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BS B WO R 5 0 2 LEA D A N D

Establish and maintain open communication
communication processes
processes with
with all
all stakeholders

It has been said many times that good

good communication is the lifeblood of
of organisations. So much
much has
has been
been written
written about
about communication
and for good reason. Nothing really
Nothing really happens without communication
communication of some kind.
kind. Good communication should happen on
on all
all levels. It
also needs
needs to
to happen
happen across
across various
various organisational
organisational levels.
The best
best communication
communication will
will flow
flow from
from team
team members upwards
upwards towards
towards management and at at the
the same time
time downwards
downwards from
management to teamteam members.
members. When
When communication only
only flows
flows one
one way
way the
the potential
potential from
from problems
problems exist.
exist. Stakeholders
Stakeholders of
of all
descriptions will be affected by communication. The organisation and the team will need to communicate with internal and external
will be affected by communication. The organisation and the team will need to communicate with internal and external
Good communication won’t just happen; itit needs
needs to be facilitated by effective systems
systems and procedures.
procedures. Organisational
Organisational members
members will
need a disciplined approach in
in adhering to agreed upon systems and procedures
procedures ..

Communication procedures will assist

assist in
in providing solutions to
to unresolved
unresolved team issues. All teams and their management require follow-
up supported
supported by
by various
various types
types of
of communication.


Research Current
Good communication skills cover a multitude of concepts
Listening effectively
Being an active contributor to team issues
Asking clear and relevant questions
Using clear, concise and professional language
Appreciating cultural communication differences
Communicating through a professional non-verbal

Communicate Information from
Line Manager/Management to
the Team
As a manager or team leader, it is essential that
you develop a communication style that reaches
your team. Any form of communication, even no
communication at all will have an impact of one
sort or another. It is the type of impact that we
should be concerned about.
We have already identified a wide range of means
by which information can be communicated. The
way in which each of these means is used is
equally important. At this stage, it is useful to
consider various styles of communicating, what
motivates these and their potential outcomes.

Team members will have issues that remain unsolved.
When this is the case those issues will have to be In most cases, issues are recorded in meeting minutes
documented and systems will need to be put in place or team member records. As a competent and
so that team leaders and managers continue to work thorough manager, you will be required to keep
toward a resolution. No matter what the issue is, the accurate records to ensure that issues are not
chances are it will not go away. For team motivation overlooked or forgotten. A manager who pretends to
and morale to continue unresolved issues must be address problems but in reality hopes that team
addressed. Even if the process takes longer than members may forget the issue or let it pass is courting
anticipated, most team members will appreciate disaster. Team members will quickly lose trust in a
progress. Team members will appreciate committed manager or team leader who does not address critical
communication as the issue is worked through the issues.

Communicate Unresolved Issues, Concerns and Problems Raised by Team Members

and Follow-Up with Line Manager/Management and Other Relevant Stakeholders
When conflicts arise, the first line of communication for job-related
matters is usually your next in command. Discussion at this level can
usually solve problems that may develop and often leads to a better
working relationship. Below are some tips that may be helpful in
Tips for resolving employee and/or work related problems:

• Define the problem.
• Talk about your interests: What do you really care about? What do you need to
have happen?
Conflict •

Develop goals and objectives. How would you like things to be?
Generate ideas/options for satisfying interests or achieving the desired
Resolution •
Discuss, evaluate various options, negotiate, and then decide.
• Make sure there is a clear plan for implementation, and then implement.
• Review and evaluate how things are going.
It is critical that managers and team leaders Once the facts have been gained, all the
have an accurate understanding of unresolved stakeholders must contribute to developing a
issues to prevent them developing into range of solutions that addresses the
spiralling problems. A process that many unresolved issue to the stakeholder’s
managers find helpful is as follows: satisfaction. Once a solution has been agreed
• Get the facts upon it must be actioned. There should be no
• Work with the stakeholders delays or stakeholders will lose faith and morale
• Develop a range of solutions will suffer. Once action has been taken all
• Take action
• Check results (and evaluate).
stakeholders should evaluate the results and
further action can be taken if necessary.

Evaluate and Take Necessary Corrective Action Regarding Unresolved Issues,

Concerns and Problems Raised by Internal or External Stakeholders
Now that you have
completed this unit, you
should have the skills and
knowledge required to lead
teams in the workplace and
to actively engage with the
management of the

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