Cottage and Small Scale Industry

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Cottage and Small Scale Industry,

Importance, SMEDA, Objectives and

Instructor’s name: Asim Yasin Randhawa
“Pakistan Economics”
 It includes all industries which are run by
small capital (e.g.; sports, leather goods and
garments etc)
 It is treated as important part of manufacturing

 It is very important for development of

country like Pakistan

Small Scale Industry:
 Firm employing less than 10 labours
 Its fixed assets do not exceed Rs. 2 millions in

 For Example: Manufacturing in sports and

leather goods, garments, silver and gold

ornaments, furniture etc
 Cottage or Micro Industry:
 Generally carried on at home of artisan
 Family member will assist his work
 Job may be whole time or part time
 No power used
 Very simple use of implements
 For Example: Wood work, handloom products,

toy making etc

Types of Small Scale and Cottage Industries
Rural area industries Urban area industries
Carpet industry Power loom Industries
Poultry farming Embroidery &
Forestry Tailoring
Livestock Making of silver and
Sericulture gold
Rice husking Spice industry
Raw sugar Furniture and fixture
Bee keeping
Division of Industries


Small Scale Medium Scale Large Scale

Industries Industries Industries
Contributions to Labor Force, GDP and Exports

Small Scale & Cottage

Industries (2018-2019)

GDP 2.0 %
Labour Force
Growth Rate Exports 25%
10 % 8.2%
Importance of Small Scale and Cottage Industries in Pakistan

 Source of employment
 By-product industries
 Development of Agriculture sector
 Personal interest
 Growth of per capita income
 Quick yielding
 Favourable balance of payment
 Development of large scale industries
 Reduction in unemployment
 Part time employment
Importance of Small Scale and Cottage Industries in Pakistan

 Supply of indigenous goods

 Reduction in income disparities
 Reduction in regional disparities
 Better living standards
 Reduction in pressure on land
 Growth of industrial sector
 Extension of home market
Importance of Small Scale and Cottage Industries in Pakistan

 Reduction in rural urban migration

 Balanced growth
 Source of foreign exchange earnings
Problems with Small Scale & Cottage Industries

 Shortage of capital
 High cost of production
 Use of backward techniques
 Less government interest
 Lack of standardization
 In efficient labour
 Lack of coordination
 Improper marketing facilities
 Irregular supply of electricity
Problems with Small Scale & Cottage Industries

 Scarcity of rapid transport and communication

 Scarcity of raw material
 Absence of technical training
 Import of consumer goods
 Lack of storing facilities
 Modern life style
 Lack of subsidies
 Subsistence level of production
 Lack of division and specialization
Government and Small Scale Industries
 Industrial Estate
 Mini Industrial Estate
 Technological Services
 Handicraft development centers
 Carpet centers
 Marketing facilities
 Consultative services
 Financial assistance
 Credit facilities
Government and Small Scale Industries
 Publicity
 Facility of raw material
 Purchase of cottage industrial products
 Allocation in development plans
 Protection policy
 Employ modern machinery
 Trade fairs and exhibitions
 Latest situation
 Standardization
 Small scale industrial corporation
 Small and Medium Enterprises Development
 Innovative approach and professional

 Policy advisor to Government
 Facilitator to stakeholders
 Presidential Ordinance 2002 for SMEDA
 Important role in development of any country
 Strong economic growth
 Established in October 1998
 Development of SMEs in Pakistan
 Institution of Govt. of Pakistan
SBP Criteria for SMEs
 SMEs are organizations which fulfill one of
the following criteria
i. A trade with total assets cost of Rs. 50
Million with out land and building
ii. Manufacturing with total cost Rs. 100
million with out land and building
iii. Sale not exceeding Rs. 300 million
SMEDA Objectives
 Encourage the growth of SMEs
 Advisor to Government and Donor assistance
 Advisor of Fiscal and Monetary issues
 Facilitation of Business Development Services of

 Set up advisor of suppliers of machinery to SMEs
 Conducting development strategies
 Facilitation of SMEs financing
 Strengthening of SMEs training programs
SMEDA Structure
 FederalMinistry of Industries and Production
 Headed by CEO
 Four Divisions

1. Central Support Division

2. Policy and Planning Division
3. Out Reach Division
4. Business and Sector Development Services
Role of SMEDA
 Training services
 Business plans division
 Financial services
 Information Resource Centre
 Policy and Planning
 Intellectual property for business success
 Legal services
 High role in rural development
 Labour intensive employment
 Curb monopoly of few firms
 Backbone of National Economy
 Industries are playing important role in
development and growth of any country
 Industries are facing lots of problems also but

its role cannot be ignored at any stage

 Government should provide the credit and

consultancy services which will help to

development of industries
Assignment No. 3
Assessing the food security situation among the rural
households of District Faisalabad of Pakistan

Asim Yasin Randhawa and Dr. Khalid Bashir

Institute of Agricultural and Resource Economics,
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

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