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Kendall Kohler
Class discussions
As 9-12 graders, I would expect that my students understand what respect looks like when there
are classroom discussions…
◦ No interruptions.
◦ Raise your hand to speak (patiently)
◦ Respect what others have to say
◦ Eyes & ears must be on whoever is talking

(Health & Wellness)

I will also let students understand that they may be called on to speak at any time… so PAY
ATTENTION to the classroom discussion!

As for PE, students will be instructed to raise their hand to speak or come see me during an activity if it
is necessary.
Working in groups
◦ In my case, this is more so known as working in teams.
◦ Students will be assigned teams, more than likely for each different unit. They will consistently be
working together in these teams when we are playing games, overcoming challenges, etc. (PE)
◦ I will assign these teams when needed.
◦ In Health & Wellness, I will carry over the idea of ‘teams’ to the classroom whenever it is time to work
in groups. These teams will more than likely be assigned by me, or somedays I may give students the
opportunity to partner up-- and then I will assign groups from there!
◦ Ask questions within your group before approaching me
◦ You are responsible for your own work & behavior
◦ I will designate group work areas
Note taking
◦ I will allow students to take notes only on PAPER! I will not
allow computer notes.

◦ I will also allow students to take notes on paper in whatever

format, however I will provide a note-taking option that has
helped me in the past:
Reading a textbook
◦ When having the students read textbooks;
◦ Must be quiet
◦ Use the SQ4R method to comprehend & retain
◦ Survey
◦ Question
◦ Read
◦ Recite
◦ Review
◦ Reflect

(Health & Wellness)

Reading any place time
◦ When students are given to opportunity to Read Any Place time, students are expected to be
respectful of others, and make good use of their time/stay on task!
◦ I will allow students to use spaces set up for these activities, while constantly monitoring
their productivity.
Taking a test
◦ I will post an agenda with a schedule on days we have a test that includes;
◦ When the test will take place
◦ How long the testing period will last
◦ What to begin working on upon completion of the test

Students will be instructed that cheating will not be tolerated.

Students must remain quiet during the test time.
Students must raise their hand when they are finished for me to come pick up their test.
Students must have materials underneath their chair to use when finished.
Students correcting work
◦ I will not be using this opportunity when it comes to my Health &
Wellness classes because there will not be a heavy load of things to
correct therefore I will be able to do it myself.
Cultivating social skills
◦ Together as a class we will brainstorm list of social skills the class will work on throughout the semester.
◦ I will create a variety of activities through the semester that utilize and emphasize student creativity,
collaboration, and participation.
◦ I will discuss the importance of these skills;
◦ Listening
◦ Being respectful
◦ Helping others
◦ Being patient
◦ Being cooperative
◦ And more…

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