Supplies: By:Warqa'a Hashim

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By:Warqa’a Hashim
:Supervised by
Prof.DR Jameel Khadim Abed
In the low to medium power range, say
upwards from 50 W, a d.c. source of
supply is often required which contains
negligible a.c. ripple yet can be controlled
in magnitude. For this application switched
mode power supply circuits are
Basic circuit principle of a switched mode power
The principle of the circuit shown in Fig. (1)
is that a d.c. source of voltage
is obtained from a rectifier, the voltage as
shown in Fig. (1-a) being partially
smoothed by the capacitor C
' I

The switch is turned on and off

,rapidly to give
as shown in Fig. (1-b), a voltage which is
chopped between the source level
.and zero
A voltage which is chopped between the source
. and zero
This voltage is fed into an LC filter network
which then smooths the
chopped waveform to give a level voltage to
.the load, as shown in Fig.(1-c)
d.c. level would be determined by the a.c. voltage
By switching the rectifier output on and off very
rapidly control of the output voltage is
obtained, the magnitude being a function of the
on/off ratio. The a.c. ripple
frequency fed into the L2 C2 filter is very high;
hence the value of L2 and C2 can
be correspondingly low but still give high a.c.
ripple attenuation. Equation
shows that the attenuation is inversely )1(
proportional to the product of
,the frequency squared and L2C2
The principle of the filter
is that the inductor presents zero
impedance to the d.c. component and near
infinite impedance to the a.c. components,
while the capacitor is charged to the
mean level of the chopped voltage. The
diode is essential to provide a path for
the continuous current in the inductor
when the switch is open. The magnitude
of the load voltage can be controlled to
.any desired level
Like all power electronic
equipment the semiconductor devices are
used in their switching mode in order to
maximize efficiency. If power transistors are
used as the switching devices
the frequency of chopping would be limited
value, but by using power MOSFETs this
frequency can be raised to above, so giving
.considerable savings in component size
Types of SMPS
There are numerous different circuit
configurations for the switched mode
power supplies, but there are two basic forms
which are known as the step-down
or buck (forward) converter and the step-up or
boost (fly back) converter. Other
converters are a combination of the two basic
or buck (forward) converter
The description of the circuit relates to the
,manner in which
the energy is transferred from the source to
load, and that the mean value of the load
.voltage is less than that of the source
Referring to Fig. (2) and taking the capacitor to
be very large, there will
be negligible ripple in the output load voltage
Vo. When the transistor is turned
on the d.c. source voltage appears at the
transformer primary, causing a linear
rise in the core magnetic flux
A constant voltage equal to the.
source voltage times the turns ratio appears at
the input to the diodes
Fig(2)Basic configuration of the step down
.(buck) converter
The input voltage is higher than that of the capacitor; hence
the inductor current
rises at a rate such that its voltage (L di/dt) is equal to the
voltage difference
VD-VO When the transistor is turned off the source
current is collapses to zero
and the inductor current falls. The capacitor current rises and
falls to balance
the difference between the constant load current and the
.inductor current
The mean value of the output load voltage can be seen in
Fig.(2-b) to be
given by the ratio of the transistor on-period to the total time
.of each cycle
The waveforms shown in Fig. (2-b) are such
that the inductor current is just continuous,
that is the inductor current falls to zero at the
end of the off-period. Given the same duty
cycle, an increase in the load current ,
resulting from a lower load resistance ,would
result in the inductor current always being
greater than zero. A reduction in the load
current would result in the inductor current
falling to zero before the end of the off-
.period and hence being discontinuous
The ideal is for the inductor current to be
just continuous; discontinuous current
creates problems in maintaining stability, but
if the current is always greater than zero it
leads to excessive losses and slows the
.response to transient load changes
boost converter(flyback converter (

The basic circuit of the boost converter, also

,known as a flyback converter
is shown in Fig. (3). The description relates to
the fact that the mean value
of the load voltage is greater than that of the
source, as shown in Fig. (3-a)
fig(3-a) boost converter
The principle is that when the switch is closed,
current builds up to give stored magnetic energy in
;the inductor
Then when the switch is opened the current
transfers to the capacitor and load via the
When a transformer is included, as in Fig.(3-b), the
magnetic energy is built up via the current in the
primary winding and then released via
the current in the secondary winding. In order to
accurately define the primary
and secondary inductance a non-magnetic gap may
.be included in the core path of the transformer
when the transistor is on current builds up
in the primary of the transformer. When
the transistor is turned off, in order to
satisfy the stored magnetic energy state,
current must flow in the secondary in the
same direction of the winding turns. The
stored magnetic energy is now transferred
.to the capacitor and load
Cuk converter
Is developed from a combination of
both the boost and buck converters. The basic
principle is that when the transistor is off,
current flows from the source and inductor L1
to charge the
capacitor C2 via the diode. When the transistor
is turned on the capacitor C1
now discharges via the transistor, passing
energy to the load and its capacitor
.C 2
fig(4-a)cuk converter
The waveforms for the Cuk converter shown
in Fig.(4-b) are derived by
making the assumptions that the values of all
the inductors and capacitors are
large, so as to minimize the current change
in the inductors and the voltage
change in the capacitors. Making these
assumptions, the current and voltage
changes can be assumed to be linear over the
.short periods t 1 and t2
The approximate relationship between the
,duty cycle , source voltage E
and load voltage Vo may be found by
ignoring the ripple and using the mean
.values of the currents in the two inductors
Over each cycle the charge given to the
capacitor C1 is equal to the charge
removed; therefore . i1 t2 =i2 t1 the duty cycle
=t1 /(t1+ t2)
=i1/i2 1 =- / t 1 / t2
which rearranged

. v /E = i /i
o 1 2

Compared to the simple boost or buck

converter, the Cuk converter has the
advantage of almost constant current from
the source and in the output

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