by the people.
iii) Equal rights.
iv) The sovereignty of the Malay Sultans be retained
(only as a Constitutional Monarchy)
v) Malays have authority over Malay customs &
Islamic matters.
vi) Malays given special priority (economic)
• Non Malays, left-wing Malays also expressed
their disagreement.
• Members of PKMM, API, & AWAS formed Pusat Tenaga Rakyat
• Made 4 proposals:
i) Bahasa Melayu – official language.
ii) matters of foreign relations & defence
- Malays & British government.
iii) All citizens be known as ‘Melayu’.
iv) National flag – national colours of the Malays.
• British realised the importance of the Non-Malay community’s
• A Consultative Committee was formed
- consisted of British officers & non-Malays.
• In January 1948, new constitution was drafted.
-signatures of all the Malay Sultans obtained.
• On 21 February 1948, Federated States of Malaya came to
Main proposals :
a) 9 Malay States, Penang & Melaka unified. Singapore - separate Crown
b) led by the British High Commissioner
(appointed by British government) & assisted by the Federal
Legislative Council & Federal Council.
c) Federal Council consist of :
i) A High Commissioner
ii) 3 ex officio
iii) 9 residents (State Council) & 2 representative from local council
of Penang & Melaka.
iv) 11 official members & 50 unofficial members.
 The authority of the Sultans restored & given back the power – with the
counsel of the State Council & Executive Council.
 State government given control – health, education, land, & agriculture.
 Citizenship tightened. (Applicant)
 Born & been a resident at least 8 out of 12 years.
 Been a resident for 15 out of 20 years.
 Minimum age -18 years old & good command of Bahasa Melayu.
 Malays given special rights & majority of representative must be


United Malays National Organization

• Founded on 11 May 1946.

• First president was
Dato’ Onn Jaafar ( till 1951)
• Reasons :
 oppose the Malayan Union.
 to unite the Malays & defend the special right
• Slogan ‘Hidup Melayu’ (Long Live the Malays)
-UMNO meeting in September 1947.
• Became a political party in 1946.
• Was approved on 19 May 1946 & contains the objectives, formation &
• Until 1951, 39 divisions were formed.
• Two main division : i) UMNO Youth (1949)
ii) UMNO Women’s Wing (1947)
The Malayan Indian Congress

• Was formed on 8 August 1946.

• First president was
• John A. Thivy.

Tun Sambanthan
-notable figure
• Reasons :
1) protect the political, economic & social interest of the Indian
2) fight for political rights.
3)Represent -conveying their opinion to the
• April 1955, MIC entered an alliance with UMNO & MCA.
The Malayan Chinese
Association (MCA)

• Was formed on 27 February 1949.

Leong Yew Koh

- came out with the idea
• Two main purposes :
 Protect the rights of the Chinese.
 To maintain harmony - various races.
• Was only a welfare centre when first formed. In 1952, became a
political party.
• In 1952, MCA & UMNO formed Alliance Party.
The Alliance Party

• 1952 Malayan General Elections in Kuala Lumpur - MCA & UMNO

work together.
• Won 9 out of the 12 seats contested.
• Johor Bahru, Muar & Melaka.
• Cooperation between the races for mutual interests.
• Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra al-Haj
(UMNO) & Tan Cheng Lock (MCA)
formed this party in 1955.
• MIC decided to join later.
• Cooperation between
3 main ethnic groups
in Malay Peninsula.
• Won 51 out of 52 seats contested in 1955 Malayan General Elections.
• Victory negotiations for independence.
Independence of Malaya Party (IMP)

• 1951, Dato’ Onn Jaafar suggested that UMNO was opened to non-
Malays. His idea was not well received.
• On 16 September 1951, Dato’ Onn Jaafar left UMNO to form IMP.
• Many separate communities were not ready to work together as a
• Formed between 1948 & 1950s.
• Intention of forming an islamic country.


• On 24 November 1951, PAS was formed.
• To make Islam the official religion of the country, Bahasa Melayu as
national language & tighten the conditions for citizenship.
• Also intended to form an islamic country.
• Alliance Party’s victory in 1955 General Election self-government.
• In January 1956, Tunku Abdul Rahman led an entourage to London –
negotiate for independence.
• 4 Sultans &
4 representative
of the
Alliance Party.
• Negotiation of independence in London chaired by Alan Lennox-
the Secretary of State for the Colonies.

• London Agreement was signed on 8 February 1956.

• Given independence on 31 August 1957.
Seal of independence:
Tunku Abdul Rahman
signing the 'Merdeka' agreement
at a ceremony in Lancaster
in London on 8 February 1956.
Alan Lennox- Boyd,
the Secretary of State for the
Tunku Abdul Rahman
announced the date of
Independence Day
at Padang Bandar
Hilir , Melaka.
• The Reid Commission was formed.
Led By :
- Lord Reid (United Kingdom)
- Sir Ivor Jennings (United Kingdom)
- Sir William Mackell (Australia)
- Hakim B. Malik (India)
- Halim Abdul Hamid (Pakistan)
• Federated States of Malaya constitution
- 131 written memorandums
• - was drafted & approved by the Federal Legislative Council – 15
August 1957
• - put into effect -27 August 1957.
• Important !
- a social contract between the Malays &
• Malays agreed to loosen the conditions for citizenship.
• Non-Malays through MCA & MIC :
 acknowledged the status of the Malay Sultans
 Recognized Islam as the national religion
 Special rights of the Malays.
• Characteristic of the Constitution :
• 1) The political system.
– constitutional Monarchy.
Yang di-Pertuan Agong - leader of the country (selected from 9 Malay
• 2) Head of Government.
– Prime Minister (elected- House of Representative)
• 3) Democratic parliament.
(members of House of Representative & Senate)
• 4) Condition for citizenship :
i) anyone born in the Malay Peninsula after its independence
ii) above 18 yrs old, born in Malaya & lived for 5 yrs in the country.
iii) above 21 yrs old, born elsewhere but lived in Malaya for at least
8 yrs. & proficient in Bahasa Melayu.

• 5) Bahasa Melayu – national language.

• 6) Islam – official religion, but freedom of religion


• Granted Independence on 31 August 1957.

Yamtuan of Negeri Sembilan
Tunku Abdul Rahman
Tuanku Abdul Rahman
1st Prime Minister
1st Yang di-Pertuan Agong
12.00 midnight 30 August 1957, Union Jack flag was brought
down in Padang Kelab Selangor to mark the ending of British
colonization in Malaya and was replaced with The Federated
States of Malaya flag.
Moments on
Independence Day
31 August 1957
Tunku Abdul Rahman
shouted ‘Merdeka’

• Our history – sovereignty has been breached & invaded by

foreign forces.
• Unification of all races to free the country from colonization.
• Together, worked stage by stage towards an independence
• Finally obtained independence in 1957.

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