The Presentation On Information Communication Technology and Cyber Law

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Group Members:- Submitted to:-
1.Dipesh Dulal Hari Kumar Giri
2.Samir Pandey
3.Binam Pokhrel
4.Nikit Dulal
5.Dipak Tamang
6.Aayush Shrestha
 Information and communications technology (ICT)
is an extensional term for information
technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified
communications and the integration
of telecommunications (telephone lines and
wireless signals) and computers, as well as
necessary enterprise software, middleware,
storage, and audiovisual systems, that enable users
to access, store, transmit, and manipulate
The term ICT is also used to refer to the combination of
audiovisual and telephone networks with computer
networks through a single cabling or link system. ICT
includes any communication device, encompassing
television, computer and network hardware, satellite
systems as well as the various services and
appliance(device of equipments) with them such as
video conferencing and distance learning.
The World Wide Web, Internet and email
revolutionized the way individuals communicate with
each other. Rather than waiting days or weeks to see
information, we can now view all information at the
speed of light. Email has fundamentally transformed
how people share information and conduct business
based on the speed and flexibility it offers. Computers
can process data at approximately 20 million bytes per
second so it is easy for them to download and instantly
display almost any text email.

There are several advantages of ICT. Some of them are

given belows:

1.Communication - Speed / time – money can be

saved because it’s much quicker to move
information around. With the help of ICT it has
become quicker and more efficient.
2. Globalization - Video conferencing saves money
on flights and accommodation. ICT has not only
brought the countries and people closer together,
but it has allowed the world's economy to become
a single interdependent system to contact either a
business or family member. 
3. Cost effectiveness - It feels free to send an email
it’s without doubt cheaper than phone calls. ICT
has also helped to automate business practices,
thus restructuring businesses to make them
exceptionally cost effective.
4.Greater Availability - ICT has made it possible for
businesses to be automated giving clients access to
a website or voicemail 24 hours a day, 7 days a
5.Education – Computer’s along with their
programs and the Internet have created
educational opportunities not available to previous
 There are various sectors that are being impacted by
computers and IT. Some of them are:

a) Impact on Business
- ICT solutions can help your organization reduce
costs, increase revenue and improve profitability.
Using videoconferencing to host meetings between
members in different locations, for example, reduces
travel costs. Production data can help staff identify
quality problems, reducing waste and reworking costs.
b) Imapct on Entertainment
 The ICT revolution has specifically impacted

the entertainment landscape, by making it
possible to produce and reproduce content
digitally. In digital format,
the entertainment experience can be enhanced
through sound and visual effects in ways virtually
impossible in an analog world
c) Impact on Education
Information and communication
technologies ICT are extremely influencing every
discipline under the sun including Education. It is
affecting every aspect of education from teaching-
learning to assessment and evaluation. It improves
the effectiveness of education.
d) Impact on Health And Medicine
The emerging role of ICT has created a
huge impact on Healthcare. It enhances the quality
of care, increases the patient security and data
protection and reduces operating & administrative
cost. ... The Doctor can also interact with patient,
recommend to take medical examination and
prescribe medicine.
e) Impact on Employment
-Effects of ICT on employment include:
1. Fewer workers needed to achieve the same
amount of work.
2. Automation in factories (robots doing the
work of people)
3. Increased 'tele-working' (working from
f) Impact on News and Media Organization
- One key impact of ICTs on news gathering is not
only to improve quality news delivery but also
facilitates the creation and dissemination of
information, by electronic means. 
Digital divide is a term that refers to the gap
between demographics and regions that have access
to modern information and communications
technology, and those that don't or have restricted
access. This technology can include the telephone,
television, personal computers and the Internet.

Ethics is a set of moral principles that govern the

behavior of a group or individual. Therefore,
computer ethics is set of moral principles that
regulate the use of computers. Some common issues
of computer ethics include intellectual property
rights (such as copyrighted electronic content),
privacy concerns, and how computers affect society.

Intellectual property rights are the rights given to

persons over the creations of their minds. They
usually give the creator an exclusive right over
the use of his/her creation for a certain period of
Intellectual property (IP) is a category
of property that includes intangible creations of the
human intellect. There are many types of
intellectual property, and some countries recognize
more than others. The most well-known types
are copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade
The main purpose of intellectual property law is to encourage the
creation of a wide variety of intellectual goods.  To achieve this,
the law gives people and businesses property rights to the
information and intellectual goods they create, usually for a
limited period of time. This gives economic incentive for their
creation, because it allows people to profit from the information
and intellectual goods they create
Intellectual property rights
Intellectual property rights include patents, copyright, industrial
design rights, trademarks, plant variety rights, trade
dress, geographical indications, and in some jurisdictions trade
secrets. There are also more specialized or derived varieties
of sui generis exclusive rights, such as circuit design rights
(called mask work rights in the US) and supplementary
protection certificates for pharmaceutical products (after expiry
of a patent protecting them) and database rights (in European
law). The term "industrial property" is sometimes used to refer
to a large subset of intellectual property rights including patents,
trademarks, industrial designs, utility models, service marks,
trade names, and geographical indications.

 Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to

seclude themselves, or information about themselves,
and thereby express themselves selectively. The
boundaries and content of what is considered private
differ among cultures and individuals.
Privacy is a term for the protection of stored data
against unauthorized reading. Privacy is required for
data stored in a computer it implies that data is
confidential and that access to it should be limited. The
data may be ‘owned’ in some way by a particular
person or organization.
Anonymity refers to the ability to send an e-mail
message or an article to a newsgroup or some
people without one’s identity becoming known.
Ordinarily, the e-mail address of the sender appears
automatically in a message’s header, which is
created by the client software. To achieve
anonymity, a message must be sent through an
anonymous. This anonymity trick is also a serve
cyber crime and becoming threats nowadays.
 Cybercrime, also called computer crime, the use of
a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends,
such as committing fraud, trafficking in child
pornography and intellectual property, stealing
identities, or violating privacy.
There are some Cyber crime activities given below:
1. Plagiarism

2. Software Privacy
3. Adult Sites& Obscenity

4. Unauthorized computer access etc……

This means that some people try to copy or
download some write-ups from the internet, modify
it and present it or publish making it as if it was one
by himself. Plagiarism may cause legal problems,
too. Plagiarizing copyrighted materials is called
copyright infringement, and if you are caught you
are in problem as you are violating the rules.
2.Software Privacy:
Actually most of the software made in
foreign countries are copyrighted. But if these
software or programs when copied illegally or
without getting permission from the concerned
programmers or company becomes pirated, you
violate the author’s copyright and go against the
3.Adult sites:
People often access or try to access adult site
during office hours when they are alone or feel
monotonous. But this kind of practice is absolutely
bad and you may lose the job or make the whole
organization dirty. As a computer user or
professional we need to respect the use of computer
and the office.
4. Unauthorized computer access:
Many accidents have taken place that some
people often try to access another computer
system and get their data or files, even try to
destroy. We use the term as hacker to describe
computers users who attempt unauthorized
access. Properly, the term hacker refers to a
computer hobbyist who enjoy exploring the limits
of a computer system’s capabilities.
 Cyberlaw is the law that includes a variety of issues
related to the internet and other communication
technology, including intellectual property, privacy,
freedom of expression, and jurisdiction. Cyberlaw
governs the legal issues of cyberspace. Cyberspace
is the electronic medium of computer networks, in
which online communication takes place.
Cyberspace is a broad term that includes:
computers, computer networks, Internet data
software, etc.
 Different countries have different cyber laws and
cyber laws regulating bodies. In Nepal cyber law
is called as Electronic Transaction Act (ETA)
2063, which was passed in 2004. The bill deals
with issues related to digital signature,
intellectual property, cybercrime, etc. The Act is
dived into 12 sections and 80 clauses. This law
keeps an eyeball on issues which are related to
computer networks and cybercrime.
 It brings cyber criminals under the justice of law
and penalizes them just like other crimes. As per
the Act, if anyone is found violating cybercrime,
he/she will be punished for a minimum of 6
months to a maximum of 3 years in jail and has
to pay minimum 50 thousand to maximum three
lakhs as a penalty.
 The vision of Nepal's Information
Technology Policy is to place Nepal on the global
map of information technology by 2005. The
objectives of IT policy are
a) Make IT accessible to general public; increase
employment through IT.
b) Build knowledge-based society.
c) Establish knowledge-based industries

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