Service Quality-Is A Comparison of

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Service Quality

Service quality-is a comparison of

expectations with performance
 An assessment of how well a
delivered service conforms to the
client's expectations. Service
business operators often assess
the service quality provided to
their customers in order to
improve their service, to quickly
identify problems, and to better
assess client satisfaction.
Service Quality
 For services, the assessment of
quality is made during the service
delivery process.

 Customer satisfaction can be

measured as the difference between
the customer’s service expectation
and the service actually received.
Dimensions of Service Quality
 Reliability
 Responsiveness
 Assurance
 Empathy
 Tangibility
 Service is accomplished:
 On time
 In the same manner (consistently)
 Without errors
 Willingness of employees to help
customers and to provide prompt
 Knowledge and courtesy of

 Ability of the employee to convey

trust and confidence
 Provision of caring and
individualized attention to the
 Appearance of the physical facility
 Appearance of employees
 Appearance of communication
Gaps in Service Quality
 Measuring the gap between
expected service and perceived
service is a routine customer
feedback process practiced by many
Service Quality Gap Model
Gaps Model of Service Quality
Word of Mouth Personal Needs Past Experience

CUSTOMER Expected Service

Gap 5

COMPANY Service Delivery Communications
GAP 4 to Customers
Customer-Driven Service
Designs and Standards

Company Perceptions of
Consumer Expectations
 The service quality model or the ‘GAP
model’ developed by a group of authors-
Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry at
Texas and North Carolina in 1985 ,
highlights the main requirements for
delivering high service quality. It
identifies five ‘gaps’ that cause
unsuccessful delivery. SERVQUAL was
originally measured on 10 aspects of
service quality

Courtesy is the consideration for the customer's property and a

clean and neat appearance of contact personnel, manifesting as
politeness, respect, and friendliness.
Credibility is the factors such as trustworthiness, belief and
honesty. It involves having the customer's best interests at prime
position. It may be influenced by company name, company reputation
and the personal characteristics of the contact personnel.

 Security is the customer feeling free from danger, risk or doubt

including physical safety, financial security and confidentiality.
 Access is approachability and ease of contact. For example,
convenient office operation hours and locations.
 Communication means both informing customers in a language
they are able to understand and also listening to customers. A
company may need to adjust its language for the varying needs of
its customers. Information might include for example, explanation
of the service and its cost, the relationship between services and
costs and assurances as to the way any problems are effectively
 Knowing the customer means making an effort to understand the
customer's individual needs, providing individualized attention,
recognizing the customer when they arrive and so on. This in turn
helps in delighting the customers i.e. rising above the expectations
of the customer.
 Tangibles are the physical evidence of the service, for instance,
the appearance of the physical facilities, tools and equipment
used to provide the service; the appearance of personnel and
communication materials and the presence of other customers
in the service facility.
 Reliability is the ability to perform the promised service in a
dependable and accurate manner. The service is performed
correctly on the first occasion, the accounting is correct, records
are up to date and schedules are kept.
 Responsiveness is to the readiness and willingness of
employees to help customers in providing prompt timely
services, for example, mailing a transaction slip immediately or
setting up appointments quickly.
By the early 1990s, the authors had refined the model to the
useful acronym RATER:
 Reliability
 Assurance
 Tangibles
 Empathy, and
 Responsiveness
The simplified RATER model however is a simple and useful
model for quantitatively exploring and assessing customers'
service experiences and has been used widely by service
delivery organizations.

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