Process of Communication

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Components of Communication

Components of Communication

Robert Kreitner defined, “Communication process is a chain

made up of identifiable links. The chain includes sender,
encoding, message, receiver, decoding, and feedback.”
In the opinion of S. K. Kapur, “The communication process
is the method by which the sender transfers information and
understanding to the receiver.”
According to Bovee, Thill and Schatzman, “The
communication process consists of six phases linking sender
and receiver.”
Components of Communication

1. Sender/Encoder
The person who initiates the communication process is normally
referred to as the sender.
The sender selects ideas, encodes and finally transmits them to the
His choice of images and words, and the combination of the two is what
drives the receiver to listen carefully.
In order to convey meaning, the sender must begin encoding, which
means translating information into a message in the form of symbols that
represent ideas or concepts.
Components of Communication

2. Message
Message is the encoded idea transmitted by the sender. The
formulation of the message is very important, for an incorrect
pattering can turn the receiver hostile or make him lose interest.
The selection of content and the treatment of the message
depend on our communication skills, knowledge level, our
position in social systems and our culture.
The selection of content and the treatment of the message we
use also depends on our audience and their on communication
skills, knowledge, attitudes, social position and culture.
Components of Communication

3. Medium/Channels
It would be oral, written or non-verbal.

Prior to the composition of the message, the medium/channel should be decided.

Each medium follows its own set of rules and regulations. For example, in oral
communication one can afford to be a little informal, but when using a written
mode, all rules of communication need to be observed.
The effectiveness of the various channels fluctuates, depending on the
characteristics of the communication. For example, when immediate feedback is
necessary, oral communication channels are more effective .
In a situation where the message must be delivered to more than a small group of
people, written channels are often more effective.
Components of Communication

If a sender relays a message through an inappropriate

channel, it may not reach the receiver correctly.
The sender should ask him or herself different questions, so
that he/she can select the appropriate channel. is the message
urgent? Is immediate feedback needed? Is permanent record
required? Is the message going to someone inside or outside
the organization?
Once the sender has answered all of these questions, they
will be able to choose an effective channel.
Components of Communication

4. Receiver/Decoder
The receiver is the person receiving the message who derives the meaning or
understands and translates it into meaning.
The receiver is the individual or individuals to whom the message is
directed. The extent to which this person comprehends the message will
depend on a number of factors, which include the following: how much the
individual or individuals know about the topic, their receptivity to the message
and the relationship and trust that exists between sender and receiver.
Communication is successful when the reaction of the receiver is exactly
what the communicator intended. The goal of communication is reached
when the receiver accepts the sender’s message.
Components of Communication

5. Feedback
Effective communication takes place only when there is
feedback. After receiving a message, the receiver responds
in same way and signals that response to the sender.
 The signal may take the form of a spoken comment, a
long sigh, a written message, a smile or some other action.
Without feedback, the sender cannot confirm that the
receiver has interpreted the message correctly.
Process of Communication

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