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7 Essential Rules (of

thumb) for Composition

All images are taken from the TV show “House of Cards”, produced by Netflix.
Director and Exec. Producer: David Fincher. Cinematography by Eigil Bryld
All images have a main point or interest or focus. Before doing anything, you must define your
focus and the idea you want to convey with the way you portray it.
Rule of Thirds
The foundation of composition, consists in dividing the image into thirds both vertically and
horizontally, and then placing the important elements over the lines instead of the empty spaces.
Leading Lines
Leading lines are the natural lines that help to draw the viewer’s eye and pull them into the
picture towards a chosen point in your image, and they are made by the objects in the frame.
Look for coherent and interesting directions in your leading lines.
Using elements to create a border or a contrast around a subject highlights the subject and
separates them from the rest of the world.
Not everything you can see has to make it into the final picture. Leaving things out can give more
power to the objects you decide to leave in.
Balance of negative space
The negative space is what appears in between objects in an image, the empty bits. It should
always be present, but it should not occupy most of the picture. Keep an equilibrium between
mass and void.
Look for the patterns
Patterns, regular textures and symmetry are visually powerful and they attract the eye. Use them
for your advantage to convey meaning or create emotion.
Rules are a reference, not an obligation!
Composition is a tool for creativity, and sometimes, you have to disobey the rules to achieve a
particular effect. Don’t be afraid to experiment, but remember: all transgressions must be
backed up by clear intentions.

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