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Consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and
accountabilities in accordance with organisational goals, plans and objectives

Planning is an essential part of any team's activities. A commitment to thorough planning will involve all
stakeholders in developing team goals. Managers and team leaders will communicate organisational goals to
the team ensuring organisational goals and team goals are integrated. A well thought-out plan will cover
functions and responsibilities of team members as they work toward team objectives.

The consultation process during the planning stage is critical. Managers and team leaders will need to consider
the consultation strategy. How will all stakeholders participate in the consultation process? What will motivate
team members to contribute freely and openly to the planning process?
Consult Team Members to Establish a Common Understanding of
Team Purpose, Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities in
Accordance with Organisational Goals, Plans and Objectives

Good planning will involve clear objectives that

are agreed
agreed toto by team members.
members. These
outcomes may take many forms but will always
indicate whether goals are being achieved. Clear
To achieve team goals organisations, managers
and realistic objectives will provide the yardstick
and team leaders will need to support team
to team and individual performance. Once
members in a variety of ways. Appropriate
planning has taken place team leaders and
training, coaching and mentoring are just a few
managers will begin the process of organising
ways that team members
members can
can be
be supported.
how the team will implement its goals and
Other ways may be the updating of equipment
objectives. Resources will be allocated and
or systems and procedures that facilitate the
action plans will
will be
be created.
created. Managers andand team reaching
reaching of key objectives.
leaders will review what factors will prevent the
team from attaining their goals at the same time
factors that support thethe team will also need
need to
be identified.
Team members will thrive in an environment where they
are supported in a variety of ways. Support will take
many shapes and forms. It may be training, equipment,
Support may also be in the form of rewards and
time or funds but it will always be welcome. Nothing is
recognition. These will motivate and encourage team
worse than seeing a team strive to attain objectives
members to achieve team objectives. They need not be
without the required support. It is Senior Management’s
in the form of money. Not all team members will respond
responsibility to provide the support necessary to
to monetary rewards, sometimes recognition from team
achieve team objectives. In many cases, teams are
members and managers will motivate more.
blamed for not reaching desired outcomes when the
Encouragement in the form of verbal rewards will also
problem has really been that management has not given
support an environment of goal achievement.
much-needed support. Resources will need to be
identified in the planning process so they come on line as

Develop Performance Plans to Establish Expected Outcomes, Outputs, Key

Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Goals for Work Team
Perhaps the most important form of
support that can be given is in the form of
training. Good team leaders and managers
will work closely with team members in
identifying learning needs. Both technical
and/or people skills may be required. By
identifying training needs you will:
Identify • Identify what skills and competencies are missing in
your team members.
Training Needs • Identify what content needs to be included in training
• Be able to provide sound reasons for future training
• Highlight the most important things team members
must know.
• Be able to develop a model that:
• Ensures training meets the identified needs
• Analyses and evaluates the impact of training and
learning on workplace performance.
Consider a Coach or
Workplace coaches and mentors are now an
accepted and vital part of team operations. Team
leaders and managers will call on these people
when support in training or behaviour, modification
is required. Good coaches may assist team
members in specific skill improvement and a
mentor will support team members in a variety of
ways. Coaches and mentors may be a permanent
part of the team or they may be utilised from
outside the team environment. Whatever the case,
coaches and mentors are special people. They can
empower and give team members confidence in
completing the tasks at hand.

It is crucial to company performance that team Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable
goals are integrated with organisational goals. A measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect
manager will have to dissect organisational goals the critical success factors of an organisation. A
into smaller team goals to ascertain clearly where business may have as one of its KPIs the percentage
the team can make a meaningful contribution to of its income that comes from return customers. A
the organisation. Key Performance Indicators, also school may focus its KPIs on the graduation rates of
known as KPIs or Key Success Indicators, help an its students. A Customer Service Department may
organisational define and measure progress toward have as one of its KPIs (in line with overall company
organisational goals. Once an organisation has KPIs), ‘percentage of customer calls answered in the
defined its goals, it needs a way to measure first minute’. A KPI for a social service organisation
progress toward those goals. Key Performance might be the number of clients assisted during the
Indictors are those measurements. year.

Key Performance Indicators

Support Team
Members in
Meeting Expected
Performance plans developed by
managers in consultation with team
members will define key areas of
performance. Performance plans will
need to cover who is responsible for
the task, when it is to be completed,
desired outcomes and resources
required to complete the task.
Planning may ensure that outcomes
are met and team members are clear
on their roles and functions.
Review all those who you would
involve in the planning process.
Managers need to make and allocate
time for planning.


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