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Digestive system

Pennsylvania State Standard

~ 10.1.9 – Analyze the interdependence existing
among the body systems.
What you will learn:
1. Describe the parts and functions of the
digestive system.
2. Explain ways to care for the digestive
3. Analyze the interdependence existing
among the body systems.
O What causes the stomach to growl?
O Answer the questions and hand the answer in
at the end of class!
O Teeth O Appendix
O Tounge O Rectum
O Saliva O Stomach
O Small intestine O Esophagus
O Liver O Anus
O Gallbladder O Villus
O Pancreas
O Colon
Defined vocabulary
O Teeth – help break down the food to small
O Tongue – Moves food to the back of the
mouth and to the opening of the esophagus.
O Saliva – Is 99% water and enzymes that begin
to chemical digestion.
O Small Intestine – Coiled tube like organ is
20feet long. This is when nutrients are taken
up by the body.
Defined vocabulary
O Villus – This is the spot that nutrients are pass
out of the small intestine to the body.
O Liver – Large organ that produces bile to
digest fat.
O Gallbladder - produces bile as needed into the
small intestine.
O Pancreas – Organ that produces enzymes and
release directly into the small intestine.
Defined vocabulary
O Colon /Large intestine – this organ absorbs
most of the liquid from undigested food.
O Rectum – Solid waste is stored.
O Anus – Is the opening to the out side
AMA's Current Procedural Terminology, Revised 1998 Edition. CPT is a trademark of the American
Medical Association.
Main function of digestive
O The main function of the digestive system is to
turn the food into simple sugars, amino acids,
and carbohydrates. This is fuel for the
human body.
Function of digestive system
O The first stage of the digestive system is the
mouth and teeth.
O The teeth grid up the food.
O Which saliva is mix with the food to break the
food down.
O The food is swallowed and wave like motion
moves the food to the stomach.
Function of digestive system
O Second stage is the stomach breaks down the
O The stomach churns the food. Mixing the
food with the gastric juices.
O This is done with the gastric juices are mix in
the stomach.
O The glands in the stomach produce the juices.
O The gastric juices break down the proteins.
O Then the food is passed into the small intstine.
Function of digestive system
O In the small intestine which is about 20ft long.
O This is where the small intestine absorbs the
nutrients from the food.
O Most digestion takes place in the duodenum of
the small intestine. Small finger like
projections called villus that collect the
nutrients. These nutrients are passed into the
Function of digestive system
O The three organs that help in digesting the
food. Liver, and gallbladder.
O Liver – It produces bile , a substance that aids
in digestion of fats.
O Gallbladder – It holds and releases bile into
the small intestine as needed.
Function of the Pancreas
O Lies across the back of the
abdomen. The pancreas produces
enzymes that are necessary to break
down carbohydrates, proteins, and
O Cells in the pancreas are called Islet
of Langerhans, which produce two
hormones (glucagon, and insulin.
These regulate sugar in the blood.
O Insulin – Is a hormone that
stimulates the liver to convert
glucose to glycogen.
O Glucagon – Is a hormone that
stimulates the liver to convert
glycogen to glucose.
Stomach page 7
Digestive helpers! Page 6
In human work book.
O Fill in the following diagrams:
O The stomach page 7
O The alimentary canal page 8
O Digestive system page 5
O Digestion Helpers page 6
O For extra credit finish correctly the Gulp, Gulp
crossword puzzle on page 9
Project Digestive System
O Follow the direction on the hand out and new
power point slide. Is Due?

O Use your notes book and other sources to

complete the project.
Digestion System Assembly Line
Project outline
O Assemble line of the digestive system. (40
O ORGANS included in this project: salvia, teeth,
tongue, stomach, small intestine, villus, large
intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and anus.

O Traveling paper (55 points)

O Describe, in detail (one to two pages), what happens
to food and water as they travel through the
digestive system.
O Include the source of your information; title
and which pages you used (5 points).

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