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Solar Rooftop

By - Rajat Parida
(Pursuing MBA in finance from University of calcutta college street campus)
Riddhi Paul
(Pursuing MBA in marketing from University of calcutta alipore campus)
What is Solar Power Generation?
Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight
into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics (PV),
indirectly using concentrated solar power, or a
combination. Concentrated solar power systems use
lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large
area of sunlight into a small beam.
Why use Solar Power Generation?
1. Low Water Consumption
2. Low Air Pollution

Its negative impact on the environment lies in the creation of the solar
cells which are made primarily of silica (from sand) and the extraction
of silicon from silica may require the use of fossil fuels, although
newer manufacturing processes have eliminated CO2 production. Solar
power carries an upfront cost to the environment via production, but
offers clean energy throughout the lifespan of the solar cell.
Our idea is to --->
Install solar rooftop panels across
households hotels and other
residential areas
Lets see why people will opt for
solar panels at home --->
Electricity is becoming expensive with each passing day and more
people are getting interested in using solar energy to meet their
electricity needs. Power cuts and dependence on DG sets is making
people look for more and better sources. Solar PV panels provide a
very good alternative. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
(MNRE), Government of India is also promoting solar PV systems
under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission in the country.
They also provide a subsidy to people buying solar panels under this
scheme. There are a lot of people keen to buy solar panels in India so
we thought of doing a research on the solar panel price in India in
● As per our research (on e-commerce sites selling solar PV) and resources
from the solar PV industry, cost of a PV module (just the panel) costs
anywhere between Rs 30 to Rs 50 per watt of peak power generated
(depending on the quantity you are buying).
● The modules having higher Watt power capacity are cheaper per Wp as
compared to modules with lower Watt power capacity. The efficiency of solar
panels is also better for modules of higher Watt power as compared to
modules of lower Watt power.
● There is not much difference in price between imported and Indian solar panels. But
if you are looking for a subsidy, then the only option that you have is to go for Made
in India panels.
● If you are living in an area where power cuts are less frequent and you want to
implement solar PV system to reduce your electricity bills then the best solution
would be to go for a Grid Connected Solar PV System. It will cost you anywhere
between ₹ 50,000-70,000 per kWp (cost varies based on the type of inverter and
panels you choose).
● If you are living in an area where there are frequent power cuts, then the best
solution for you would be to go for an “Off Grid” Solar PV System. Off Grid Solar
PV system will include batteries, which are an expensive part of the system and
these would need replacement every few years (4-7 years). A typical Off Grid Solar
PV System would cost about Rs 1 lakh.
Lets see the steps for manufacture
of solar panels
Step 1: Sand
It all starts with the raw material, which in our case is sand. Most solar panels are

made of silicon, which is the main component in natural beach sand. Silicon is

abundantly available, making it the second most available element on Earth.

Step 2: Ingots
The silicon is collected, usually in the form of solid rocks. Hundreds of these rocks
are being melted together at very high temperatures in order to form ingots in the
shape of a cylinder. To reach the desired shape, a steel, cylindrical furnace is
used. In the process of melting, attention is given so that all atoms are perfectly
aligned in the desired structure and orientation. Boron is added to the process,
which will give the silicone positive electrical polarity.
Step 3: Wafers
Wafers represent the next step in the manufacturing process. The silicon ingot is
sliced into thin disks, also called wafers. A wire saw is used for precision cutting.
The thinness of the wafer is similar to that of a piece of paper.

Step 4: Solar cells

Each of the wafers is being treated and metal conductors are added on each
surface. The conductors give the wafer a grid-like matrix on the surface. This will
ensure the conversion of solar energy into electricity. The coating will facilitate the
absorption of sunlight, rather than reflecting it.In an oven-like chamber,
phosphorous is being diffused in a thin layer over the surface of the wafers. This
will charge the surface with a negative electrical orientation. The combination of
boron and phosphorous will give the positive - negative junction, which is critical
for the proper function of the PV cell.
Step 5: From Solar Cell to Solar Panel
The solar cells are soldered together, using metal connectors to link the cells. Solar
panels are made of solar cells integrated together in a matrix-like structure. The
current standard offering in the market are:

● 48 cell panels - suitable for small residential roofs.

● 60-cell panels - this is the standard size.
● 72-cell panels -used for large-scale installations.
Steps to install a solar panel
1. Inspect, then store purchased components in a secure, dry place.
2. Read the installation guides
3. Devise a safety plan
4. Set up your staging area and logistics
5. Assemble the tools you'll need
6. Measure out and install the mounts
7. Install the racking and equipment grounding wire
8. Install the microinverters (if applicable), then the modules
9. Mount your central inverter (if using one), junction box and other electrical devices
10. Install conduit
11. Run the wire and make all the electrical connections
12. Affix all required safety/danger labels
13. Connect your systems monitoring gear (if any)
Solar panel system imagery view
Solar panel system overview

Solar rooftop panels are the answer to pollution , global warming as well as cost
effective.It is the future to electricity production and even our government is
promoting solar panels.Solar power is an immense source of directly useable
energy and ultimately creates other energy resources: biomass, wind, hydropower
and wave energy.The energy of light shifts electrons in some semiconducting
materials. This photovoltaic effect is capable of large-scale electricity generation.

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