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Information Technology

System Software

The system software manages and

supports the resources (hardware and
application software) and operations of
the computer system.
Types of System Software

Operating System

Utility Program
Operating System

The operating system is a set of

programs that controls all the hardware
and application programs that make up
the computer system.

Without the operating system the

computer cannot function.
Operating System Cont’d

At the starting of the computer the

operating system is loading from the
hard disk to RAM and it remains there
until the computer is turned off.
Examples of the
Operating System

 Windows (95, 98, ME, 2000, XP)
 Apple Operating System (OS9, OSX)
 Linux/Unix
Functions of the
Operating System
 Resource management
 File management
 Task management
 User Interface

(Home Work – Write a paragraph on

each of the functions)

Booting refers to the process of starting

(or restarting) the computer, which
includes checking that the computer is
working properly and loading the
operating system from the hard disk to
Types of Booting

 Cold Boot
- this is starting up the computer after it
has been previously powered off (turned off).

 Warm Boot
- this is restarting a computer that is
already powered on (turned on).
Utility Programs

Utility program is a type of system software

that allows the user to perform
maintenance type tasks, which will keep
your computer running at peak
performance. These tasks include:
Disk Defragmenter

Scan disk software

Virus scanning utility

(Homework – Write a paragraph on each)

Malicious Software

 The word Malicious means to destroy.

 Malicious software are software that

are created with the intention to
destroy computers.
Categories of Malicious

Malicious software can be classified into

three main categories:


Trojan horse

Virus is a self-replicating program

containing code that explicitly copies
itself and can “infect” other programs by
modifying them or their environment.

It can spread to multiple computers

through storage devices or across
A computer Worm is a self-replicating
computer program, similar to a computer

A virus attaches itself to and become part of

another executable program; however, a
worm is self-contained and does not need to
be part of another program to propagate
Trojan Horse

Trojan horse is a computer program

which is either hidden inside another
program or that masquerades as something
it is not in order to trick potential users into
running it.

For example a program that appears to be

a game or image files but in reality
performs some other functions.
Trojan Horse cont’d

A Trojan horse is similar to a virus,

except that it does not replicate itself.

It stays in the computer doing its

damage or allowing somebody from
remote site to take control of the

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