Mark 261 - Advertising Management - CHP 6

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Advertising Management

Chapter 6 with Duane Weaver

 Advertising Management
 Choosing an Ad Agency
 Advertising Planning and Research
 Role of Ad Agency Account Execs
 Role of Ad Agency Creatives
 Communication Market Analysis
 Communications Budget
 Creative Brief
Advertising Management
 Advertising Management Program:
…process of preparing and integrating a
company’s advertising efforts within the overall
IMC message…
 Advertising Strategy
 Media Selection
 Message Strategy
 Appeals
 Executional Framework
Choosing an Ad Agency
 Advertising Expenditure: Media Time/Space, Ad
Agency Commission, Media Production
(big vs. small advertising accounts)

 Get together in your teams and select a “product”

or “service” you might want to promote…then:
thinking about your market competition and the
relevant strategic message you might want to
define the “criteria” you think would be most
important in selecting your advertising agency.
Summarize and be prepared to discuss your findings
with the class.
Advertising Planning and Research
 Getting together with the Ad Agency to develop the
1. Pre-planning Input
 Get to know the company (books, research, product
use, people)

2. Product-specific Research
 Consumer testing – “problem detection” and “major
selling idea” - Strengths and Weaknesses

3. Qualitative Research
 Focus Group Studies with market segment
 anthropology (direct observation)
 sociology (social issues, trends, cohorts, family cycles)
 psychology (motivation, cognition, and learning)…
VALS – psychological model to predict buyer behavior…
Personal Drive Analysis (PDA)
Role of Ad Agency Account Execs
 Solicit Client
 Liaison between client and creative
(interpretation and management of strategic plan,
information collection and dissemination,
relationship connectivity)
 Provide status opportunities to facilitate
client comprehension on the value of
 Manage the sales process and revenue
Role of Ad Agency “Creatives”
 Those that develop the actual Ad
 May involve:
 Creative Director
 Artisans
 Graphic Artists
 Agency Staff or Free Lancers
 Tend to work long hours under pressure
(deadlines) and repetition/reiteration of
concept development
1. Communication Market Analysis

 Competitive Analysis
 Opportunity Analysis
 Target Market Analysis (proposed client
 Customer Analysis (current client base)
 Positioning Analysis (current and intended
perception review)
 Media Usage Analysis (target market and
related competitive media employed)
2. Communication Objectives

 Define Advertising Goals

 E.g.:
 Building Brand Image
 Informing
 Persuading
 Encourage Action
 Integration of other marketing efforts
3. Communications Budget

 Budget Allocation based on

 Looking at Reach/Frequency and
 Reach
 Frequency
 Timing _ pulsate, flighting, continuous
4. Media Selection

 Strategic and Tactical decisions:

 Message refinement
 Advert design & development (can be
long process)
 Media tools and Media spot buys
5. Creative Brief

 Objective
 Target Audience
 Message Theme
 Support (evidence)
 Constraints (legal, regulatory,
Team Challenge
 Thinking of the product/service you choose
previously when selecting your ad agency…get
together in your groups and come up with:
 Intended Message
 Target Market within Nanaimo
 Communication Objectives
 Allocation of $40,000 Ad Budget
 Description what media the competition in Nanaimo
currently uses
 Define proposed Media Tools you would use and
why those might work for your target market
 Next week…share your findings with the class

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