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Process to Process Delivery

Lecture Date: 6th April 2020, 12:30 P.M. to 1:00 P.M.

Transport Layer responsibilities
 Transport Layer is the second layer of the TCP/IP model.
 It is an end-to-end layer used to deliver messages to a host. It is termed as an end-to-end layer because it
provides a point-to-point connection rather than hop-to- hop, between the source host and destination host
to deliver the services reliably.
 The unit of data encapsulation in Transport Layer is a segment.
 The standard protocols used by Transport Layer to enhance its functionalities are TCP(Transmission Control
Protocol), UDP( User Datagram Protocol), DCCP( Datagram Congestion Control Protocol) etc.
Process to Process Delivery

 Process to Process Delivery can be done using Client / Server Paradigm.

 A process on local host A process on the local host, called a client, needs services from a process
usually on the remote host, called a server.
 Transport Layer requires a Port number to correctly deliver the segments of data to the correct
process amongst the multiple processes running on a particular host.
 A port number is a 16 bit address used to identify any client-server program uniquely.
 In the Internet model, the port numbers are 16-bit integers between 0 and 65,535.
 The client program defines itself with a port number, chosen randomly by the transport layer
software running on the client host. This is the ephemeral (Short Lived) port number.
 The server process must also define itself with a port number.
 one solution would be to send a special packet and request the port number of a specific
server, but this requires more overhead.
 The Internet has decided to use universal port numbers for servers; these are called well-
known port numbers.
Process to Process Delivery
 Process-to-process delivery needs two identifiers, IP address and the port number, at each end to
make a connection. The combination of an IP address and a port number is called a socket
 At sender end, Several processes can send packets. So all process messages will be multiplexed
which will be differentiated by their port numbers.
 At the receiver end, de-multiplexing is done. Transport layer do error checking and delivers the
message to appropriate port number.
 Two types of services provided by transport layer:
 In a connectionless service, the packets are sent from one party to another with no need for
connection establishment or connection release. The packets are not numbered; they may be
delayed or lost or may arrive out of sequence. There is no acknowledgment either. E.g. User
Datagram Protocol (UDP).
 In a connection-oriented service, a connection is first established between the sender and the
receiver. Data are transferred. At the end, the connection is released.
 For reliable service at transport layer, flow and error control is implemented, if required by
application program.
Process-to-process Delivery
Process-to-process Delivery: Addressing
Position of UDP, TCP, and SCTP in TCP/IP

 The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is called a connectionless, unreliable

transport protocol. It does not add anything to the services of IP except to
provide process-to process communication instead of host-to-host
 UDP comes into picture. For the real-time services like computer gaming, voice
or video communication, live conferences. Since high performance is needed,
UDP permits packets to be dropped instead of processing delayed packets. There
is no error checking in UDP, so it also save bandwidth.
 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is more efficient in terms of both latency and
User datagram format
User datagram format

 Source Port : Source Port is 2 Byte long field used to identify port number of source.
 Destination Port : It is 2 Byte long field, used to identify the port of destined packet.
 Length : Length is the length of UDP including header and the data. It is 16-bits field.
 Checksum : Checksum is 2 Bytes long field. It is the 16-bit one’s complement of the one’s
complement sum of the UDP header, pseudo header of information from the IP header and
the data, padded with zero octets at the end (if necessary) to make a multiple of two octets.
UDP Operation

 UDP provides a connectionless service which means each user datagram in an

independent datagram. Even no relationship between the different user
datagrams if they are coming from the same source or going to same
destination program.
 In UDP no flow control mechanism is implemented. Error control is done
using checksum only.
 When user send a message from one process to another, the UDP protocol
encapsulates and de-capsulates messages in an IP datagram.
 Two queues are created at client site i.e. incoming and outgoing. Other
implementations create only an incoming queue associated with each process.
 Queues are automatically destroyed after the termination of process.
UDP Operation

 The client process can send messages to the outgoing queue by using the source
port number. UDP remove the message and add the UDP header, deliver it to IP.
If outgoing queue overflows, the operating system ask client process to wait
before sending any more messages.
 At the receiver end, if incoming queue for the specified port number exists then
datagram will be added at the end of queue otherwise it discards the message and
asks the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) to send a port unreachable
message to the server.
Applications of UDP
 Used for simple request response communication when size of data is less and
hence there is lesser concern about flow and error control.
 It is suitable protocol for multicasting as UDP supports packet switching.
 UDP is used for some routing update protocols like RIP(Routing Information
 Normally used for real time applications which can not tolerate uneven delays
between sections of a received message.
 Following implementations uses UDP as a transport layer protocol:
 NTP (Network Time Protocol)
 DNS (Domain Name Service)
 NNP (Network News Protocol)
 Quote of the day protocol
Applications of UDP

 Application layer can do some of the tasks through UDP-

 Trace Route
 Record Route
 Time stamp
 UDP takes datagram from Network Layer, attach its header and send it to the
user. So, it works fast.
 Actually UDP is null protocol if you remove checksum field.

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