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Evolution & Growth of Banking

System in India
Rita prusty
1. Evolution Phase (prior to 1950)-
• General bank of India 1786(first bank)
• Reserve bank of India 1935
• Slow growth and periodic failure
• People mostly save in postal deposits
• Role of commercial banks were confined to
Communities' savings & Providing credit to
selected & limited segments of the economy
2. Foundation Phase(1950 - 1968)-
• Strongly focused on security
• Banking Regulation Act was passed in 1949 to conduct &
control operations of the commercial banks in India
• Transformation of Imperial Bank of India into SBI in 1956
• Strengthening of the co-operative credit structure
• Provision of long term finance to agriculture & Industry
• December 1951- 566 banks
• December 1968- 281 banks
3. Expansion Phase(1968-1984)-
• Direct Lending by banks
• Poverty alleviation & employment generation
• RRBs in 1975, NABARD in 1982
• 1982- 268 banks
4. Consolidation phase(1985-1990)-

• Consolidating the gains of branch expansion

undertaken by banks
• Prices of assets & liabilities were fixed by RBI
5. Reformatory Phase(1991 onwards)-

• Entry of Foreign Banks

• Phone Banking and Net-Banking
• Shelter from external macroeconomic shock
• System became more convenient and swift

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