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Business Process Reengineering


• In today’s ever-changing world, the only thing that doesn’t

change is ‘change’ itself. In a world increasingly driven by the three
Cs: Customer, Competition and Change,
• companies are on the lookout for new solutions for their business
problems[4]. Recently, some of the more successful business
corporations in the world seem to have hit upon an incredible
solution: Business Process Reengineering (BPR).
• Some of the recent headlines in the popular press read,
“Wal-Mart reduces restocking time from six weeks
• to thirty-six hours.”” Hewlett Packard’s assembly time for
server computers touches new low- four minutes.”
• The reason behind these success stories: Business Process
What is reengineering?
• “Reengineering is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of
business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical,
contemporary measures of performance such as cost, quality, service and
• BPR advocates that enterprises go back to the basics and reexamine their
very roots. It doesn’t believe in small improvements. Rather it aims at
total reinvention.
• BPR focuses on processes and not on tasks, jobs or people.
Ford (cont)
Ford (cont)
BPR Principles
• Organize around outcomes, not tasks.
• Have those who use the output of the process perform the
• Subsume information-processing work into the real work
that produces the information.
• Treat geographically dispersed resources as though they
were centralized.
• Link parallel activities instead of integrating their results.
• Put decision points where the work is performed and build
controls into the process.
• Capture information once and at the source.
A BPR Framework

Organization Technology
 Job skills
– Enabling technologies
– IS architectures
 Structures
– Methods and tools
 Reward – IS organizations
 Values

– Core business processes
– Value-added
– Customer-focus
– Innovation
BPR – Life Cycle
Define corporate
visions and Visioning BPR-LC Ó
business goals
Identify business Enterprise-wide engineering
processes to be Identifying
Analyze and
measure an Analyzing
existing process Process-specific
Identify enabling IT & engineering
generate alternative Redesigning
process redesigns
Evaluate and
select a process Evaluating
Implement the
reengineered Implementing
improvement of Improving
the process

Manage change and stakeholder interests

Process/Methodology of BPR
• Activity #1: Prepare for Reengineering:
• “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. Planning and Preparation are
vital factors for any activity or event to be successful, and
reengineering is no exception.
Before attempting reengineering, the question ‘Is BPR necessary?’
should be asked?
• There should be a significant need for the process to be
• A cross-functional team is established with a game plan for the
process of reengineering.
• Another important factor to be considered is to understand the
expectations of your customers and where your existing process
falls short of meeting those requirements.
• Having identified the customer driven objectives, the mission or
vision statement is formulated.
Activity #2: Map and Analyze As-Is

• Before the reengineering team can proceed to redesign the process,

they should understand the existing process.
• The important aspect of BPR (what makes BPR, BPR) is that the
improvement should provide dramatic results.
• A large manufacturer spent six million dollars over a period of one
year in a bid to develop a parts-tracking system and was all set to go
online. Only then did he realize that he had totally overlooked a
small piece of information – ‘the mode of transmission of
information between the scheduling staff and the shop floor was
through a phone call.’
Activity #2: Map and Analyze As-Is Process
• The main objective of this phase is to identify
disconnects (anything that prevents the process
from achieving desired results and in particular
information transfer between organizations or
people) and value adding processes.
• This is initiated by first creation and documentation of
Activity and Process models.
• Then, the amount of time that each activity takes and the
cost that each activity requires in terms of resources is
calculated through simulation and activity based
Activity #3: Design To-Be process
• The objective of this phase is to produce one or more
alternatives to the current situation, which satisfy the
strategic goals of the enterprise.
• The first step in this phase is benchmarking.
“Benchmarking is the comparing of both the
performance of the organization’s processes and the way
those processes are conducted with those relevant peer
organizations to obtain ideas for
• Having identified the potential improvements we
perform simulation and ABC to analyze factors like the
time and cost involved.
Activity #3: Design To-Be process
• The several To-Be models that are finally arrived at
are validated. By performing Trade off Analysis the
best possible To-Be scenarios are selected for
Activity #4:Implement Reengineered Process:

•The implementation stage is where reengineering

efforts meet the most resistance and hence it is by far
the most difficult one.
•The question that confronts us would be,’ If BPR
promises such breath taking results then why
wasn’t it adopted much earlier?’
Activity #4:Implement Reengineered Process:
•Requirements for the construction of the To-Be
components can be added and the result organized
into a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
•The benefit here is that we can now define the causal
and time sequential relationships between the
activities planned.
•Using prototyping and simulation techniques, the
transition plan is validated and it’s pilot versions
are designed and demonstrated.
•Training programs for the workers are initiated and
the plan is executed in full scale.
Activity #5: Improve Process
• A process cannot be reengineered overnight.
•very vital part in the success of every reengineering
effort lies in improving the reengineered process
•Two things have to be monitored – the progress of
action and the results.
•The progress of action is measured by seeing how much
more informed the people feel, how much more
commitment the management shows and how well the
change teams are accepted in the broader perspective of the
•As for monitoring the results, the monitoring should
include such measures as employee attitudes, customer
perceptions, supplier responsiveness etc
New Life Insurance Policy Application Process at
Mutual Benefits Life Before Reengineering*

Department A
Step 1
Department A
Step 2
Application Mutual Benefits Life Before Reengineering*

Department E
Step 19

• 30 steps, 5 departments, 19 persons

• Issuance application processing cycle time: 24 hours minimum;
average 22 days
• only 17 minutes in actually processing the application

*Source: Adapted from Rethinking the Corporate Workplace: Case Manager at Mutual
Benefit Life, Harvard Business School case 9-492-015, 1991.
The New Life Insurance Policy Application Process
Handled by Case Managers



Case Manager Server

• application processing cycle time: 4 hours

minimum; 2-5 days average
• Application handling capacity
• Cut 100 field office positions
Enabling IT to Consider
• Client/server technology
• Groupware and collaboration technologies
• Mobile computing (wireless LAN, pen-based computing, GPS, iPhone)
• Data capturing technology (scanner/barcode reader/RFID)
• Telephony: Integration of computer and telephone systems; VoIP;
Unified communications
• Web services and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
• Imaging technology, work flow management systems, Business
Process Management (BPM)
• Decision support systems, Data warehouse, Business intelligence,
Data mining, Digital dashboard
• Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Electronic Commerce, WWW, and
IT Enabling Effects
Dimensions & Type Examples IT Enabling Effects

Organization Entity
• Interorganizational Order from a supplier Lower transaction costs
Eliminate intermediaries
• Interfunctional Develop a new product Work across geography
Greater concurrency
• Interpersonal Approve a bank loan Integrate role and task

Objects Manufacture a product

• Physical Increase outcome flexibility
Control process

• Informational Prepare a proposal

Routinize complex decision

Fill a customer order

• Operational Reduce time and costs
Develop a budget Increase output quality
• Managerial Improve analysis
Increase participation
Adapted from: Davenport, T. H. and Short, J. E., "The New Industrial Engineering: Information Technology and Business Process Redesign," Sloan Management
Review, Summer 1990, p. 17.
The Reengineering Diamond
Customers & Competitors
Values and
Suppliers Beliefs

Enlighten Foster

Customers Management &

Processes & & Info. Measurement
Functions Tech. Systems

Entail Demand

Jobs , Skills, &

Culture Structures Markets

• An intense customer focus, superior process

design and a strong and motivated leadership
are vital ingredients to the recipe for the
success of any business corporation.
Reengineering is the key that every
organization should possess to attain these
prerequisites to success.

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