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Evidence 5

Make a video tutorial to explain

how to set up a camping tent

To choose the place first of all in some national parks or
protected natural areas there are areas for camping, if
not, then we will have to find a place to set up the tent
The place we are looking for must be on flat
ground, that is not sunk because if it rains we can
flood, it should not be very close to rivers or
streams, although these are dry, look for an area
close to the trees, since these work as natural
wind barrier (note: check that there is no risk of
dry branches or point of falling), it is always
important to place the tent in a place that gives
us shade in the morning so as not to wake up in
an oven, since the tents with the sun gets too
Once the place is located, we will follow the following steps to build our house:

1. Clean the place of stones, branches and pine

cones where you are going to place the tent
2. Once clean, spread all the materials in
your tent (canvas, tent, rods, stakes)
3. Extend the tent and place the stakes (some models stake to
the end) it is better to stake them before putting it together
so that the whole tent is well stretched and if it is windy you
will avoid having complications when putting it together.
4. Assemble the rods, they have a system of
quick connections with each other and start
placing them in the holes of the tent
5. Once assembled we put the awning and secure it well to
the store, in some stores the awning makes a hall to leave
things outside the house but protected from the weather.
6. Finally you keep the bags of the rods and
the stakes inside the bag of the store and
that's it! We can extend our sleeping and enjoy
Evidence 6

Make a video tutorial to explain

how to cook meals when
Menu for one day

Cheese arepa and ranch sausage
Drink: Chocolate

Ingredients for 4 people:

• 2 Pounds precooked white cornmeal
• 2 ½ cups warm water
• 3 ½ cups warm milk
• 2 tablespoons sugar
• 2 Tbsp Butter to taste Salt
• 2 pounds white cheese
• 16 unit’s rancheus sausages
• 2 Chocolate tablets for cup
• 1 can evaporated milk
• 1.5 liters Water.

In a bowl, place the flour, sugar and salt; add all the milk and
little by little the water, while mixing with the other hand.
When the dough has a certain consistency, add the cheese
and butter and knead well, gently until you have a firm,
smooth and homogeneous mixture. Let stand 4 to 5 minutes.
Divide the dough into 8 medium balls. Then take the balls and
crush them into a wheel or disk. Heat the griddle over high
heat, place the arepas until they acquire a certain browning
on both sides. Fry sausages over low heat and serve 4 units
per person. Accompany with a cup of hot chocolate
Pasta with tuna, tomato, lettuce and onion salad
Drink: Corozo juice

Ingredients for 4 people:

• 2 Packets of Integral Spaghetti of 250gr
• 2 butter spoons
• 1 minced garlic clove
• 2 cans of tuna drained
• 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
• 250ml of milk cream
• Parsley, chopped to taste
• Salt and pepper to taste
• Fresh lettuce
• Mature tomatoes
• 2 white onions
• Apple vinager
• Olive oil
• 1/2 pound of Corozo

Cook the Integral Spaghetti for 9 to 12 minutes in

abundant boiling water. Add 1 teaspoon of salt for every
100 grams of pasta when the water begins to boil. Fry
the onion and garlic. Add the tuna, lemon juice and
milk cream, cook for 5 minutes. Mix all the ingredients
and season to taste. Drain the Integral Spaghetti and
mix them with the tuna sauce, add the chopped parsley
and serve with the tomato, lettuce and onion salad.
Accompany with a glass of Corozo juice with ice
Grilled meat and salty potato
Drink: Tamarind juice

Ingredients for 4 people:

1 kg meat
Garlic powder
Grilled or coarse salt
100 gr Parsley Oregano
12 potatoes (red potato)
1/2 pound of tamarind

Light the grill. To grill meat steaks as they should be, you
need your grill to be as high as possible. Prepare the meat.
Seal and flip the fillets. Move them to the less hot side.
Check if the meat is ready. Remove from the grill and let
rest. Boil red potatoes and serve 3 units of salted potato per
person, accompany with a glass of ice tamarind juice.

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